New member
Per, like TH and Nicholsmom, I too have been sizing up whether you are really kind and moral. In you I didn’t detect any propensity towards the wanton slaughter of infants, as was commanded by TH’s and Nocholsmom’s God in times of old, so I can’t accuse you there. No apparent raping, like with the tens of thousands of virgin teenage girls spared to be taken as property by God’s soldiers after the rest of the girl’s family members were killed. Wholesale lying, robbery, cheating, nope – can’t get you on those. But Th and Nicholsmom caught you in a serious demonstration of depravity when you chose to rather accurately describe their deity as a “magic man”. Notice how deep and substantive TH and Nicholsmom’s claims against you are? (But I do wonder what their reaction would have been if you had let it be known that had at some point emulated so many Biblical actions of God’s followers and actually lied or had a mistress or pillaged or been a drunkard or …
Being a Christian is unkind and immoral?