toldailytopic: Underwear bombs, shoe bombs, what should be done to protect us?

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The Berean

Well-known member

Did you know that back in the day there was a $1,000,000 reward for anyone who could steal an army aircraft from The Mainland and deliver it to the Taiwanese?


I wonder how many people actually tried to do it? :think:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I wonder how many people actually tried to do it? :think:
Tried? I got six Migs, a Tupolev and a Harbin Z-5 that the government is holding out on me for because I landed it in the water. :madmad:

But we're off topic. :)


[Outlaw underwear and shoes...] I've been saying that for years! :noid:
They might eventually move the bomb to inside the body. Can we ultrasound each passenger? No underwear, no shoes, no organs?

Today, I hear we have another problem. The Brits say that children passing through airport security would be showing their body parts and all of the sudden they care about child pornography. So, no body scans on children. Outlaw Jewish and Christian children?
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Swift, painful and public executions for terrorists. And if they're Muslim, some means to defile the body and prevent them from entering their "heaven" - wrap the body in pigskin, etc.

A C.A.I.R. representative said on Fox News yesterday that if we profile, the terrorists win. I don't think they will approve the pork jerky idea.


Profile, and don't let them on the plane when his dad says he is loyal to radical islam, and means to murder people.
He got on the plane with no passport! ( Neither you nor I could get on an international flight without a passport and our ticket stamped "Docs ok".

Ask yourself: How did this happen? Who is in charge? Where does the buck stop? Either it is still George Bush's fault or it is not.

Stop saying "radical Islam". "Islam" is fine. When you blow up planes filled with infidels you are being a good follower of your faith. When you are neither hot nor cold no doubt Allah would spit you out. :vomit:


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Arm flight attendants and pilots, send them to shooting classes, and teach them that, if they have to, they should shoot to kill.


Stripe;2232816 said:
"Buy your own plane. And learn to fly. And don't have any friends."

Study infidel made planes. Learn to fly. Have many friends in Al qaeda. If you can't beat 'em. Join 'em. :cheers:


Let me guess... you know how to fly.

He's half way there. Now, one final stop at a strip club, a few flem-in-your-throat-rantings and you're good to go rape those virgins. :cheers:

...I forget. What do women get but a dirty yak (Ingraham) raping them for an eternity? :squint: Any C.A.I.R. representatives or Imams who could help us out with this?
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Well-known member
I think, above all, we need a president and legislative branch, who understand that we are at war with an enemy that wants to destroy us. I'm sure most of you have heard this sentiment before.

Then we need to be proactive against that enemy ... and we certainly don't need our leaders attaching ear marks to bills delegated for improving our military situation.

I would suggest that citizens vote out all those leaders who vote for anything that deters our war on Islamic terrorists. Complete turn over if needed - beginning in 2010.


I would suggest that citizens vote out all those leaders who vote for anything that deters our war on Islamic terrorists. Complete turn over if needed - beginning in 2010.

Problem is, there are worse men right behind them (Ex 23:2).


New member


The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 30th, 2009 12:13 PM

toldailytopic: Underwear bombs, shoe bombs, etc. what should be done to protect our commercial airliners?

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Explosives sniffing dogs could do a very good job. But I don't think I could tolerate having my private parts sniffed nor would I wish to endure watching everyone else being subjected to a darn good sniffing! Perhaps Christians could carry signs stating "Become a Christian and stay alive!" bybee


Explosives sniffing dogs could do a very good job. But I don't think I could tolerate having my private parts sniffed nor would I wish to endure watching everyone else being subjected to a darn good sniffing!
Explosive-sniffing dogs may seem intrusive but loosing our diversity would be worse. I hope emotional companion cats and explosive-sniffing dogs will get along ok.


Well-known member
Problem is, there are worse men right behind them (Ex 23:2).

Quite possible. I have found out how hard it is to tell exactly who is telling the truth. Some people have let me down at state level.

But it is possible to be a better citizen. What you have to do is get to know these people personally. That can be done, if you join local or state organizations that think like you do ... then receive their email updates ... and even go to meetings where these candidates come among you to speak and answer questions. You also get to network with people who know them... then you think you have found the truth, you can campaign for them in many ways.

Start at your state level
... for state and local leaders usually end up in Washington. Takes time - YES. Easy - NO...
But, if voters were better informed of truth - instead of just listening to campaign self-glorification speeches churned out by political agenda machines- just think what a difference it might make in elections. We might have statesmen instead of what we have now.

There are good people out there.


Well-known member
I know they have some really sophisticated scanning technologies that are used to check trucks for contraband and illegal aliens. I would think it could be adapted to airports. I'm amazed how much Stone has aged since Total Recall was made. Well the movie is almost 20 years old.
VACIS is the equipment the US CBP uses to check each and every package and truck on ships coming in when they do a random seizure for inspection. I know, because one of our customers had a press on board a ship that was selected, and it wouldn't fit inside the VACIS machine. Basically it is a huge and very sophisticated X-ray (gamma ray) machine that can be adjusted to be able to see through just about anything. Since the press was too big, it had to be disassembled and inspected manually, which took CBP about six weeks to complete. The demurrage and storage bill to the customer was over $50,000. We ended up splitting the bill with them, just to keep them happy, even though it was their responsibility.

Because of so many items not fitting inside the 'rollover' unit, which simply rolls over the truck's payload or the container, they designed a newer one with a retractable arm that allows them to scan nearly any size container. The machines were designed by another one of our customers: Los Alamos National Laboratories. SAIC is one of the contractors the government buys them from now.
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