toldailytopic: Spiritual Gifts. Do they still exist today?

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The Berean

Well-known member
Do you guys chant, "I wanna be like Mike?"

"In the name of the Mike, his Friend, and the Wholly Unsubstantiated Rumor against them. Amen."

"Have your received the Wholly Unsubstantiated Rumor?"


"Mike" goes by many names. "He" is everywhere! :shocked:


...and many other forms...

The Berean

Well-known member
Anyway, back to the OP, I wouldn't necessarily call what happened to my friend Mike as a "spiritual gift". But something divine certainly happened. God somehow "communicated" to Mike a very certain message for Mike to do something.


Well-known member
"Mike" goes by many names. "He" is everywhere!

I'm glad you left off Mickey. He has his own religion and legions of zealous Mouseketeers who will follow him to their deaths. When they are not burning Hannah and Barberra in effigy, they're corrupting our youth with tales of fairies and princes. They must be stopped, and holy jihad is the only way.

Clark Frugal

New member
Anyway, back to the OP, I wouldn't necessarily call what happened to my friend Mike as a "spiritual gift". But something divine certainly happened. God somehow "communicated" to Mike a very certain message for Mike to do something.
"But something divine certainly happened." Why couldn't this account with Mike be classified as an example of "Word of Knowledge" or "Word of Wisdom"? If it is a true story then Mike was Walking-by-the-Spirit. Can there be 'walking-by-the-spirit' without something from the revelation manifestations?


TOL Subscriber
"But something divine certainly happened." Why couldn't this account with Mike be classified as an example of "Word of Knowledge" or "Word of Wisdom"? If it is a true story then Mike was Walking-by-the-Spirit. Can there be 'walking-by-the-spirit' without something from the revelation manifestations?

Because "Mike" would be adding to the Word of God.

There are severe warnings in Scripture about claiming "God said," when indeed God has not "said." (e.g. Jeremiah 23:37-40)



Well-known member
Because "Mike" would be adding to the Word of God.

There are severe warnings in Scripture about claiming "God said," when indeed God has not "said." (e.g. Jeremiah 23:37-40)

Oh, give us a break! What he said has nothing to do with that.

We'll go preach Mike somewhere else, if it makes you happy.


Well-known member
Because "Mike" would be adding to the Word of God.

There are severe warnings in Scripture about claiming "God said," when indeed God has not "said." (e.g. Jeremiah 23:37-40)


So you are calling everyone whom God has spoken to since the completion of the canon a liar. And all because you think the canon is "that which is perfect to come."

So tell me, exactly how did you conclude that the bible is what was being talked about in that verse? Seems you've got about as much reason to believe that as I've got to believe I'm the 7th Angel of Revelation.


TOL Subscriber
Oh, give us a break! What he said has nothing to do with that.

We'll go preach Mike somewhere else, if it makes you happy.

Yeah, do. Please. Yuk it up elsewhere.

I will stick to what God has actually said to mankind, recorded in Holy Writ, and continue to discount what a Mike thinks God spoke special to him.

Bah . . .



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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 10th, 2010 12:14 PM

toldailytopic: Spiritual Gifts. Do they still exist today?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

Yes, they do.

We need them today, as much as they were needed in "Bible times."

Today is "Bible times" as much as the book of Acts.

We need power in the church.

The kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.

I Corinthians 4:20

II Corinthians 4:7

I Corinthians 12:1

I Corinthians 14:5

I Corinthians 2:15

Romans 8:14 and I John 3:1-2

Mark 16:17 One of the signs that follow believers is that they speak in tongues. Do you speak in tongues? If not, learn to believe.

Acts 2:38-39

Acts 5:32

Acts 8:6-8 Isn't it about time we believed to bring great joy to our cities? That is some serious health care reform.

Acts 8:29 Philip believed in the use of word of knowledge and word of wisdom

Acts 10:46 Speaking in tongues magnifies God. Who would not want to magnify God?

Galatians 5:16-17 We have been given the gift of holy spirit. We need to learn to use it to defeat our shortcomings. Any one here have any short comings? I still do.

Galatians 4:6

Romans 8:5-16

We become spiritually minded when we learn to use, as God intended, the spiritual gifts and manifestations that God made available to us.

That is a lot to consider.

Luke 11:11-13



Well-known member
God has NOT spoken since (or in addition) to the completion of the canon. (Revelation 22:18-19)


Really Nang? The Revelation passage is a warning not to add more visions to those given to John. It's a warning for those copying the message or reading it in church not to add their editorial comments as if it were from John and a part of his Revelation from God. It's a warning not to give ones pet theology an air of authority by tacking it onto John's epistle and make it sound like it was part of what God spoke to John.

It was quite common in those days to write a letter introducing ones pet theology and put Paul's or another apostle's name at the end so people will think it is authoritative. That's one reason it took 300 years for the church to sort out the authentic writings from the fake ones. THAT is what is being addressed in Rev. 22:18-19.

What spirit of unbelief must a person have to make this passage mean that God will not speak any more after that point or to think "that which is perfect to come" is the completed canon of scripture and therefore the gifts of the Spirit will cease?


TOL Subscriber
Really Nang? The Revelation passage is a warning not to add more visions to those given to John.

Really, Krsto?

Where does Scripture say what you claim?

Revelation 22:18-19 is a reiteration of warning and principle revealed by God through Moses in Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32.

You would be wise to pay heed, and repent of disregarding these commands, for the penalty cannot be more severe than what is determined against those who are not satisfied with the written Word inspired, preserved, and gifted to the church by the Holy Spirit, Himself.



Well-known member
Really, Krsto?

Where does Scripture say what you claim?

Revelation 22:18-19 is a reiteration of warning and principle revealed by God through Moses in Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32.

You would be wise to pay heed, and repent of disregarding these commands, for the penalty cannot be more severe than what is determined against those who are not satisfied with the written Word inspired, preserved, and gifted to the church by the Holy Spirit, Himself.


Um, Nang - Do you realize you just proved my point? You said, "God has NOT spoken since (or in addition) to the completion of the canon. (Revelation 22:18-19)." If the Spirit is reiterating what He warned in Deut. then by your logic "God has NOT spoken since (or in addition to) Moses (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32)."

You are correct though in saying he is reiterating the warning in Deut. to not add to the Word but clearly adding to the Word is not a prophet excercising his gift or else all prophets since Moses, including Jesus, would be at fault.

BTW - I have never known anyone who has excercised the gift of prophecy to suffer any penalties. Have you?


Well-known member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 10th, 2010 12:14 PM

toldailytopic: Spiritual Gifts. Do they still exist today?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

If you mean Gift of the Spirit, yes, they do exist today.

There is Science behind why they are not as profoundly expressed as was exemplified in the N.T.


Well-known member
The gift of Grace, the Holy Spirit. What more do we need?

We need more. We need the proof (at least for oneself) that one does have the gift of Grace.

This is validated by (our) your possessing at least one (i.e. even, the most simple) gift of the Spirit.

Having Grace of God is not in words (i.e. not in saying so), it is in having power, i.e. in possession of one or more gift of the Spirit.

Now at this last hour, one must stand on Truth (knowing and possessing gifts) and not simply on faith and/or belief.

. . . . . for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power (re. 1 Corinthians: 4 verse: 20)
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The Berean

Well-known member
"But something divine certainly happened." Why couldn't this account with Mike be classified as an example of "Word of Knowledge" or "Word of Wisdom"? If it is a true story then Mike was Walking-by-the-Spirit. Can there be 'walking-by-the-spirit' without something from the revelation manifestations?

That's certainly possible. Since I do not know the details of what Mike experienced I cannot say for certain.

The Berean

Well-known member
Yeah, do. Please. Yuk it up elsewhere.

I will stick to what God has actually said to mankind, recorded in Holy Writ, and continue to discount what a Mike thinks God spoke special to him.
Bah . . .


If God didn't speak to Mike then who did? :think: The night I met him he made no mention of this. He didn't tell me until many months later.


TOL Subscriber
If God didn't speak to Mike then who did? :think:

If Mike actually heard words, it would have been an evil spirit. They like to imitate God and the Holy Spirit. If Mike just had a thought run through his head, then it was Mike speaking to Mike.

Either way, God brought spiritual good out of the incident, did He not?

Why not focus on God's grace, rather than any kind of speculative sensationalism?

It is much safer to do so, for the warnings about claiming "God said," when in fact God did not speak, are quite severe. (e.g. Jeremiah Chapter 23)

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