Except there are any number of people holding and advancing ideas against his position who don't run into trouble on the ban front without meaning to. As I've noted previously, my introduction here involved Knight yelling at me. :chuckle: And PK slapping a neg rep on my then nonexistent rep. I stuck to my guns, made my points, established my own reputation and eventually thrived here, even if lately I've come to suspect the place might be better off with me taking a prolonged vacation, as my suffering thermostat isn't what it once was...
While I now consider Knight a friend I'm hardly one of insiders around here, not being a right winger or SOS member, by way of illustration. I also haven't been sent packing. Not because I've been on the popular side of the issues here, but because I approach issues without resorting to practices that I understand would be counterproductive to my point. So while my opponents may find me a condescendingly arrogant gas bag, they won't find a descriptive that crosses the line into the undefensible and infraction worthy.
It isn't physics.
By what standard? And even allowing for it, if you realize it and understand the implications it shouldn't be a real impediment.
I differ, having looked about at a number of less well regulated forums and seen the crudity that passes for discourse as a common practice. I'm glad we have higher standards here and would applaud the effort to achieve that without squelching spirited discussion.