toldailytopic: Same-sex marriage: for it, or against it?

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Hall of Fame
it shouldn't be a requirement because it could not reasonably be enforced

Laws against rape, murder, theft, abuse also cannot be *reasonably* enforced.

So once again, being that you are the person who is advocating that the only reason to allow individuals to marry is to have children, you should have a a solution on how to make sure each and every individual applying for a marriage license is capable of reproducing.

BTW, a solution does not include disallowing a freedom to homosexuals that heterosexuals have been granted for years.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
marriage is not what it use to be
abortion, divorce and the two income family has made it almost meaningless
we should still take a look at what it once was
a man and a woman would vow to stay together no matter what
they would have children and the mother would stay home to care for them
the mother was dependent on the father and relied on his promise not to leave so she would be taken care of later on in life
this is the way it should be
many here do not understand that
they have been raised in a world where it is okay to kill your baby
where it is okay to get a divorce no matter how much the children suffer
where it is okay to drop your kids off at a day care center
where it is okay to leave your kids home alone

I do not believe it is okay


New member
marriage is not what it use to be
abortion, divorce and the two income family has made it almost meaningless
we should still take a look at what it once was
a man and a woman would vow to stay together no matter what
they would have children and the mother would stay home to care for them
the mother was dependent on the father and relied on his promise not to leave so she would be taken care of later on in life

Does not necessarily lead to:

they have been raised in a world where it is okay to kill your baby
where it is okay to get a divorce no matter how much the children suffer
where it is okay to drop your kids off at a day care center
where it is okay to leave your kids home alone

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
marriage is not what it use to be
abortion, divorce and the two income family has made it almost meaningless
Rubbish. I value my marriage and it's far from meaningless. You aren't married are you?

but we should still take a look at what it once was
a man and a woman would vow to stay together no matter what
they would have children and the mother would stay home to care for them
No matter what shouldn't cover domestic violence or habitual substance abuse and the like... People still exchange those same vows and many keep them. As to the home life, once a provider could work a full week and provide sufficiently for his family. It's less likely than hitting the lottery for many these days.

Now my father was involved in business and my mother was a teacher and then a professor. As with many in their position and from their tradition a nanny was engaged to see to my brother and I for a portion of any day. Both of us ended up well adjusted and successful men with good families of our own. I think the model isn't unimportant and there are advantages to have or miss, but the attention and love and direction within any approach is even more important.

the mother was dependent on the father and relied on his promise not to leave so she would be taken care of later on in life
this is the way it should be
How do you feel about women voting? :rolleyes:

many here do not understand that
You mean swallow. I think everyone understands you better and better.

they have been raised in a world where it is okay to kill your baby
A human tragedy.

where it is okay to get a divorce no matter how much the children suffer
It's legal, to be sure, and it is even preferable in certain circumstances. But I don't know anyone who has had one who thinks of it trivially, which is what the off-handed 'okay' insinuates--a degree of disinterested ease and ill consideration. I'm sure some do manage that, but that's people for you. Some will think darn near anything you can imagine.

where it is okay to drop your kids off at a day care center
It's necessary for many. And given your party allegiance I'm surprised you're disturbed by this. The big business interests they shelter have undone the ability of many to enjoy that scenario you support had they the interest in doing so.

where it is okay to leave your kids home alone
It's not only not okay, it's criminal, depending.

I do not believe it is okay
And, depending on the posit, many here who find your position on the OP without merit and purely a reflection of your religion would agree here and there. Mixing them together in an unjustified all or nothing gambit isn't reasonable.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
we should still take a look at what it once was
a man and a woman would vow to stay together no matter what
they would have children and the mother would stay home to care for them
the mother was dependent on the father and relied on his promise not to leave so she would be taken care of later on in life
this is the way it should be

marriage encouraged this
it protected the mother who protected her child


Hall of Fame
marriage is not what it use to be

Nor what it should be ...
abortion, divorce and the two income family has made it almost meaningless

Abortion has nothing to do with marriage. Divorce and two family incomes are, in many cases, a necessity.

but we should still take a look at what it once was

No thank you, I prefer the light. However, feel free to step back into the Dark Ages.

a man and a woman would vow to stay together no matter what

That STILL happens. Just ask Phil Hartman and Nancy Benoit and her son. Oh wait, you can't.

they would have children and the mother would stay home to care for them

Why the mother? There are many wonderful stay at home dads. Also, being that you are so opposed to the unions that allow for individuals to be paid higher wages and receive better benefits, what would you tell the *man* whose salary isn't sufficient enough to put food on the table, pay the bills, mortgage, health insurance, etc.?

the mother was dependent on the father and relied on his promise not to leave so she would be taken care of later on in life
this is the way it should be

NO NO and NOOOO! Women should never be taught that they should depend on men to keep them safe and taken care of. It is in the best interest of women to be brought up to learn to trust and take care of themselves. Apparently, you NEED for women to dependent on men.

many here do not understand that

We understand quite clearly that you are misogynist who holds women in low regard.

they have been raised in a world where it is okay to kill your baby
where it is okay to get a divorce no matter how much the children suffer
where it is okay to drop your kids off at a day care center
where it is okay to leave your kids home alone

And then there are some such as yourself whose concern for the unborn baby does not include the mother and stops immediately UPON birth.

You are also incapable of understanding that in many cases daycare or babysitting is a NECESSITY for a family to survive financially.

I do not believe it is okay

Yea, whatever. There are other individuals who value women and children enough to understand ...

That women should be encouraged to have enough skill to contribute to financially to their family should it be necessary

That women should be prepared and capable of taking care of themselves and the children WITHOUT depending on a spouse

That women (and men) should NEVER allow themselves to be emotionally, physically or financially abused

The very fact that expect women and children to live in conditions that have the potential of being emotional, financial or physical threats to their lives says quite a lot about YOU.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Yea, whatever. There are other individuals who value women and children enough to understand ...

That women should be encouraged to have enough skill to contribute to financially to their family should it be necessary

That women should be prepared and capable of taking care of themselves and the children WITHOUT depending on a spouse

That women (and men) should NEVER allow themselves to be emotionally, physically or financially abused

The very fact that expect women and children to live in conditions that have the potential of being emotional, financial or physical threats to their lives says quite a lot about YOU.


Hall of Fame
I can see it is Rusha's job to protect the adults

Adults DO need to be encouraged and able to protect themselves. Oh wait, what Chrys REALLY meant to say is "I can see Rusha wants women and children to receive as much protection and consideration as MEN".

so who protects the children?

Not you. Your only interest is in protecting the interest of Catholic, Republican men.
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