Per, like TH and Nicholsmom, I too have been sizing up whether you are really kind and moral.
Rather, I held up a mirror in hopes he might reflect a bit. You could use a little of that, comes to it.
Notice how deep and substantive TH and Nicholsmom’s claims against you are?
What claims?
(But I do wonder what their reaction would have been if you had let it be known that had at some point emulated so many Biblical actions of God’s followers and actually lied or had a mistress or pillaged or been a drunkard or …
You're surprised that people act like people? That men are willfully imperfect? Then you don't understand the purpose of the cross...among other things, like history, philosophy, sociology...
So, without getting into the peculiarly context free, third rate theological rant, it appears that DBJ's idea of kind, polite, and moral amounts to judging others while holding a relativist's part
and NOT raping, killing, or indulging in other violent activities.
With a bar like that it's no wonder you'd think this highly of yourself.