Well, for a start I'm not an atheist, so yet again your penchant for unsubstantiated garbage and lack of observational skills comes to the fore....
You hide your Christian beliefs quite well Arthur.
Secondly I happen to think that Elton John should be publicly flogged and executed, although this is my own subjective opinion based on what I consider to be 'crimes against music'....

And here I thought you'd enjoy his song "Don't let your son go down on me".
Dame Elton is against homosexual marriage as well. Grounds for floggery in any London bathhouse (not that they need an excuse); a city where ONE IN SEVEN homosexual men in the London "gay scene" is afflicted with AIDS.
Thirdly you have the IQ of a coconut if you think England would succomb to the atrocities of a draconian regime perpetuated by the likes of Iran and Saudi Arabia. You really are a clueless berk aren't you? Sharia law has more in common with you than what the West in general would tolerate.
I really shouldn't be sharing this information with you (as I do love "the element of surprise")
"A new network of courts in five major cities is hearing cases where Muslims involved agree to be bound by traditional sharia law, and under the 1996 Arbitration Act the court’s decisions can then be enforced by the county courts or the High Court.
Officials behind the new system claim to have dealt with more than 100 cases since last summer, including six involving domestic violence which is a criminal rather than civil offence, and said they hoped to take over growing numbers of ’smaller’ criminal cases in future."