toldailytopic: "Soup kitchens": Do they help or hurt the homeless?

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The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
No. That's a layman's assumption. It's understandable, but errant. The law presumes innocence and the prosecutor asserts guilt as he sees it established by the evidence. The defense attorney's opinion on that particular rarely figures into the matter and a number, frankly, don't consider it. Most clients are guilty, but that's not the charge of the defender, which is to assert the initial assumption of the law and to fight the prosecutor's attempts to undermine it. The defender does this two ways: first, by making the prosecutor establish his case beyond the degree of doubt that would allow for an acquittal and, secondly, by advancing a case that would establish sufficient doubt to prima facie establish the insufficiency of the prosecutor's assertion.
Translation: The American justice system is Godless.

Then you're smart enough to realize there are two answers to that implied question: either I don't get what you're saying, or that I've come to a contrary opinion. Neither of those would make me a moron or an idiot or any other personal valuation that doesn't really belong in a discussion among men and neither advances your argument nor adds to the quality of discourse.
Yes they would.

And that, tragically enough, is why you will likely stay as you are, at least for the time being. A needless pity and one utterly within your control. I will continue to hope to see better from and for you.
Because I won't listen to someone I don't respect?

What's sad is I used to respect bybee, until very recently.

Matthew 18:15-17 (KJV)
You bring this up because?


New member
Hall of Fame
Translation: The American justice system is Godless.

Yes they would.

Because I won't listen to someone I don't respect?

What's sad is I used to respect bybee, until very recently.

You bring this up because?

Why don't you just shut up?

Not a single person here is impressed by you, your arrogance, or your strutting, rotten, spoiled little attitude.


New member
This is the face of religion in politics.
Arrogant, deranged, authoritarian, dogmatic and moronic.

Each time anyone feels tempted to let his religious ideals dictate public policy, they should remember Lightouse or SeattleFascist.
Veritable fascistic cretins. Does any sane person actually want to be like them?


New member


Translation: The American justice system is Godless.

Yes they would.

Because I won't listen to someone I don't respect?

What's sad is I used to respect bybee, until very recently.

You bring this up because?

You "disrespect" me? What a terrible thing for you to say.
I hope you will remember your words to me maybe ten, twenty or even thirty years from now.
The Lord God has given each of us a mission. I am as faithful to my mission as God's grace helps me to be.
While I continue to pray that your heart will soften and you will let God's love be your guide I am in shock over your attitude to me.
I take this personally!
Thanks be to God that there are so many people who post on this Web page filled with the Holy Spirit doing the work of bringing people to Christ.
This is the face of religion in politics.
Arrogant, deranged, authoritarian, dogmatic and moronic.

Each time anyone feels tempted to let his religious ideals dictate public policy, they should remember Lightouse or SeattleFascist.
Veritable fascistic cretins. Does any sane person actually want to be like them?

yes, yes they do want to be like them.
unfortunate, but true.
. . . .
the one who surrenders to the Creator, he does not want to be worldly.
the one who turns to the Creator for assistance, he does not open a federally financed soup kitchen, nor does he refer the homeless, hurt and destitute there - he feeds them himself if he has a sandwich to share.
the Creator never said to refer the needy to somewhere else, did He?
the Creator said to never turn away from your fellowman in need. (real need, not 'help me with groceries while my parents drive a bmw or a mercedes' puke).
real need is someone you can see sleeping under a bush or a tree because he has nowhere else.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is the face of religion in politics.
Arrogant, deranged, authoritarian, dogmatic and moronic.

Each time anyone feels tempted to let his religious ideals dictate public policy, they should remember Lightouse or SeattleFascist.
Veritable fascistic cretins. Does any sane person actually want to be like them?

or like you?

lucky for us there are other choices


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
This is the face of religion in politics.
Arrogant, deranged, authoritarian, dogmatic and moronic.

Each time anyone feels tempted to let his religious ideals dictate public policy, they should remember Lightouse or SeattleFascist.
Veritable fascistic cretins. Does any sane person actually want to be like them?

You "disrespect" me? What a terrible thing for you to say.
What I said was that I do not respect you. Big difference.

And if you don't know why: this

I hope you will remember your words to me maybe ten, twenty or even thirty years from now.
I hope you remember them always.

...I am in shock over your attitude to me.
I take this personally!


New member
A clarification

A clarification

What I said was that I do not respect you. Big difference.

And if you don't know why: this

I hope you remember them always.


My thread "What is man oh God that Thou art mindful of him?" Was not aimed at decent, God-fearing men. You know who you are and you know this thread was not addressing you.
I was addressing those men who seem to believe that God's Law doesn't apply to them. This hold's true for those women who also feel beyond God's Law.
You are relentless in your need to judge me. I am already in the hands of a loving Judge so you can let up!


TOL Subscriber
My thread "What is man oh God that Thou art mindful of him?" Was not aimed at decent, God-fearing men. You know who you are and you know this thread was not addressing you.
I was addressing those men who seem to believe that God's Law doesn't apply to them. This hold's true for those women who also feel beyond God's Law.
You are relentless in your need to judge me. I am already in the hands of a loving Judge so you can let up!

