toldailytopic: The Palestinians vs. the Israelis - war is beginning to brew. Who's si


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I'm on the side of peace and those who desire it and work for it.

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

James 4:1-4 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Yes, and He still loves His enemies, but He does not condone their hating one another.


New member
Not only does the vast majority of the population of the nation of Israel reject the Lord Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel puts on one of the biggest Gay Pride parades in the world each year:


The "Israel of God" is not a piece of land in the Middle East, nor is it a group of people that reject the Lord Jesus Christ.


Amen, Tet.

Let 'em stand for something of the flesh. Let 'em exalt the flesh, to a place that God will one day bite 'em in the butt..especially, when God says to them, "why did you not rebuke them", with the gospel, that demands they walk in peace.


New member
How so bybee? facts about the Liberity being attack by Israel is well known, not my fault if your prejudice against muslim dims your ability to think of them as human.

What you want me to not say what I feel just to get along? I think the attack on Drake was self righteous witch hunt by people who might be blind has well on some things thats all! I never claimed to be better or worse.

Go jump on the band wagon if it makes you feel like your one of the gang.

Yes, to be comfortable one must find a 'band wagon' to support or feel they fit in.

Problem with that is, to be a Christian, you have to come out of the thing the band wagon supports. (the world.)


New member
How so bybee? facts about the Liberity being attack by Israel is well known, not my fault if your prejudice against muslim dims your ability to think of them as human.

What you want me to not say what I feel just to get along? I think the attack on Drake was self righteous witch hunt by people who might be blind has well on some things thats all! I never claimed to be better or worse.

Go jump on the band wagon if it makes you feel like your one of the gang.

I am a party of one.
You make an unjust charge against me. I am concerned for the Palestinian people. They are being destroyed by their leaders.
My faults are many.
Drake expresses bigoted genocidal views. You may call it a witch hunt, but, those of us who can see where he is headed are going to denounce his words. We are free to do so, individually and collectively if we wish.
Of course, you too, are free to link arms and voice with one such as Drake.
I expected better of you.

Desert Reign

I'd have to say "I'm on the Lord's side", but that might sound a little presumptuous.

I am certainly not on Hamas' side though.

I totally support the Israeli's position on the need for self-defence.

Hamas governs its own people with a very stiff rod and I am not sure that you can really blame the Palestinians (Gazans) as a whole, though I daresay they deserve some sort of blame for electing Hamas in the first place.

From the horse's mouth. A Hamas preacher, an ex Hamas member.


New member
I'd have to say "I'm on the Lord's side", but that might sound a little presumptuous.

I am certainly not on Hamas' side though.

I totally support the Israeli's position on the need for self-defence.

Hamas governs its own people with a very stiff rod and I am not sure that you can really blame the Palestinians (Gazans) as a whole, though I daresay they deserve some sort of blame for electing Hamas in the first place.

From the horse's mouth. A Hamas preacher, an ex Hamas member.

..and, who does a non believing jew serve? God?

Not hardly.

This is why you cannot claim they are serving anything different than Hamas.

They serve the flesh, period.

As the bible says, they serve Baal.

All non believers serve the flesh, and the god of this world, which is no god at all...but, the one they created, which is their OWN belly, which is just another term for the flesh.

Those who choose sides are led astray.

Rom 16:18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.


LIFETIME MEMBER will one day bite 'em in the butt..especially, when God says to them, "why did you not rebuke them", with the gospel, that demands they walk in peace.


Dispensationalism/Futurism/Zionism sends Jews to hell.

Instead of rebuking the Jews/Israelis and telling them about Jesus Christ; Dispies/Futurists/Zionists send money to them, plant trees, help build housing, etc, and tell them over and over again that they are God's chosen people.

The whole situation in the Middle East is a mess. On one hand you have a Christ rejecting people that attempt to live under the law (who are helped by Dispies/Futurists/Zionists) at war against an evil false god (Allah the moon god) worshiping people who follow a false prophet (Muhammad).


A common misconception. We ignore Jesus- we don't even bother 'rejecting' him.

Whether it's "ignore" or "reject", you make my point.

Dispies/Futurists/Zionists will tell you that you are God's chosen people, and that one day God is going to pick up where He left off in 30AD.

You and them agree on a future third temple complete with a High Priest, animal sacrifices, feast days, etc.

I on the other hand will be blunt with you, unless you believe in Christ Jesus, you will spend eternity in hell.

The only way to the Father is through the Son:

(John 14:6) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

P.S. This doesn't mean I support the evil godless Muslims, if you deny Christ Jesus, you will end up in the same place as your Hamas counterparts.


Well-known member
Not only does the vast majority of the population of the nation of Israel reject the Lord Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel puts on one of the biggest Gay Pride parades in the world each year:


The "Israel of God" is not a piece of land in the Middle East, nor is it a group of people that reject the Lord Jesus Christ.


