toldailytopic: The rapture. When will it happen and what will it be like?

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So why are so many of you actively involved in trying to change it?

I don’t believe Christians should try to change the world. Its Satan’s planet, Satan is the prince of the planet.

What we are supposed to do is stay firm in our beliefs, and be a light to the rest of the world by telling the rest of the world about Jesus Christ.

So, changing the planet will accomplish nothing. Christians that are activists for things like world peace, abortion, animal rights, save the environment, etc are just wasting their time.

Most Christian activists are really just filling their desire for self righteousness.


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This is a common misperception of I Cor. 15:52.

The verse does not say we will be raised in the twinkling of an eye. Instead it says we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.

I believe we will be raised up in the air just as slowly as Christ was raised up in the air in Luke 24:51.

I'll remember this next time you call something you disagree with "wacky" or "crazy" or "outlandish."


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I don’t believe Christians should try to change the world. Its Satan’s planet, Satan is the prince of the planet.

What we are supposed to do is stay firm in our beliefs, and be a light to the rest of the world by telling the rest of the world about Jesus Christ.

So, changing the planet will accomplish nothing. Christians that are activists for things like world peace, abortion, animal rights, save the environment, etc are just wasting their time.

Most Christian activists are really just filling their desire for self righteousness.

I'm genuinely surprised and impressed by your honesty.


I'm genuinely surprised and impressed by your honesty.

Not too many Christians agree with me. Especially the owner of this site and those of the Denver Bible Church that are big on fighting abortion.

If abortion ceased today, and there never was another abortion ever, this would still be Satan’s planet, there would still be murder, war, rape, theft, etc. Christians are fooled into thinking that they can make Satan’s planet a better place.

If they redirected their efforts into preaching the gospel to unbelievers, and learning God’s word (reading the Bible), they would be doing what they are supposed to be doing instead of trying to fix Satan’s planet.

What they do is no different than the Christian mothers who go to Washington DC to try to stop wars. Christ said that there will be wars and rumors of wars until He returns, but that doesn’t stop the Christians from trying to stop the wars.

My job is not to fix Satan's planet.


Well-known member
When Christ returns it will be His final return. All believers will be caught up in the air with him, and then the graves will open and all believers from the past will be taken up also.

Then comes Judgment Day.

1Th 4:16-18

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.


1Th 4:16-18

16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

You're right, I got it backwards.



Well-known member
Not too many Christians agree with me. Especially the owner of this site and those of the Denver Bible Church that are big on fighting abortion.

If abortion ceased today, and there never was another abortion ever, this would still be Satan’s planet, there would still be murder, war, rape, theft, etc. Christians are fooled into thinking that they can make Satan’s planet a better place.

If they redirected their efforts into preaching the gospel to unbelievers, and learning God’s word (reading the Bible), they would be doing what they are supposed to be doing instead of trying to fix Satan’s planet.

What they do is no different than the Christian mothers who go to Washington DC to try to stop wars. Christ said that there will be wars and rumors of wars until He returns, but that doesn’t stop the Christians from trying to stop the wars.

My job is not to fix Satan's planet.

Ps 82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

It was "Satan's planet" when God said that.

Don't disrespect those who are called to defend the fatherless unborn in accordance with God's will.


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Do any of you monarchists in particular expect the rapture soon, or in your lifetime?

''Perhaps Today'- Jack Van Impe

The imminent return of Christ for the Church (rapture) has been the expectation of the early church, including Paul, and all generations of believers. His return with the Church (revelation/Second Coming) is 7 years later and preceded by signs.


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I don’t believe Christians should try to change the world. Its Satan’s planet, Satan is the prince of the planet.

What we are supposed to do is stay firm in our beliefs, and be a light to the rest of the world by telling the rest of the world about Jesus Christ.

So, changing the planet will accomplish nothing. Christians that are activists for things like world peace, abortion, animal rights, save the environment, etc are just wasting their time.

Most Christian activists are really just filling their desire for self righteousness.

how are you going to be a light to the rest of the world
you don't have it right?


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Well I imagine the escapist quality inherent in this bizarre (and relatively new) theory has a definite appeal.

You realize hoping for the rapture's just one shade away from hoping for death, yes?

Pre-trib does not and should not lead to an escape mentality.

Apart from various views, we should know that He is returning and we should occupy until He comes. The chronology and details are more speculative.

If you expect your parents home soon, you are more motivated to clean the party mess up quicker than if you don't expect them for a few days.

We look forward to His return, but this does not mean we sit on a hill in white robes and navel gaze. Nor does it mean we live in fear looking for an easy way out.

We live as if He will return today, but plan as if He will not in our life time (hence wise to have investments, insurance, buy a house, get a career, etc.).


