I really do want to protect the child
Do all married couples produce children, Chrys? Should all married couples be REQUIRED to produce children Chrys?
I really do want to protect the child
Not always ... you don't speak for *the children*.
Do all married couples produce children, Chrys? Should all married couples be REQUIRED to produce children Chrys?
if you think the purpose of marriage is to protect the children, it is hard to talk about marriage without talking about the children
. . . but a homosexual couple (or a homosexual individual) can indeed RAISE and CARE FOR a child . . . :thumb:.
Do all married couples produce children, Chrys? Should all married couples be REQUIRED to produce children Chrys?
. . . this has been demonstrated . . . repeatedly . . . to you to be fallacious reasoning (an non sequitur to be exact) . . . which is a position ONLY YOU seem to hold.if you think the purpose of marriage is to protect the children, it is hard to talk about marriage without talking about the children
Then WHY are you arguing that gay couples (who may or may not have children) should not be allowed to marry?
in most cases
Good. Then from the 'horses' mouth, the purpose of marriage is not to protect the child then. Cheers Chrys!
Do all married couples produce children, Chrys? Should all married couples be REQUIRED to produce children Chrys?
Then WHY are you arguing that gay couples (who may or may not have children) should not be allowed to marry?
they cannot produce children
. . . "may not be good" is not the same as . . . "IS bad" . . . why can't you admit . . . since you were given evidence of the fact . . . that children being raised by heterosexuals (single or couple) may not be good for a child either?yes but it may not be good for the child
. . . "producing" children is not the purpose of marriage . . . as has been demonstrated to you . . . repeatedly.they cannot produce children
. . . said the person who NEVER uses any . . . :doh:.no logic there
. . . "producing" children is not the purpose of marriage . . . as has been demonstrated to you . . . repeatedly.
no logic there
producing children is the purpose of sex between a man and a woman
. . . "producing" children is not the singular purpose of sex . . . as has been demonstrated to you . . . repeatedly.producing children is the purpose of sex between a man and a woman
And if they use contraceptives? What's the purpose then? Dude, please just quit with this nonsense.