Only a fool would ignore what his enemies are posting, in my opinion.
The ignore feature in most cases is self-defeating.
I can ignore most of what you say without putting you on ignore
Only a fool would ignore what his enemies are posting, in my opinion.
The ignore feature in most cases is self-defeating.
have you been banned?
Only a fool would ignore what his enemies are posting, in my opinion.
The ignore feature in most cases is self-defeating.
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 3rd, 2012 09:30 AM
toldailytopic: What does it take to survive on TOL, and can you predict those who will?
No sir, why do you ask?
toldailytopic: What does it take to survive on TOL, and can you predict those who will?
What about in cases where the one you have been in disagreement with quits dialoguing and simply parades out the same old one-liners over and over again as if they were actual arguments? At what point do we shake the dust off our sandals?
I think the biggest thing is to be able to walk away from a conversation frustrated, annoyed, perhaps even disappointed with your opponent and talk to them again in a different thread fresh without all that baggage. There are some exceptions, but the people you end up talking to a lot are gonna be from a small core set, and if you can get along with enough of them in the long run, you're probably ok.
Of course having a thick skin is often necessary too.
What did you think, sir!? You are most certainly one of the exceptions we must beware of. :up:
Good psychology. People invested in a thing enjoy it more and feel more a part of it.My Top Twenty for Surviving on TOL, in no particular order:
1. Pay for a subscription every year or more![]()
You're just saying that to get me going aren't you?2. Don’t take the bait—ignore those that continue to annoy and/or provoke you
Personal favorite: This.3. Start your threads with descriptive titles
I don't know. Some of the funniest threads have been attempts to upbraid the admin...not funny for the poster, of course, but if you want to make a homily you have to break a few threads...something like that.4. Don’t tug on Superman’s cape—respect theAdmins/Mods
Couldn't agree more, which is why I'll never support subsidies for ethanol.5. Review a thread before jumping in so you understand the topic and contexts
Amen! You give those Calvinists what for AMT! :thumb:6. Do your homework and get to know your opponent—review their previous posts
:think:...too late now. Though in my defense it's done wonders for a few smiles around here.7. Cast pearls wisely, as the entrenched are not worth much effort, 2 John 1:10-11
8. Be wary of AB.
Whoa!!! Brilliant list!! :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:My Top Twenty for Surviving on TOL, in no particular order:
1. Pay for a subscription every year or more
2. Don’t take the bait—ignore those that continue to annoy and/or provoke you
3. Start your threads with descriptive titles
4. Don’t tug on Superman’s cape—respect the Admins/Mods
5. Review a thread before jumping in so you understand the topic and contexts
6. Do your homework and get to know your opponent—review their previous posts
7. Cast pearls wisely, as the entrenched are not worth much effort, 2 John 1:10-11
8. Quote posts accurately—forging quotes is dishonest and a sure sign of desperation
9. Learn how to post content and get familiar with BBcode
10. Engendering strife is not Biblical, Phil. 1:15; 2:3; 2 Tim. 2:22-26; James 3:14, 16
11. Offer correction Biblically, per Galatians 6:1; 1 Peter 3:15-16
12. Don’t make drive-by posts just to get noticed or increase post counts
13. No gamesmanship—if you have a point, make it—versus asking vague questions hoping for a “gotcha!”
14. Never draw first blood in a discussion—mud slung first is ground lost
15. Be a good steward of your gifts and time—not everyone deserves it and you are not obligated to give it unworthily, Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 5:15-17; Psalm 90:12; Isaiah 49:4
16. This is a discussion site, not a blog—master the difference
17. Confrontation is not a bad thing (but see #10 and 11 above), Ezekiel 33:6; 2 John 1:7-8
18. Obey the rules and get to know the biases of the management
19. Keep your post on point and try to keep its length manageable
20. Before you act, pass the “glorify God” litmus test, Romans 11:36; 1 Corinthians 10:31; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:8
As to the second part of the question, I will just say that those that have not or won't survive, typically trip over not a few of the above.
Indeed! Please post your full name, home mailing address and phone number (required by the delivery folks) and I will get this underway. :AMR:But you forgot one....
#21 Occasionally send Knight boxes or expensive cigars.
Thank you! Wow!Oh and by the way... POTD :first:
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 3rd, 2012 09:30 AM
toldailytopic: What does it take to survive on TOL, and can you predict those who will?
:think:#21 Occasionally send Knight boxes or expensive cigars. :BillyBob:
Grammar patrol johnny on the spot!:think:
I can definitely afford to send you some boxes.:yesyes: