toldailytopic: The Palestinians vs. the Israelis - war is beginning to brew. Who's si


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Neither side is lily-white in their virtue, but Israel at least strives to minimize civilian casualties when possible. Hamas makes every attempt to targetcivilians.

Easy to say when one has laser guided weapon systems and the other makes it in their garage with spare parts. Although I do agree with your post

Junius Gallio

New member
Easy to say when one has laser guided weapon systems and the other makes it in their garage with spare parts. Although I do agree with your post

Even easier when one side deliberately places their weapon emplacements and caches inside schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, and mosques.


Well-known member


Instead of rebuking the Jews/Israelis and telling them about Jesus Christ; Dispies/Futurists/Zionists send money to them, plant trees, help build housing, etc, and tell them over and over again that they are God's chosen people.

The whole situation in the Middle East is a mess. On one hand you have a Christ rejecting people that attempt to live under the law (who are helped by Dispies/Futurists/Zionists) at war against an evil false god (Allah the moon god) worshiping people who follow a false prophet (Muhammad).

At least you have one thing right in your post.


Get your armor ready!
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Blessed are the peacemakers

"Peacemakers" are ones who do what is necessary to end discord/conflict.
"Peacemakers" are not ones who sit idly by and let the chips fall where they may.

Judges, priests, and kings of Israel were peacemakers, as they would do what was necessary to end problems between two parties restoring peace within their society.

A peacemaker would make a judgement between two parties in which a crime or dispute happened between two parties. Most would end by a judgement of restitution or punishment even to the point of the death penalty.

A peacemaker would counterattack any attackers by driving them back, accepting a surrender, or killing them in battle, thus restoring peace to the nation.

The ultimate peacemaker is God, who will bring about everlasting peace in the world through battle, conquest, and death to the wicked oppressors.


Well-known member
Even easier when one side deliberately places their weapon emplacements and caches inside schools, hospitals, neighborhoods, and mosques.

True again sir. But then again Gaza is one open aired prison. There isn't many places you can store missiles and weapons. Which puts Palestinians at a severe disadvantage in world opinion.


New member
Neither side is lily-white in their virtue, but Israel at least strives to minimize civilian casualties when possible. Hamas makes every attempt to targetcivilians.

You mean like the jews did when they killed Jesus? What we are saying is that "Sinners" killed Jesus. PERIOD.

Listen, there is no such thing as the lie you promote. A little leaven spoils the whole lump, and God is not concerned about half hearted striving, as if it is better than none at, stop pretending like WE should think like that.


Well-known member
‘It is not a war. It is murder.’

November 18, 2012| News | John Glaser

Here is Noam Chomsky’s statement on Israel’s latest aggression in Gaza:

“The incursion and bombardment of Gaza is not about destroying Hamas. It is not about stopping rocket fire into Israel, it is not about achieving peace.

The Israeli decision to rain death and destruction on Gaza, to use lethal weapons of the modern battlefield on a largely defenseless civilian population, is the final phase in a decades-long campaign to ethnically-cleanse Palestinians.

Israel uses sophisticated attack jets and naval vessels to bomb densely-crowded refugee camps, schools, apartment blocks, mosques, and slums to attack a population that has no air force, no air defense, no navy, no heavy weapons, no artillery units, no mechanized armor, no command in control, no army… and calls it a war. It is not a war, it is murder.

When Israelis in the occupied territories now claim that they have to defend themselves, they are defending themselves in the sense that any military occupier has to defend itself against the population they are crushing. You can’t defend yourself when you’re militarily occupying someone else’s land. That’s not defense. Call it what you like, it’s not defense.”

Chomsky recently visited Gaza, writing about ‘the world’s biggest open-air prison’ at length upon return.

Contrary to how it is being portrayed, aggression does accurately describe what Israel is doing. Israel initiated this conflict. Israel had several opportunities to pacify the situation and re-establish a cease-fire, and chose instead to escalate. Civilian and government infrastructure is being targeted. As of the time of this writing, the number killed in Gaza has surpassed 80, 22 of them children, 9 of them elderly; 709 have been wounded, 230 of them children, 50 elderly. Three Israelis have been killed by Hamas rocket-fire.

