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Do you understand the difference between "BEARING FRUIT" and being the SOURCE of that fruit? Do you see the words, "The fruit you GET?" You claimed we are the source of the fruit, did you not? We bear fruit, and that fruit is of the Holy Spirit. Does the clay form itself into a vase, or does the Potter form the clay. The clay is not the source in any way.
Not the issue Glory, even though you try to make it an issue and continually deflect.. The verses I quoted in post #392 are the issue, which you said you would address, so ADDRESS them in the context they were supplied.
No, I said nothing about being "condemned" for not "producing fruit" because we don't produce anything. We are the vehicle through which the Holy Spirit produces fruit IN US.
Never said you did, but the Bible does.
Jesus is much more than the "water of life." The fruit we bear is not produced by us, nor are we the source of it. The fruit is the Holy Spirit's.....we are His workmanship. Therefore, we CANNOT BOAST in anything.
Not what the Bible says, and I gave you the verses. We bear the fruit and we suffer the consequences of NOT bearing the fruit.
Who said we can boast? Paul said we CAN'T. The Bible in total, ALWAYS has the answer.
Romans 3:27
Where then is boasting? It has been excluded. By what kind of law? By a law of works? No, but by the law of faith.
then Paul also says we can boast;
Romans 15:17 In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to boast of my work for God.
So you see, it's a matter of perspective and attitude of the heart.
No, I'm not "hell bent" on anything. If you can't handle my comments, you are perfectly free to ignore them. I merely pointed out that we are not the SOURCE of any good thing. We are not to boast about any fruit...which is the Spirit's IN US.
It sure seems like it and the issue is NOT who our source is, it's what we do as I posted in #392 which you continue to evade.
I see quite well what the Word is saying and it is not saying we are the source of anything. The tree only bears the fruit, it does not produce it....nor is the tree the source. It seems like that's a very simple concept, and I do wonder why you find it so hard to understand what I have posted.
NOT what Paul said.
2 Corinthians 1:14
just as also you have understood us partially, that we are your source of pride, as you also are ours, in the day of the Lord Jesus.
The very reason we are not to BOAST is because we are HIS WORKMANSHIP. When you say "We produce the fruit," you are boasting of what the Holy Spirit does IN US.
Yes, but again, NOT the issue.
Matthew 21:43
Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”
Seems your kind of thinking is what got the Jews in trouble because they ALSO thought they didn't have to produce good works or good fruit.
Here's my LAST EFFORT trying to get you to understand what I have said since you first mentioned our being the SOURCE of FRUIT OR GOOD WORKS. It's a matter of REST, Stan, not striving to produce anything.
Those who believe have entered into REST....have ceased from their own EFFORTS. That means we no longer strive to produce works of righteousness....we REST and allow HIM to produce His fruits of righteousness IN US.
AGAIN, NOT what Jesus or Paul say in the scriptures and you continue to deflect from my post #392, that you said you would answer.
Heb. 4:10
For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
That of course is correct. We are to STOP doing works of the Law and enter into His rest of faith. Does NOT mean it automatically happens because Jesus and Paul and ALL the NT shows we are to strive, labor and run the race. That is ALL based on our effort and God's strength.
Your entire outlook however in one of God does it all and we're just along for the ride. NOT what the NT teaches.
Now how about addressing those scriptures from post #392 and stop all this diversion and deflection?