Longing to get off this planet and transported to heaven isn't escapist. Uh-huh.
Like Paul, we are torn (Phil.). We want to be with the one we love and see Him face to face (I Jn. 3:2). This is no different than distanced human relationships. I personally want to live out my full life here since there is much to do and experience here. I have eternity to experience eternity, so what is the rush? I want to see loved ones, but I can wait.
What Christian teen wants to get raptured before they get married, have sex, have kids, etc. I wanted to see the completion of Star Wars, the next U2 concert, the next Star Trek movie, finish my black belt, graduate from school, etc.
You overestimate the few who have an escapist feeling due to their own immaturity and lack of coping ability; you underestimate the legitimacy of longing to see Jesus and the saints and His kingdom triumph; you wrongly evaluate the motives of those who have a balanced perspective on these things.
If we turn the mirror on you, your life is a vapor, a fading flower. You have no invisible means of support, no eternal hope, the fear of you being wrong and going to hell (you can suppress truth, but it will keep popping up), etc. No matter how fulfilling and long this life is for you, it falls short of what it could have been. You may be content from a selfish perspective, but God's view is what matters in the end.
I have abundant and eternal life with no regret. You have this life and will have an eternity of regret if you do not return to the faith.