toldailytopic: The Palestinians vs. the Israelis - war is beginning to brew. Who's si

You mean, turned them Jewish? o_O Somehow I don't think they'd be very happy with that. :chuckle:

This strategy, unless I'm mispercieving something, has worked extremely well in the past for Christian countries surrounded by Pagans.

They do, but homemade rockets don't hit Tel-Aviv.

They seem to value anonymity in their attacks, this alone is a purposeful act of confusion. Logic tells me that this should tick off the civilian population and cause them to react against the anonymous element.

Neither do I, but one wonders why their growth rate is so high. Countries that have a lot of poverty, paradoxically tend to have very high population growth rates. But there may be a lot more factors involved.

I don't know if that's a very hard one to explain, usually that seems to be the way of it. The more educated and less radical a country is, the more stuff like that seems to stabilize better.


Well-known member
Why Gaza?

According to Gershon Baskin, initiator and negotiator of the secret back channel for the release of Gilad Shalit, Ahmed al-Jabari, leader of the military wing of Hamas, was ready for a peace deal — which was in the works in the days before Jabari was assassinated in a targeted Israeli strike:

“My indirect dealings with Mr. Jabari were handled through my Hamas counterpart, Ghazi Hamad, the deputy foreign minister of Hamas, who had received Mr. Jabari’s authorization to deal directly with me….

“Passing messages between the two sides, I was able to learn firsthand that Mr. Jabari wasn’t just interested in a long-term cease-fire; he was also the person responsible for enforcing previous cease-fire understandings brokered by the Egyptian intelligence agency. Mr. Jabari enforced those cease-fires only after confirming that Israel was prepared to stop its attacks on Gaza. On the morning that he was killed, Mr. Jabari received a draft proposal for an extended cease-fire with Israel, including mechanisms that would verify intentions and ensure compliance. This draft was agreed upon by me and Hamas’s deputy foreign minister, Mr. Hamad, when we met last week in Egypt.”

This nails it: it shows why Israel escalated a series of routine border incidents into a major conflict: Hamas was ready to negotiate. Jabari was going to drop a gigantic “peace bomb” on Tel Aviv, and Netanyahu and his cabinet launched a preemptive strike to make sure it never hit its target. The last thing they wanted was peace breaking out in spite of their systematic provocations.


Well-known member
Well, considering where I live (Haifa), and that my son got his call to emergency reserve duty on Friday, it is clear where I stand on this. What I want is for this round to bring us a longer period of quiet- we shouldn't have repeat this every few years.

Shalom aleichem upon you, your family and your son. Am Yisrael Chai!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
This is an extreme simplification of a very complex problem. A list of countries and territories by population density shows that economic success does not correlate directly with population density. If you want an extreme example, Hong Kong and Singapore have higher population densities than the Gaza strip.
Alate is quite fond of taking ideas that are the opposite of reality and making them into evidence. :chuckle:

Many Israelis are resigned to the idea that we will have to do this every few years.
You think that appropriate?

On the other hand, we fought a supposedly unsuccessful war against the Hezbollah in Lebanon 6 years ago- and that border has been quiet since.
What was the nature of the work on the Hez?


Well-known member
What was the nature of the work on the Hez?

There was a lot of damage to infrastructure then. Civilian infrastructure as well as military. But one must be very careful when drawing conclusions. Lebanon is not Gaza. The internal politics in Lebanon are quite complex.

So "let's destroy stuff" will not necessarily calm Gaza down, and how or why that worked in Lebanon isn't that clear either.


Well-known member
Well, considering where I live (Haifa), and that my son got his call to emergency reserve duty on Friday, it is clear where I stand on this. What I want is for this round to bring us a longer period of quiet- we shouldn't have repeat this every few years.
I would not have pictured you quite so anti-christian with you living in the mix of things where you get support from them. Interesting :think:


Am Yisrael Chai!

Not only does the vast majority of the population of the nation of Israel reject the Lord Jesus Christ, the nation of Israel puts on one of the biggest Gay Pride parades in the world each year:


The "Israel of God" is not a piece of land in the Middle East, nor is it a group of people that reject the Lord Jesus Christ.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
There was a lot of damage to infrastructure then. Civilian infrastructure as well as military. But one must be very careful when drawing conclusions. Lebanon is not Gaza. The internal politics in Lebanon are quite complex.

So "let's destroy stuff" will not necessarily calm Gaza down, and how or why that worked in Lebanon isn't that clear either.


So if you were in charge, what would you attitude be? Maintain the status quo or do something different?


It might be,

Might be?

Previously you have said:

(fig tree is house of israel restored happened in 1948 when Israel once again became a nation)

You also said:

A biblical generation itself shows in scripture 30 years, 40 years and 70 years.

Since we know that 30 years and 40 years didn't work for you, that would leave the year 2018 as the year your Trib theory happens.

if you happened to witness the rapture, would you get saved or believe ufos took us all away?

Does "every eye see Him", or does He come "like a thief in the night"?


Well-known member
Why Zeke, I'm surprised at you! You, who so castigates others who show prejudice are actually guilty of prejudice?
What has happened to you?

How so bybee? facts about the Liberity being attack by Israel is well known, not my fault if your prejudice against muslim dims your ability to think of them as human.

What you want me to not say what I feel just to get along? I think the attack on Drake was self righteous witch hunt by people who might be blind has well on some things thats all! I never claimed to be better or worse.

Go jump on the band wagon if it makes you feel like your one of the gang.


New member
Listen, we're posting of bombs and rockets, death and destruction, we're posting of Israel as a nation, got that - a nation; and Israel's people the Israelites. They've heard the message of salvation and they'll hear it again, God has a way of doing things like, for now we are posting of the warring between the Israelites and and Palestinians. Israel has ever right to defend themselves against enemy aggression and retaliate in a manner that they feel is best.

Either a person is for Israel or they are not, being neutral is very difficult.​

When you become a Christian, you are commanded to love your enemies, ALL of them, and that means do not take sides.

How can you take a side of an enemy, when you love all of them?..and, btw, I know exactly what this thread is about.


New member
I think so too. I don't want really to pick sides but there isn't any point in me trying to pretend I am not biased. I do think we should separate Palestinians from Hamas in our minds. They are not one in the same.

Well, when you decide to become a Christian, you will have to learn to live by a different rule.

Loving one's enemies, does not allow for you to judge men by the you are so accustomed to doing.


New member
I hate to be the one to say it, but you're a nit-wit for having that particular opinion!!!! No offence to other "nit-wits" is intended except, for ones that hold to that ridiculous opinion!! The U.S. and Israel are allies, period!!!!

as always, you do nothing but judge by the flesh.

I have news for you, God is not pleased with anyone without faith.

You can pretend He takes sides with men of the flesh, but you and those like yourself are wrong.

In order for God to take a side 'after the flesh', He would of had to be like you, and forget His law of faith working love, would allow such.

Jesus loves the world, friend, He died for all men.

He was never a respector of persons after the flesh, and He never will be.

Learn some facts, and stop making yourself look like a fool.