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So why are so many of you actively involved in trying to change it? Anything you do will be undone (and HOW) once the Antichrist runs the show, yes? And the world is heading down the tubes, anyway. I guess I wonder about the schizophrenia inherent to pre-trib Christianity: on the one hand you guys fiendishly beaver away at trying to profoundly change the world, yet on the other hand must acknowledge nothing you do will last throughout the Great Tribulation.

There is a life of stewardship to live now and an eternity in a different realm/order. There will also be a new heaven and earth (the earth is not going away).

Using your mentality, there would be no progress in the Church/world for 2000 years. We live in society, the City of God on earth and in heaven. We are dual citizens with responsibility, pleasures/leisure, work, etc.

Our primary job is to be worshippers of God and ambassadors for Christ. There are no U-Hauls behind hearses so we labor to bring other people with us. The Great Commission/Commandment is our passion, but this does not preclude enjoying the beauty of earth and being good citizens in a culture that does not have room for God.

This is superior to atheistic views that have no future hope, but can still justify making the most of the world we find ourselves in.

Jesus was not pie in the sky and lived a full life on earth. He is now continuing in heaven, but will return to restore the rule of God. He comes to give abundant and eternal life. I am not sure why you think there is a problem.

Do you want to join us or continue living like a hairless ape or dog who will return to dust? There is a great destiny for believers (rule and reign with Christ in heaven/earth), and a dreadful damnation for those who reject Him and remain separated from Him forever.

There is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun. Don't fault us for wanting to plunder 'hell' to populate heaven (Bonnke).


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If you expect your parents home soon, you are more motivated to clean the party mess up quicker than if you don't expect them for a few days.

Even if they're taking you away forever to an endless vacationland full of joy and you're leaving the ratty house behind? Analogy doesn't quite add up.


New member
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This is superior to atheistic views that have no future hope, but can still justify making the most of the world we find ourselves in.

I'm not here for a urinating contest, gr.

Jesus was not pie in the sky and lived a full life on earth. He is now continuing in heaven, but will return to restore the rule of God. He comes to give abundant and eternal life. I am not sure why you think there is a problem.

...I think I've already explained the dichotomy between pre-trib Christianity's expectations and their actions.

Do you want to join us or continue living like a hairless ape or dog who will return to dust?

I don't know what got your underwear twisted but I have zero interest in this kind of discussion.


Well-known member
The focus on end times, without proper perspective, leads many to a 'who cares' attitude, regarding The Word of God. We ought to be about our Father's Business, salvation, rather than looking for an escape. We ought to hope that He does come to take us home tonight, but live like He's coming any minute, and try to lead as many as we can to salvation, so that they might escape the great tribulation that's coming.


Well-known member
We live as if He will return today, but plan as if He will not in our life time (hence wise to have investments, insurance, buy a house, get a career, etc.).

A couple hundred thousand people die each day. From the moment they die to the time they are resurrected, from their perspective, is likely an instant. Therefore, if you should live as if He will return today, you should live as if you will die today.


Well-known member
A couple hundred thousand people die each day. From the moment they die to the time they are resurrected, from their perspective, is likely an instant. Therefore, if you should live as if He will return today, you should live as if you will die today.


Ps 82:3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

It was "Satan's planet" when God said that.

This was addressed to Israelites. God told the Israelites to take care of their fellow Israelites.

It’s the same thing in the BOC. We in the BOC are to take care of the poor, widows, orphans, senior citizens, etc that are believers.

For all of the poor, widows, orphans, and senior citizens that are not believers, are first priority is to tell them about Jesus Christ.

Remember Albert Schweitzer?

From Wikipedia:

He planned to spread the Gospel by the example of his Christian labor of healing, rather than through the verbal process of preaching, and believed that this service should be acceptable within any branch of Christian teaching.

Albert Schweitzer decided that he was just going to heal people instead of preaching the gospel. He went to Africa; and during the course of his lifetime, Schweitzer was able to help thousands of people, as far as their physical health was concerned.

Many of the natives of Africa almost worshipped him as if he were God, even though he was a white man. Yet today, where is the influence of Albert Schweitzer?

He was a good man; he was sincere and did many wonderful things; but he did not bring about any permanent change. The natives of Africa are still just as poor as before. There are wars, famine, and genocide still going on today in Africa just like before Schweitzer.

They didn’t learn a thing from Albert Schweitzer because their nature hasn’t been changed.

So, here’s a man who went to Africa and spent a lifetime there doing many wonderful things; but he brought about no lasting changes for the Africans because he didn’t preach the gospel.

There is nothing wrong with helping people, but only if preaching the gospel comes first if they are not a beliver. When helping unbelievers replaces preaching the gospel to them, then it is meaningless.

Don't disrespect those who are called to defend the fatherless unborn in accordance with God's will.

Different thread topic.

However, I don’t agree that God calls people to defend the unborn.
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