toldailytopic: Many paths to God? Or just one?

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Eclectic Theosophist
brownie points.....

brownie points.....

Hold that thought. I need to eat a few "special brownies," and astroproject, to be able to analyze the above. I'll get back to you. Cool?

You enjoy those brownies,...they could be more healthy than you know :)

Reality isnt always according to the 'conceptual frame' or 'belief' that one presupposes or imposes upon it. However, Existence pure and simple. It is what is present....already and always. It is Infinite Being. Because you already have a locked concept and rigid unyielding belief about 'God', your own personal 'theology', etc., it is hard for you to look beyond such, therefore your 'golden calf' must be apologized for and protected at all costs. Such is the way of the 'religious-ego' that spouts one-liners and assumes its the sole pontif of truth. - it also asserts and pontificates (so no pointing to others about beating the pulpit!) :eek:

I'd add some extra bran in those brownies while your at it :crackup:


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You enjoy those brownies,...they could be more healthy than you know :)

Reality isnt always according to the 'conceptual frame' or 'belief' that one presupposes or imposes upon it. However, Existence pure and simple. It is what is present....already and always. It is Infinite Being. Because you already have a locked concept and rigid unyielding belief about 'God', your own personal 'theology', etc., it is hard for you to look beyond such, therefore your 'golden calf' must be apologized for and protected at all costs. Such is the way of the 'religious-ego' that spouts one-liners and assumes its the sole pontif of truth. - it also asserts and pontificates (so no pointing to others about beating the pulpit!) :eek:

I'd add some extra bran in those brownies while your at it :crackup:


"Reality isnt always according to the 'conceptual frame' or 'belief' that one presupposes or imposes upon it. However, Existence pure and simple. It is what is present....already and always."-Freebase

Far out. I'll get back to you. My next door neighbor stole my bong for a spell-he is watching "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
We are still on this? All roads lead to God. Only one leads to eternal life. The broad path of destruction still leads to God. God in judgement.


Eclectic Theosophist
The I Am Presence......

The I Am Presence......

"Reality isnt always according to the 'conceptual frame' or 'belief' that one presupposes or imposes upon it. However, Existence pure and simple. It is what is present....already and always."-Freebase

Far out. I'll get back to you. My next door neighbor stole my bong for a spell-he is watching "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."

On that note, since you dont want to budge out of the box you've put 'God' in, we'll leave each one to their own learning-process. Such is life. You're imposing a belief or concept upon life/existence, instead of letting It speak for itself, by being itself (which is pure existence, knowing itself as pure consciousness). - no additives or fillers needed :)

Learning what Non-duality is might be a step in understanding the premise where I often come from. But I enjoy playing with concepts and points of view like any other,..however I try to recognize the source of it all, and what the reality behind the manifest world really is (the eternal truth behind 'appearances').

I recommend discovering for yourself what your Real Nature actually is Here...for starters. Such a 'truth' is fundamental.

But back to the thread-title question. There is only One Life. One Infinite Intelligence. One Spirit-energy. One doesnt need a 'bong' to realize this, if they but rest in the Silence...and still their mind, being attentive to the truh of their own existence...which penetrates deeper into the nature of the allness of Existence which is Infinite.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
On that note, since you dont want to budge out of the box you've put 'God' in, we'll leave each one to their own learning-process. Such is life. You're imposing a belief or concept upon life/existence, instead of letting It speak for itself, by being itself (which is pure existence, knowing itself as pure consciousness). - no additives or fillers needed :)

Learning what Non-duality is might be a step in understanding the premise where I often come from. But I enjoy playing with concepts and points of view like any other,..however I try to recognize the source of it all, and what the reality behind the manifest world really is (the eternal truth behind 'appearances').

I recommend discovering for yourself what your Real Nature actually is Here...for starters. Such a 'truth' is fundamental.

But back to the thread-title question. There is only One Life. One Infinite Intelligence. One Spirit-energy. One doesnt need a 'bong' to realize this, if they but rest in the Silence...and still their mind, being attentive to the truh of their own existence...which penetrates deeper into the nature of the allness of Existence which is Infinite.


"You're imposing a belief or concept upon life/existence, instead of letting It speak for itself, by being itself (which is pure existence, knowing itself as pure consciousness). - no additives or fillers needed.... being attentive to the truh of their own existence...which penetrates deeper into the nature of the allness of Existence which is Infinite."-Freebase

Groovy, baby, I mean, man, like oh, wow. Right on! I'm hip! Hey man, what's your bag? Me and my chick, who I dig, and she digs me, got busted! What a bummer. I'm clod-a clumsy. Cool-I'm keepin' the baby, faith.

Peace! Let's change the world! We all can change the world. We're
powerful, let's pave the road to freedom, my friends! One thing I've
got to tell you, you need to be free.Oh wow, dig my lava lamp, the rays are like heavy, man. Freedom, peace and love is all we need!

Gotsata skate,Big Daddy-I have a rap session. Can you dig it?

PS:Do NOT eat the brown acid! I repeat, do NOT eat the brown acid!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
On that note, since you dont want to budge out of the box you've put 'God' in, we'll leave each one to their own learning-process. Such is life. You're imposing a belief or concept upon life/existence, instead of letting It speak for itself, by being itself (which is pure existence, knowing itself as pure consciousness). - no additives or fillers needed :)

Learning what Non-duality is might be a step in understanding the premise where I often come from. But I enjoy playing with concepts and points of view like any other,..however I try to recognize the source of it all, and what the reality behind the manifest world really is (the eternal truth behind 'appearances').

I recommend discovering for yourself what your Real Nature actually is Here...for starters. Such a 'truth' is fundamental.

But back to the thread-title question. There is only One Life. One Infinite Intelligence. One Spirit-energy. One doesnt need a 'bong' to realize this, if they but rest in the Silence...and still their mind, being attentive to the truh of their own existence...which penetrates deeper into the nature of the allness of Existence which is Infinite.


"On that note, since you dont want to budge out of the box you've put 'God' in,"-Freebase

I can dig it, chop. And I thought the word of God was to put us in a box. My bad! I'm hip! I need to "chillax," "rest in the Silence." Where ares my rolling papers?

"There is only One Life. One Infinite Intelligence. One Spirit-energy.."-Freebase

That's bitchen! I need to call up my cousin Jethro-he smokes crawdads!


Eclectic Theosophist
crawdads from Venus.......

crawdads from Venus.......

"There is only One Life. One Infinite Intelligence. One Spirit-energy.."-Freebase

That's bitchen! I need to call up my cousin Jethro-he smokes crawdads!

God is One.

There is only One Life, One Supreme Being, One Power, One Presence.

One Existence, One Reality, One Universe.

This reality is Self-evident, as this Living-Awareness I Am, this actual Being that is being. All that exists, this very moment, as this very Presence. There is no 'other'. This is reality. - a reality-check is good from time to time. No matter your opinion...It is what It is.

I'd recommend cousin Jethro go on a vegetarain diet :crackup:

pj ....with a *snap* in "Z" formation.


God is One.

There is only One Life, One Supreme Being, One Power, One Presence.

One Existence, One Reality, One Universe.

This reality is Self-evident, as this Living-Awareness I Am, this actual Being that is being. All that exists, this very moment, as this very Presence. There is no 'other'. This is reality. - a reality-check is good from time to time. No matter your opinion...It is what It is.

I'd recommend cousin Jethro go on a vegetarain diet :crackup:

pj ....with a *snap* in "Z" formation.

If God is "all that exists", then I do not.

Shouldn't a reality check include rationality? :)



Eclectic Theosophist
One Presence............

One Presence............

If God is "all that exists", then I do not.

Shouldn't a reality check include rationality? :)


Hi Dave,

What is the origin, sustainer and substance of Existence, and does this omnipresent reality support and sustain your very existence as a conscious living reality? Saying that 'God is all' is recognizing that 'Spirit-energy' and/or 'Consciousness' is all there is. Everything is irreducible back to this living-energy-awareness...that we call 'God'. God is Life, Being, Existence, Energy, Light...and we could go on. From a non-dual perspective...beginning with the Infinite...there is only 'God'. No other! God is One...without a universal whole, one infinity, one Being, one Presence, one Totality.

To assume that if God is all, that you do not exist, is only from the 'perception' that you are seperate from God (this is duality). Yet you could not exist, independent of God, for God is the ground of Being, the foundation/context of all that is. Where there is no duality or seperation,..there is only the One Self or Presence-awareness (Brahman/atman)....the invisible reality behind all appearances. This reality is all-pervading. All that is, originates from, abides in, is encompassed by...the Infinity of God, the Allness of Being. God is all,...only the mind differentiates, divides, assumes, perceives difference, space, time, relativity, distance, etc. But in the Infinite One Presence...there is only that Presence.

In any case,...its ok to see yourself as 'different' from 'God' in a 'relative' sense, for it appears in this mortal finite form, that we are 'distanced' from God, but this is only to the finite mind. From this perspective we can approach God as a divine Personality, and we his faithful devotees...ascending along a path of spiritual perfection and purity...attaining higher spiritual realms or heavens, all the way to the very abode of God! - to us, this takes traversing some space and time...before we enjoy eternity-perfection.

All is point of view, and depends on where we are looking out from,...the finite/mortal mind...or the Infinite Mind itself. In any case,....God is still all, even if you perceive yourself being seperate from whatever degree, scope or distance. There is only this very Life that is now consciously ALIVE unto itSelf! This is it! (wholly Now) - all else are relative perspectives, ratios, measurements, space/time relativities, etc.....but to the Infinite...there is only the Infinite...that Now and ever IS. - no space or time is necessary for 'God' to Be...for He is always Omnipresence. - the movements of space and perception of time is the creative-play of 'God' where things 'appear' to relate....they are relative realities of course (temporal, finite)....yet 'God' alone is absolute (eternal, infinite).



New member
Hi Dave,

What is the origin, sustainer and substance of Existence, and does this omnipresent reality support and sustain your very existence as a conscious living reality? Saying that 'God is all' is recognizing that 'Spirit-energy' and/or 'Consciousness' is all there is. Everything is irreducible back to this living-energy-awareness...that we call 'God'. God is Life, Being, Existence, Energy, Light...and we could go on. From a non-dual perspective...beginning with the Infinite...there is only 'God'. No other! God is One...without a universal whole, one infinity, one Being, one Presence, one Totality.

To assume that if God is all, that you do not exist, is only from the 'perception' that you are seperate from God (this is duality). Yet you could not exist, independent of God, for God is the ground of Being, the foundation/context of all that is. Where there is no duality or seperation,..there is only the One Self or Presence-awareness (Brahman/atman)....the invisible reality behind all appearances. This reality is all-pervading. All that is, originates from, abides in, is encompassed by...the Infinity of God, the Allness of Being. God is all,...only the mind differentiates, divides, assumes, perceives difference, space, time, relativity, distance, etc. But in the Infinite One Presence...there is only that Presence.

In any case,...its ok to see yourself as 'different' from 'God' in a 'relative' sense, for it appears in this mortal finite form, that we are 'distanced' from God, but this is only to the finite mind. From this perspective we can approach God as a divine Personality, and we his faithful devotees...ascending along a path of spiritual perfection and purity...attaining higher spiritual realms or heavens, all the way to the very abode of God! - to us, this takes traversing some space and time...before we enjoy eternity-perfection.

All is point of view, and depends on where we are looking out from,...the finite/mortal mind...or the Infinite Mind itself. In any case,....God is still all, even if you perceive yourself being seperate from whatever degree, scope or distance. There is only this very Life that is now consciously ALIVE unto itSelf! This is it! (wholly Now) - all else are relative perspectives, ratios, measurements, space/time relativities, etc.....but to the Infinite...there is only the Infinite...that Now and ever IS. - no space or time is necessary for 'God' to Be...for He is always Omnipresence. - the movements of space and perception of time is the creative-play of 'God' where things 'appear' to relate....they are relative realities of course (temporal, finite)....yet 'God' alone is absolute (eternal, infinite).


Pearls before swine, my friend.


Eclectic Theosophist
One Light, many reflections........

One Light, many reflections........

Pearls before swine, my friend.

Just having fun a bit, sharing from a 'non-dual' perspective, coming from the Infinite One itself, the indivisible, eternal, undifferentiated, indefinite Presence, that is the One Supreme Being. - it just frustrates those coming from a mortal, finite, human viewpoint. I look from both perspectives (the infinite and finite)...since both exist as contexts to explore. There is Awareness itself...and all that 'appears' to space, however relating. Where God is everywhere...there is no distance to God, but only God. God could not possibly ever be absent from Himself, or divided... from the 'God' point of view. But what do "I" know? The Infinite "I" that I Am knows only itSelf as Being. This is it! Nothing 'else' exists,..but only as relative perceptions, relating 'this' or 'that' within 'this' Awareness.

So,...back to our inquiry....could a 'path' exist to what is omnipresent???? Research for yourself. Is there any other 'presence' than the one that is now present? Is 'God' absent from the present? Could a fragment of 'God' be absent from himself? Does God even need space or time to exist? Infinite Consciousness exists wholly independent of anything, for it always IS. No space or time required, - such only 'appears' to the senses, but of and time has its place in the finite world of dimensions and movement, yes. - not denying that this is what 'appears' to the senses. But Conscious that which is permenant in the presence of change. We can call it timeless Being.

No worries,...just some points of view and perspectives to consider. If 'God' is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient..being the only Life and conscious Being that IS..what 'else' is there? Ontop of all this, no one can even prove that 'God' exists! let alone take a 'picture' of 'God' and offer it as proof of his existence (not to mention that this 'God' is not limited to being 'male'). The only proof we have is Existence itself, being Self-cogizant,..there being 'life' and 'intelligence'. We have our own 'being' and the entire 'world' (Nature, the universe, our environment) as that which 'apparently' exists to us. That is it,...what is invisible and visible is all there is of all there is. Anyways,...will leave it there for the time being. Where else could I leave it? ;)

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