Things like this concern me ... also the fact that the American Jewish citizens vote for presidents and such who support abortion and other things which the Bible teaches is an abomination of the LORD/YHWH. They have ruled in Hollywood for years producing more more godless entertainment as well.

Actually, I don't support Israel because they are "good," for no one but God is GOOD. Rather, I support the nation of Israel because God has a covenant with them ... and he says that nations who support Israel will be bless and those who are against Israel will deal with HIM.


Actually, I don't support Israel because they are "good," for no one but God is GOOD. Rather, I support the nation of Israel because God has a covenant with them ... and he says that nations who support Israel will be bless and those who are against Israel will deal with HIM.

That was under the Old Covenant.

We live in the New Covenant that was put into place with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile.


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Turkish PM Calls Israel a ‘Terrorist State,’ US State Dept. Refuses to Comment
John Glaser, November 19, 2012

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of carrying out terrorism in Gaza:

“Those who associate Islam with terrorism close their eyes in the face of mass killing of Muslims, turn their heads from the massacre of children in Gaza,” Erdogan told a conference of the Eurasian Islamic Council in Istanbul.

“For this reason, I say that Israel is a terrorist state, and its acts are terrorist acts,” he said.

In the State Department’s press briefing today, AP reporter Matt Lee pressed for some response to this statement (I will post the video when it’s available):


Well-known member
‘Flatten all of Gaza’
John Glaser, November 19, 2012

For those that haven’t seen it, a piece in Jerusalem Post by Gilad Sharon (Ariel Sharon’s son) grabbed some attention over the weekend. In it, he essentially argues for annihilating Gaza and its inhabitants.

First, he denounces the worry about civilian casualties, arguing that by virtue of being Palestinian, Gaza residents are guilty and are worthy targets.

The desire to prevent harm to innocent civilians in Gaza will ultimately lead to harming the truly innocent: the residents of southern Israel. The residents of Gaza are not innocent, they elected Hamas. The Gazans aren’t hostages; they chose this freely, and must live with the consequences.

And then mass murder:

We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza. The Americans didn’t stop with Hiroshima – the Japanese weren’t surrendering fast enough, so they hit Nagasaki, too.

There should be no electricity in Gaza, no gasoline or moving vehicles, nothing. Then they’d really call for a ceasefire.

This can be compared to the comment by Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai on Saturday: “The goal of the operation is to send Gaza back to the Middle Ages. Only then will Israel be calm for forty years.”


New member
I never claimed anything about who the Israelis are serving. You have got a chip on your shoulder.

I didnt mean, 'you' as in you personally, I meant 'you' as in anyone.

You did seem to choose them over Hamas.

..or are you saying that is not true?

I have no reason to have a chip on my shoulder, btw. I am free.


New member
That was under the Old Covenant.

We live in the New Covenant that was put into place with the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile.

Amen, and as long as men keep building back up the old system to judge through, (even though they claim they aren't), it is clear for all to see, that choosing between two 'people' who are both in the flesh is rediculous.

Ony by belief are we made subject to the SEED of Abraham...and, that is the way it has always been.


New member

Dispensationalism/Futurism/Zionism sends Jews to hell.

Instead of rebuking the Jews/Israelis and telling them about Jesus Christ; Dispies/Futurists/Zionists send money to them, plant trees, help build housing, etc, and tell them over and over again that they are God's chosen people.

The whole situation in the Middle East is a mess. On one hand you have a Christ rejecting people that attempt to live under the law (who are helped by Dispies/Futurists/Zionists) at war against an evil false god (Allah the moon god) worshiping people who follow a false prophet (Muhammad).

Exactly, and the way 'some' christians interpret the whole mess is that ONLY jews have a right to defend themselves, LOL.

I wonder why they refuse to give that same right to the muslims?

Rediculous bible interpretations.....will always have a rediculous outcome.

The truth of the matter is..for anyone is that IF you want to be given ANY rights, you must repent and believe, come out of the world, and stop treating your brother as if they were different than you.

Jesus saved all men from the curse of the law, it is 'religion' that builds it back up again. Religion is not Christianity.


New member
Whether it's "ignore" or "reject", you make my point.

Dispies/Futurists/Zionists will tell you that you are God's chosen people, and that one day God is going to pick up where He left off in 30AD.

You and them agree on a future third temple complete with a High Priest, animal sacrifices, feast days, etc.

I on the other hand will be blunt with you, unless you believe in Christ Jesus, you will spend eternity in hell.

The only way to the Father is through the Son:

(John 14:6) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

P.S. This doesn't mean I support the evil godless Muslims, if you deny Christ Jesus, you will end up in the same place as your Hamas counterparts.

I am glad someone has enough love to tell them the truth.

Junius Gallio

New member
Neither side is lily-white in their virtue, but Israel at least strives to minimize civilian casualties when possible. Hamas makes every attempt to targetcivilians.