Obama is still acting as a vocal advocate of Israel’s actions in Gaza. And Israel continues attack Gaza with an impunity granted them by American tax dollars, American support, American depravity.

Norm opens mouth again. While some of this is accurate, both sides are at fault here.

Junius Gallio

New member
You mean like the jews did when they killed Jesus? What we are saying is that "Sinners" killed Jesus. PERIOD.

Listen, there is no such thing as the lie you promote. A little leaven spoils the whole lump, and God is not concerned about half hearted striving, as if it is better than none at, stop pretending like WE should think like that.

In case you had not noticed, I was not commenting upon your religious beliefs. Knight asked a question, I answered his question. I was not addressing any of your statements, nor do your religious beliefs mean a thing to my view of the world.

Junius Gallio

New member
True again sir. But then again Gaza is one open aired prison.
And Israel is not only the jailer, but has very much become the bully after suffering from being bullied for so long.

Yes, Dr. Brumley, I am quite aware of the history. It reeks, no matter which side of the score you examine.


New member
Blessed are the peacemakers

"Peacemakers" are ones who do what is necessary to end discord/conflict.
"Peacemakers" are not ones who sit idly by and let the chips fall where they may.

Wrong. A true peacemaker is one who has the mind of Jesus Christ.
Those who do not mix the ways of the flesh/law, with the ways of faith working love, once love has had her perfect work, unto maturing an individual. You can only teach the schoolmaster as long as you are under that mindset, but it was never the mind of Jesus Christ.

God was never a peacemaker who killed innocents. The law of moses was not the law of God/Jesus.

Judges, priests, and kings of Israel were peacemakers, as they would do what was necessary to end problems between two parties restoring peace within their society.

..and, it was all a schoolmaster pointing to the ONE who was the Peacemaker, Jesus Christ, it was never EVER the mind, or heart of God, which we are to have the mind/heart formed after.

Faith working love. Love does NOT harm even his/her own enemies.

A peacemaker would make a judgement between two parties in which a crime or dispute happened between two parties. Most would end by a judgement of restitution or punishment even to the point of the death penalty.


A peacemaker would counterattack any attackers by driving them back, accepting a surrender, or killing them in battle, thus restoring peace to the nation.

Yes, under the schoolmaster that had no mercy or love. If you are a Christian, and desire the mind of Jesus Christ, you do not replace HIS law with the schoolmaster, nor do you teach your enemy to hate his brother.

The ultimate peacemaker is God, who will bring about everlasting peace in the world through battle, conquest, and death to the wicked oppressors.

God uses the wicked who are bound by the lesser form of law, to battle,, the point is, that IF you want to follow Jesus, you should adhere to the higher form of law, which is going to work love to one's enemies, not desire sacrifice, and teaches you to teach your brother the difference....through love.

If you want to work for the wicked servant, which is anyone who refuses to put the old system and it's law in it's ONLY place, then go at it...Verily, you will be judged by what you desire.


New member
And Israel is not only the jailer, but has very much become the bully after suffering from being bullied for so long.

Yes, Dr. Brumley, I am quite aware of the history. It reeks, no matter which side of the score you examine.

True, that is because the flesh can only serve the flesh. It is not subject to the law of God and indeed cannot be...which btw is the reason Jesus came to set men free from that old system, (the schoolmaster, or letter), so that they could then CHOOSE to serve Him. (through love).

Most prefer to return to their own vomit, and evil working evil...continues.


Well-known member
True, that is because the flesh can only serve the flesh. It is not subject to the law of God and indeed cannot be...which btw is the reason Jesus came to set men free from that old system, (the schoolmaster, or letter), so that they could then CHOOSE to serve Him. (through love).

Most prefer to return to their own vomit, and evil working evil...continues.

Good post....


