TH is not a child. Now go grab a box of tissues and stop crying on your computer.
You supported a system that limits its assistance to giving a man a fish. You the proceeded to remain silent on your stance [that you now claim to have] that we should not stop there.
And you used verses to support an argument against me that were not even germane to the topic.
Following that you continued to argue for nothing more than giving a man a fish.
Not once did you even imply we should go beyond that.
You're not worth considering.

I've met plenty of people with degrees who are dumb as a box of rocks.
You passed the test because of your parroting skills.
You assume the conduct is poor.
Translation: I, Town Heretic, don't want to admit I'm wrong so don't show me that I am.
Why aspire to my current position? My reading level has been well above average for as long as I can remember. And it remains so. I was even tested as recently as a few months ago.
Deuteronomy 15 shows that poverty can be reduced, greatly, if we help the poor as God commands. And His command is to give the poor what they need, not whatever they ask for.
And you failed in that too. You clearly lack any comprehension of the Bible.
It is exceedingly sad that you read the passage in Luke and think it refers to the poor.
You would have been better off quoting Matthew 26.
Let me reiterate: I was being sarcastic. I meant that your actual remark was not clever by sarcastically implying it was.:dunce::duh:
1 is more than zero, right?
So something that is clever is more clever than something that is not at all clever.
And where did you get the idea I was "attempting to better a practice"? If you've been paying attention you will notice I've been condescending quite a lot.
You are no Tony Robbins.
Apparently you are incapable of comprehension yourself.
My remark was rhetorical, as thought I were asking, "What's your point," when I already know your point and am conveying the message that your point is a failure, most likely from the outset. Or to say, you are correct to some degree and I am not bothered by it. I.e., I don't care.
And yet I've taught myself things in which I had no interest.
Now why would I do that?
To you maybe. Then again you don't know what a Republican is these days.
Do you honestly think that is what this is about? And at what point did I say he was uneducated? My point is that his education lends itself to his problem.
There is no oversight here. Don't make stupid assumptions. You know me better than that.
- I take it you don't get the vinegar insult
- If I laid out exactly what I truly wanted to say I wouldn't be posting on TOL for a few days.
Did you miss the part where my question, re: math, was turning his own comment about my math skills back onto him?
He, foolishly, assumed I was poor at math because he assumed I was younger than I am and did not consider that my question about his age being in the fifties meant that I was older than he assumed.