Are there any that LH has not judged?

If there is one, disagree with him and judgment will be passed.


New member
Hall of Fame
If someone is an idiot I am dishonest if I do not tell them.
First, it's that you think someone is an idiot. When you declare someone an idiot it isn't an objective fact. And secondly, it still isn't dishonest. You can have all sorts of opinions about someone and honesty doesn't demand you broadcast those opinions to them and everyone else. You'll have to find something else to justify your miserable attitudes and language.

The assumption is correct, and my posting that verse is because I am not misusing it. That is the point. You do not know if someone is truly ignorant until you have tried to correct them.
The fact that someone isn't persuaded by your arguments doesn't automatically make them ignorant. Nor an idiot, morton, etc.


I'll try to remember to buy you a sense of humor on your birthday.
That's rich, coming from you. :help: I'll reciprocate by buying you the ability to recognize irony because your posts and conduct in this thread are dripping in it.


New member
Hall of Fame
And if I call you an idiot it is because I cannot understand why you cannot seem to understand things that, to me, should be common sense.

"If" you call him an idiot? You can take that "if" out. :plain:

And the part in bold should tell you why you are wrong here. Just because you think something is common sense doesn't mean it is. Or that you are absolutely right.

Brandon's opinion != objective fact

Stop being so arrogant.


New member
Soup kitchens are bad. Soup kitchens help to remove motivation and therefore enable homeless folks to remain homeless.

A sure-fire way to create a homeless problem in your city is build a soup kitchen. If you build it... they will come.

I agree for the most part.

We only donate money to Christian based places that feed people (which is a requirement before they're fed) because what they're really in need of is spiritual feeding to get away from their entitlement way of life.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Translation: The American justice system is Godless.
Rather, translation: as it regards the American system of justice you're clueless.

Yes they would.
If that's what passes for your analytical skill set it really is pointless trying to help you. And given you're your own worst enemy, moving to that point is equally without one, so I'll just note the utter lack of anything beyond declaration of a poor attitude in keeping with an apparent lack of maturity and leave it at that.
Because I won't listen to someone I don't respect?
No, because you use that posture and valuation to protect yourself from the very thing that could elevate you in every measurable and important manner.
What's sad is I used to respect bybee, until very recently.
No, what's sad is the utter lack of judgment you routinely demonstrate. It feeds that earlier mentioned weakness and helps to create a vicious cycle of ignorant self assurance.

I'm sorry for you. You could be better than this. :e4e:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
My thread "What is man oh God that Thou art mindful of him?" Was not aimed at decent, God-fearing men. You know who you are and you know this thread was not addressing you.
I was addressing those men who seem to believe that God's Law doesn't apply to them. This hold's true for those women who also feel beyond God's Law.
You are relentless in your need to judge me. I am already in the hands of a loving Judge so you can let up!
You started that thread as a result of false accusations being made against my pastor. And you followed along with the accusers of the brethren by creating that thread. You should repent.

So much for judge not.
Chapter and verse?

First, it's that you think someone is an idiot. When you declare someone an idiot it isn't an objective fact. And secondly, it still isn't dishonest. You can have all sorts of opinions about someone and honesty doesn't demand you broadcast those opinions to them and everyone else. You'll have to find something else to justify your miserable attitudes and language.
What am I then if I do not tell them and just let them think themselves wise?

The fact that someone isn't persuaded by your arguments doesn't automatically make them ignorant. Nor an idiot, morton, etc.
I never said it did. But when they can't understand simple language...

That's rich, coming from you. :help: I'll reciprocate by buying you the ability to recognize irony because your posts and conduct in this thread are dripping in it.

"If" you call him an idiot? You can take that "if" out. :plain:
I don't call people idiot's if they aren't.

And the part in bold should tell you why you are wrong here. Just because you think something is common sense doesn't mean it is. Or that you are absolutely right.
If they aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own they're an idiot. Plain as that.

Brandon's opinion != objective fact
I don't argue over opinions.

Stop being so arrogant.
I don't know how to be arrogant. If you don't believe me I can show you the psych eval.

Rather, translation: as it regards the American system of justice you're clueless.
It's not a justice system, it's just a system.*

If that's what passes for your analytical skill set it really is pointless trying to help you. And given you're your own worst enemy, moving to that point is equally without one, so I'll just note the utter lack of anything beyond declaration of a poor attitude in keeping with an apparent lack of maturity and leave it at that.
My analytical skill set is well above average. Always has been. And I can prove it.

No, because you use that posture and valuation to protect yourself from the very thing that could elevate you in every measurable and important manner.
If someone I respected said the things she has regarding the conversation between you and me I would listen. In fact I've already asked some of them to weigh in and let me know what they think of my attitude and such.

No, what's sad is the utter lack of judgment you routinely demonstrate. It feeds that earlier mentioned weakness and helps to create a vicious cycle of ignorant self assurance.

I'm sorry for you. You could be better than this. :e4e:

*Bob Enyart
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