toldailytopic: What criteria do you use for patronizing businesses and companies in e


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Hall of Fame
I realize it's tough to argue with God and His word when you don't believe in Him, but that is really who your argument is with.

No, not at all. Stop hiding behind a book. That's a hoot! Whatever gave you that idea? Kinda grasping at straws with that one, weren't you?!

You said you owned over twenty cats.:chuckle:


New member
No, not at all. Stop hiding behind a book.

When one is a believer, Granite, Scripture and Ruach HaKodesh are the authority and man's words become a mere footnote. I'm only doing as I should as a temple of the living God. I was being serious, Granite, you need to make your arguments with God or, as you said, you are wasting your time.

You said you owned over twenty cats.:chuckle:

Well, actually, 25 and they own themselves. God and me make sure they have plenty to eat and I've got their backs against predators.


New member
Hall of Fame
When one is a believer, Granite, Scripture and Ruach HaKodesh are the authority and man's words become a mere footnote. I'm only doing as I should as a temple of the living God. I was being serious, Granite, you need to make your arguments with God or, as you said, you are wasting your time.

Well, actually, they own themselves. God and me make sure they have plenty to eat and I've got their backs against predators.

Wrong again. I'm making my arguments and having a discussion with you. But you seem unable to unwilling to have an actual discussion. And you seem to be implying that dealing with you's like dealing with the almighty, and I can't think of anything more deluded, arrogant, or egomaniacal.

Shop local and stop tormenting children.


New member
Wrong again. I'm making my arguments and having a discussion with you. But you seem unable to unwilling to have an actual discussion. And you seem to be implying that dealing with you's like dealing with the almighty, and I can't think of anything more deluded, arrogant, or egomaniacal.

Shop local and stop tormenting children.

Oh well, I tried! Maybe one night in the dark silence, you'll remember my words and have a chat with Hashem. Until then, you're just spinning your wheels. :rapture:


Well, actually, 25 and they own themselves. God and me make sure they have plenty to eat and I've got their backs against predators.

My SIL runs a dairy farm and at any given time she has at least that many if not more.

No mice, rats or pigeons in the grain bins for her!


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh well, I tried! Maybe one night in the dark silence, you'll remember my words and have a chat with Hashem. Until then, you're just spinning your wheels. :rapture:

I doubt I'll ever think about you in the dark, cupcake, but go on flattering yourself.:chuckle:


[Refusing to Be Late on Gay Marriage by James B. Stewart [Re: Pro-Sodomite Companies]) "...Until now, many large consumer companies seemed to fear that taking a stand might prompt organized boycotts. Of course, given the presence on the briefs of so many companies like Armani, Abercrombie & Fitch, eBay, Estée Lauder, Facebook, Google, Nike, Office Depot and Tiffany, it might be hard for protesters to know where to begin..." Full text: Refusing to Be Late on Gay Marriage

Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27). :vomit:


New member
Hall of Fame
batter dipped with a bit of gravy?

delicious! :chew:
