toldailytopic: Personal finances.
How are you safe guarding your money in this volatile economy? |
It is like "Click before you send," . . . "Think before you spend."
We are on a fixed income, with a bit extra income. We put on ourselves on a budget before the economy went south for awhile. The extra income along with part of our discretionary that we do not spend goes into a different bank, that we do not use, that is or safeguard for now. — The following should not be taken for financial advice, Since I was in the funeral profession, we invested in a large funeral service provider, and still do.
I believe saving is wise, and a person should made a hedge of safe keeping for the money, as best they can . . .
We also believe being faithful consistent support to the Lord in supporting (like investing) in things we believe in, things that count, things that matter. To some that may sound unbiblical or even a bit crazy, but to me that is like a safeguard for sound investing for the day that we live in. The Lord is a reliable banker believe me. Little is much when God is in it. No it is NOT "Name it and claim it" or "Gab it and grab it" . . . Because it was the Lord who gave manna from heaven and the finest wheat, keep the vessel of oil and the barrel of oats full, caused the axe head to float, put coins in the mouth of the fish, made 2 and 5 = 12. God is faithful, and His promises are Yes! and Amen! See Matthew 6:25-34; Luke 12:22-31, Besides Jesus said it, it is in red, Jesus is light and truth.
So we support a missionary, a food pantry; and an unnamed entity of importance when we can. (2 Corinthians 8:11-15; 9:6-13)
As for the retirement/healthcare nursing home work and chaplaincy, it has always been taken care of, never have taken an offering, and yet the funds were there to take of whatever need we had or have.