No .. because it is rationally absurd
But feel free to keep explaining things this way....
. . . at your level of understanding . . . sure.
The results are in. You're officially a moron.
. . . stick to teaching English . . . your students won't learn much . . . but it beats you teaching them science.
Of course it is. When I said there was a relationship between density and temperature I was not joking around.
. . . sure there is a relationship . . . but density
doesn't affect temperature.
And if you heat the air the density will decrease because the air is being heated. See how that works?
. . . in a balloon perhaps . . . not in a closed and rigid vessel.
. . . notice how density is affected by temperature and not temperature by density in your statement?
Give one example where temperature is affected by density without an external imput (heat or pressure).
I've heard engineers being soundly mocked because they make physics claims and the atheist thinks they are not qualified. I guess this is more dependent upon one's confession of Christ than it is upon one's qualifications.
:liberals: . . . :idea: . . . :kookoo:
But whatever makes you feel smug.
. . . "smugness" has nothing to do with it . . . your lack of knowledge and understanding however . . . do.
No, you've just ignored the very simple to understand reason I gave.
. . . because you don't understand the principles involved doesn't make the process impossible.
What 'pull'? There is no subduction on the N.American plate.
. . . why not a "push" or a "slide?" The North American Plate
is, without a doubt, moving (because the movement is measurable) . . . subduction isn't the only mechanism involved.