"And you think each and every Muslim is a terrorist?"
good Muslim is a terrorist. That is what their faith teaches. Are you uninformed? This is a time for the watching world to make a value judgment about the teachings of Islam. Either Islam is true or it is false. You still don't know the answer to that question yet? (Mt 7:16). Someday maybe you will wake up to the world around you (Eph 6:12). Bombs, children's faces begin removed with piano wire before their parents, etc. These things help to clarity for the slow learner.
"Religious fanatics all think alike..."
So you were dropped on your head as a child. If you think all religions are the same, you are willfully ignorant (2 Ti 4:3). Reality reveals something different.
"...hold dominance over all people!"
Christ is the basis for freedom (Jn 8:36). Perhaps you are confused. Do you replace the true and living God with animals, trees or dirt? (Ro 1:18-23).
"The world would be a much better place if all right wing adherents could be eliminated!"
People like you have been around since Christians were fed to lions. We are prepared (Lk 22:36). If someone is coming to kill you, get up early and kill him first.~ Hebrew Proverb. In general, liberal, tree hugger hippies are not a threat.
The Bible is a black and white book. You have no moral compass (Rom. 2:14, 15). You're spiraling. Grab hold of that dirt. Maybe you'll catch an earthworm. See if he can save you pagan (Isa 57:13). :idunno: