From Aimiel I have learned the meaning of patriotism.
From the Psalmist I have learned the meaning of serenity.
From Knight I have learned the meaning of good humor.
From Plastikbuddha, Arthur Brain, and the other skeptics I have learned the meaning of patience. :noid:
From Cattyfan I have learned that cats can provide endless amusement.
From BillyBob I have learned generosity and that it is possible to miss someone whom one has never met. I really wish he'd come back to TOL.
From Koban I have learned that one liners often are very funny.
From Kyotou (sp?) and Bybee I have learned that women can be very wise.
From Rusha and BabyChristian, in contrast with Kyotou and Bybee...never mind.
From Elohym and Granite I have gained a deeper sense of the possibility of comradery even across creeds and ethnic backgrounds. From Elohym in particular I have gained a deeper appreciation of marriage. I'll never forget the picture that your wife drew for you, Elo. You know the one: the one that you had as your avatar on TOL. I'm sure it has and still has a great deal of sentimental value for you.
From Evoken and Persephone I have gained a deeper sense of "gender confusion."
From Spitfire I have gained a deeper appreciation for just how ugly German is.
From Cruciform and Chrysostom I have learned just how concisely rude and pointless posts can be written.
From Barbarian and Dark Radiance I have gained a deeper sense of the term "Cafetaria Catholic."
From TomO I have gained a greater resolve and dedication to the pursuit of physical perfection. From TomO I have also learned that the mafia is but a myth designed to "defame hardworking Italian-Americans."

From Gerald I have gained a greater appreciation of the term "dark humor." :chuckle:
From Town Heretic I have learned that lawyers are but failed stand-up comics.
To most of you, and most of the regulars that I haven't mentioned: I appreciate you all, and you'd be sorely missed if you weren't around.
From all of the various people who joined only to be banned shortly after, I have gained a deeper sense of the term "futility."