New member
In case you had not noticed, I was not commenting upon your religious beliefs. Knight asked a question, I answered his question. I was not addressing any of your statements, nor do your religious beliefs mean a thing to my view of the world.

Yes, I know.

Likewise, my comments are the same.

I speak truth, so that those who may desire it, may choose to believe. I am not, nor was I trying to force my views on you.

I already know that is impossible. You will see it how you DESIRE to see it.

Junius Gallio

New member
Bullied by who?
Europe. Russia. America, though to a lesser extent. All branches of the Christian church (with the possible exception of the various Brethren denominations) have participated at points in their history. As little as a century ago, the most common religious epithet for Jews was still "Christ-killers." ("Zionist" was reserved for political insults.)

A history of pogroms, expulsions, displacement, restricted ownership of property, restricted ability to enter trades. The mass-murders of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were both the pinnacle and the testament of a building that had been founded even before Christianity was the official religion of the Empire.

Desert Reign

I didnt mean, 'you' as in you personally, I meant 'you' as in anyone.

You did seem to choose them over Hamas.

..or are you saying that is not true?

I have no reason to have a chip on my shoulder, btw. I am free.

You may well have meant 'anyone' but it still wasn't an issue that I raised in my post. My post was in answer to the question "Whose side are you on - the Palestinians or the Israelis?" The Israelis' spiritual standing with God is not an issue here. The question was a political one. And even if one believes that the Israelis are somehow a special people, it only results in a coloured political attitude towards them and nothing more than that.

Even - most of the world is out of fellowship with God, let alone the Israelis or the Palestinians. If it is relevant as you seem to think it is, that the Israelis are objects of God's wrath, then why make the point in reference to Israelis as if that made any difference to the issue? If most of the world is so, then there is no point in discussing the OP. There wouldn't be any point in discussing any political question. 'Where do you stand on the Tamil issue?' - Oh, nowhere because they are both the same, they are all lost. 'Whose side are you on, the democrats or the republicans?' Oh, neither because I am born again and they are both the same - all lost.

It's easy to see how bad people are. It is harder - but much more rewarding - to look positively. It is easy to watch idly, never taking a stand or making a decision, comforting yourself with the thought that all these people are going to hell anyway so why should I bother to help them?

The facts are that Hamas is a terrorist organisation and they rule their own people by terror let alone create terror for the Israelis. And in case you have not understood, my view has nothing to do with the Israelis being special or anything like that.


New member
Oh, you know--but are too self-centered to care?

So be it.

I am not speaking from self centeredness, I put that away when I put the schoolmaster away for good, and started obeying from the heart, the form of doctrine that Jesus taught, which is love and mercy...that does NOT teach any man to war....even with his enemies.


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Gaza’s ‘Long-Range Rockets’ Just Regular Rockets Without Explosives
Take Off the Warhead and the Empty Barrel Flies Further, Officials Note
by Jason Ditz, November 18, 2012

Much has been made of the “threat” posed by the seemingly longer-range rockets fired out of the Gaza Strip. Since the Israeli invasion the regular, barely explosive rockets that hit southern towns that even most Israelis aren’t that familiar with have been replaced by the menace of rockets hitting noteworthy places like Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Is this the smoking gun proving some nation is helping Gaza factions with rocket technology? Not at all, it turns out, as the rockets flying so much farther are the exact same metal tubes that tend to come out of the strip whenever Israel attacks, and the reason they are going further is that they took all the explosives and the warhead casing off.

“They’re pipes, basically,” one Israeli official noted. And while the flying chunks of cylindrical metal could conceivably clonk someone on the head, the menace posed by such devices is even more theoretical than the already marginal risk posed by Gaza’s usual retaliatory strikes.

Some Palestinian factions are denying this, insisting that it is all an Israeli plot to try to make their attacks seem less dangerous. Yet with the “long-range” fire seemingly not doing anything, the reports seem credible.

:rotfl: Wow, these missiles are not even missiles. :rotfl: