toldailytopic: What criteria do you use for patronizing businesses and companies in e


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I'm going to be straight and give some real advice, you can take it or leave it, nothing to me really, I expect you to mock it, maybe You'll surprise me, but if you do take it you'll have a much more harmonious outcome.

Uh, okay.

If you had told ImJerusha this, I may well have repped you because I would have agreed.

The day I get a pos rep from you I'll find a hat to eat. You rarely if ever show any interest in actual engagement with me here and usually just hit and run on my posts. No skin off my nose.

As for IM's rude and unnecessary behavior: It's obvious she sees no problem with what she said or who she said it to and that's really all I need to know.

This style makes the same point but better and doesn't show disdain for all Christians on a Christian based forum. My advice is basically to be cool, and allow for a conversation.

A conversation was exactly what IM and I were having. No need for you to jump in and try to play referee.

The Barbarian

I like the thin mints

I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but my wife really likes the Samoas. Which aren't bad at all.

But then, I like Chick-fil-A, too. Apparently, my appetites are politically incorrect.


New member
Barbarian observes:
Then you and Jesus have different ideas about what a Christian does.

Put some glasses on while you observe. Perhaps you won't make the same errors over and over again.
Little girls are not "wicked."

"Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God, to which all men are called."
You need to go back to Catechism class.
And it's incomprehensible to me why you want to treat them so. You're supposed to be a imitation of Christ.

Show me one place in Scripture where Yeshua tolerated sin.
Rather, you made up a new religion and want us to call it Christianity.

You would be surprised at how many Messianic Jews have distanced themselves from the rest of the Body for their lack of obedience to God's commands.
Well, let's take a look...
Matthew 23:5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries[a] wide and the tassels on their garments long; 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues;

I'm completely aware of Yeshua's attitude toward grandstanding. He also said "blessed are those who hunger after righteousness."
So you're a jerk to a little kid, because you want people to see you as righteous.

Your violin is getting entirely too squeaky. You've gone from little girl to little kid. There were no little kids and little girls aren't little anymore when they can show off their attributes and are old enough to bear children.
You've just picked out some parts you think fit your obsession, and made them your religion.

Well, it's becoming pretty clear to me that the faith of Yeshua may not be what you hold to. I owe Resurrection an apology.
Barbarian suggests a Christian approach:...

Barbarian needs to learn it first prior to suggesting it. The blind can not lead.
It would stand for you being a reasonable imitation of Christ.

Okay, next time I'll overturn their tables also
Being a life-long Christian, I'm not impressed by people randomly tossing Bible verses.

They're not random when you stand on them.
You're way out of line on this, and I think you're starting to realize it. This is not what Jesus did, and it is not what He wants you to do.

Actually, I was marveling at why God gave me the courage to stand and thanking Him.
I had five of my own.

I was a coach, a boy scout leader, a CCD instructor, and I happen to teach kids for a living. I know kids.

Careful, you're getting a little Pharasaical.
Odds are, she never thought about it, or even heard about the Girl Scouts' policy of non-discrimination.

Odds are she has parents who can't be bothered to teach her Who God is and what He expects of women. I wouldn't be much of a Christian woman if faithful instruction were not on my lips.
A firm faith is built on Christ, not on homophobia.

A firm faith in God and His Son has nothing to do with homosexuality for both consider it perverse and abominable behavior.
They wanted Him crucified. And they got what they want. Until you realize that things such as you did to that girl scout are the things that put Him on that cross, there's no hope for you.

You must not really be Catholic. You have no understanding of the Crucifix. I suggest you take up your cross and follow Him. I think that is the point of this thread...Knight wanted to know just how far we are willing to go in that endeavor. I can understand the atheist opinion in this thread but yours is a bit disappointing.


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Barbarian skewered you and quite effectively. I'm consistently amazed at the lengths you guys go to in order to justify vile behavior. Why not have the courage of your convictions and just be honest? Admit you're unpleasant and quit with the folderol.


Granite sucks up to his fellow atheist:
Barbarian skewered you and quite effectively. I'm consistently amazed at the lengths you guys go to in order to justify vile behavior. Why not have the courage of your convictions and just be honest? Admit you're unpleasant and quit with the folderol.


New member
You'd be wrong. We don't view Christians as jerks unless they are jerks. There are several Christians here who are very good people. I would never classify them as jerks. I know many in my own life too. Some of the kindest, most understanding and sweet people I have ever know are Christians. Why do assume we think you are all bad and then let that dictate your behavior?

Lukewarm one, you do not speak for all Jews.


New member
Barbarian skewered you and quite effectively. I'm consistently amazed at the lengths you guys go to in order to justify vile behavior. Why not have the courage of your convictions and just be honest? Admit you're unpleasant and quit with the folderol.

Gee, that's funny, I don't feel skewered. :) I feel "hot"!

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." -- Revelation 3:15-16. You "guys" need to pick a temp. Well, I guess you already have. Dunno about Barbie.


New member
I take it that you don't eat at chick fil a, in and out burger or have any needs for fabrics or bric a brac at hobby lobby do you?

Oh, I love those places. Matter of fact, I'm heading to one of them right now. Wish I could meet up with you there and treat ya! It would be my pleasure!


New member

Neither do you. Just sayin'.

Oh, me, not at all. I'm not Jewish so you can "say" til yer blue...ehrm, green...or whatever color suits you. I'm a Gentile in the faith expression Messianic Judaism. Dena knows what I mean. It's a little over your head. BTW, are you doing what you accused Vaquero of? Huh!


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, me, not at all. I'm not Jewish so you can "say" til yer blue...ehrm, green...or whatever color suits you. I'm a Gentile in the faith expression Messianic Judaism. Dena knows what I mean. It's a little over your head. BTW, are you doing what you accused Vaquero of? Huh!

No, not at all. (I'm Jewish on my mom's side and have been amused by messianiac Jews for a while. I mean, yeesh.)


New member
No, not at all. (I'm Jewish on my mom's side and have been amused by messianiac Jews for a while. I mean, yeesh.)

Ah, so you understood what I was saying to Dena then when I said she doesn't speak for all Jews, and that's why you chose to intercede (pardon the term) for her. Very good! :blabla: :carryon:


New member
Hall of Fame
Ah, so you understood what I was saying to Dena then when I said she doesn't speak for all Jews, and that's why you chose to intercede (pardon the term) for her. Very good! :blabla: :carryon:

Not at all. Dena's a big girl and can more than handle herself. She doesn't need any help from me or anyone else.

Shop local and don't be a bigot.