If faith is not a work, then neither is continuance in the faith. Ceasing faith is unbelief, the antithesis of saving faith. To say we cannot change our mind and will is determinism, not biblical free will, relational theism.
Faith and belief are not the same thing.
And, again, it is not our faith that saves us. Our faith wavers; it waxes and wanes. We are not always faithful. Our faith is worthless.
Your problem is you trust in yourself and not in Him.
LH: You have made MAD a condition of salvation.
No I haven't, you idiot. No matter how many times I've explained this to you you still get it backwards.
Hyper-disp is a wrong dispensational view, yet you make my right and conscious rejection of it tantamount to rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ who alone saves by grace through faith apart from works.
My view is Keith Green's view. If I am going to hell, then he will also be there. Idiot.
You really are a moron, aren't you? Not even smart enough to pay attention.
I cannot judge Keith Green because I am unaware if he was ever given the correct information. He may have been only ever fed misinformation, thus it is possible he was saved and was just never given the chance to discern between the truth and the fallacy.
You've been given the chance, as I've given it to you myself, and you reject the truth in favor of falsehood. You claim Scripture doesn't mean what it says.
And since you seem to have forgotten, I used to hold the same view as you and Keith Green. I was saved then. I was never given the truth, until almost a decade ago. That's 20 years under mistaken beliefs, but the evidence Christ was in me even then is that I recognized the truth when I saw it.
I assume that you generally agree that faith is a condition of receiving Christ/eternal life (Jn. 3:16 vs Jn. 3:36). If you deny any conditions, then all are unconditionally saved (universalism) and there is no hell, just heaven for everyone.
No, I don't agree that faith is a condition; it is, however, a necessity in that one must necessarily have faith in the truth in order to accept it as the truth and faith in Him, and everything about Him, to accept all entailed.
One must accept that which is given in order to receive it. This is not a condition, but a logical necessity.
Few dispute that faith is necessary to receive grace and that faith is not a work, but a response to God. Receiving vs rejecting a free gift does not mean we provide or earn it.
Not an extant argument.
You say there is no condition to justification. This logically means universalism and you are wrong. If there is a condition, you should not be so reluctant to understand my perseverance view. As well, most MAD are not OSAS for a certain group, so I am not far fetched. You are just being inconsistent to retain a hyper-disp view instead of seeing redemptive principles that do not change on the basics (grace/faith).
If you think that logically leads to universalism you are dumber than the love child of a box of rocks and a bag of hammers.
And all MAD are OSAS for all dispensations. You would know that if you knew anything about MAD. But once again, you show your utmost ignorance, as this very thing has been explained to you numerous times: The previous dispensations were looking forward to salvation, they had not yet received it, at any point. Once they did, however, they were sealed eternally.
I can say this much for genuineoriginal, he at least understands what the parameters were for Israel. His issue is he mistakenly believes they apply to the Body of Christ.
Saving faith is being FULLY PERSUADED. If you have been fully persuaded of the law of gravity, is it ever possible for you to stop believing in gravity and step out of a ten story window? You present a scenerio of something that is impossible to do when one has once been fully persuaded.
There are many people who change religions, even after being persuaded. Why is it unidirectional or exceptional to Christianity? There are Christians who have renounced the faith for Judaism, Islam, atheism, Mormonism, JWs, etc. It is possible to be deceived, change one's mind, etc. You do not have a biblical/logical case. Apostasy is extreme, but possible.
Somebody doesn't know the meaning of "
fully persuaded."