If you ask a non-believer the answer would be obvious. If it were taught he would winge until your ears fall off calling it a non-science.
Well what is the Big Bang, evolutionism and all the other god-less theories out there? They too are a belief system. Being an atheist or agnostic does not automatically make a person without bias. They have their own and they have taken over the educational institutions, applying their bias like a rod of iron.
Whoa! I will agree that
atheism is a faith. However, science and particular scientific theories, such as Big Bang and evolution,
are NOT atheism!
Science is
agnostic. That is a position of "I don't know" about God. Agnosticism is also not a belief.
There is a big difference between "creation" and "creationism". Creation is a theological concept "God created". Creationism is a very specific
how that God created. It is also a scientific theory: a
falsified scientific theory.
For us theists, this means that God did not create by creationism. Instead, since we believe God created, then Big Bang, evolution, and all the other processes discovered by science are
how God created for us. God created the universe by the Big Bang and the diversity of species by evolution. That would be our belief as Christians.
The problem arises when you make the existence of God dependent on a particular method of creation (creationism). When creationism is shown to be wrong, then you think God is shown wrong. That is not what happens.
Should creation be taught? Yes. If you are going to teach the big bang and evolution, then intelligent design should also be taught. The schools are already teaching a belief system--A universe without God. If you allow one then you have to allow others.
Please document to me any public school where science is being taught as a "universe without God". I'm serious. I will bring that to the Nationnal Center for Science Education so we can get that stopped.
So, can we teach "creation" in public schools? Yes, as part of a religion class. Can we teach creation
ism/intelligent design in
science class? NO! Or at least we cannot teach them as valid scientific theories and possibly true. We could teach them -- like geocentrism -- as scientific theories that have been shown to be wrong. Can we teach Big Bang and evolution as showing God does not exist? NO! We cannot if we are going to teach science correctly. Big Bang and evolution do not address the existence of God.