toldailytopic: Jehovah's Witnesses. What did they get wrong? What did they get right?

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 17th, 2010 10:58 AM

toldailytopic: Jehovah's Witnesses. What did they get wrong? What did they get right?

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They are morons!

Oh, just too silly, then they just do not understand scripture and think they will build a stairway to heaven by being like the pictures in Watchtower. Yet all seem to look like is this. :sozo2:

john w

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A drop of poison in pure water can be fatal.

There is little to commend about the JW organization, but they are not wrong about everything. They are wrong about everything that really matters.

You make the mistake of negating fellow Christians' salvation over peripheral issues. Many biblical believers who disagree with you get lumped into the same boat as JWs in your mind. This is wrong and unreasonable.

JWs are wrong on essentials, but debates such as Calvinism, Open Theism, Arminianism, Exchanged Life, eschatology, spiritual gifts, dispensationalism, styles of worship or church government, etc. are simply not salvific issues (don't turn pet ideas into a sect/cult or test of salvation/orthodoxy if they really are not).

"A drop of poison in pure water can be fatal."

Of course, you being a clown and con man, reject that same argument re. the scriptures.

And you are probably 95.7% correct on doctrinal issues, but one-justification. And hence, you are lost. Get saved.

john w

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As a Pentecostal, Open Theist, Moral Government, etc. believer, I differ from many other true Christians on peripheral issues. I do not make these distinctives essential or salvific issues.

Essential truths like the existence of God, Deity and resurretion of Christ, salvation by grace through faith alone, Bible as the Word of God, etc. are held in common with all true Christians. Those who deny these essential/salvific/minimal beliefs are outside of biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity.

Diametrically opposed, mutually exclusive beliefs are not equally valid/true (Jude 3; Gal. 1:6-10; 2 Cor. 11:4; Rom. 1:16; Jn. 14:6). Inclusivism, relativism, etc. are damnable and heretical.

Same canned, droid response from a lost person, scrambling for his commentaries.


Well-known member
Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses is buried 5 minutes from my house HERE

Right next to the grave of Russell is the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Temple.

HERE is a picture of Russell's grave with the Masonic Temple in the background.


Nope ... Russell was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason. Re: the O.P. ... any and all of the many offspring of the failed Millerite movement are building their house on sand and attempting to explain away it's failure rather than admit that it's premise was flawed, namely, the many erroneous methods of explaining the passage of prophecy that has yet to unfold.


New member
Wrong? They knock on my door at 9am and think I'm going to let some strange man into my house. Uh, no.


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His open theism isn't one of the reasons he differs from Christians.

Most Christians reject peripheral Open Theism.

My point is that some of you are rejecting fellow believer's salvation over similar peripheral issues (exact nature of sanctification, etc.).


Well-known member
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"A drop of poison in pure water can be fatal."

Of course, you being a clown and con man, reject that same argument re. the scriptures.

And you are probably 95.7% correct on doctrinal issues, but one-justification. And hence, you are lost. Get saved.

We agree on justification, but disagree on subsequent sanctification and POTS. Don't give up your day job to become a theologian unless you want to be a bad one with low pay.


New member
Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses is buried 5 minutes from my house HERE

Right next to the grave of Russell is the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Temple.

HERE is a picture of Russell's grave with the Masonic Temple in the background.


and what's wrong with Freemasonry?


Well-known member
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Oh, and you don't?

The Christians who consider me lost are considered to be Christians in my book. Cultists (JWs/Mormons) may think they are Christians, but they are not. My fellow Christians are wrong about me and others, but our mutual assessment of false groups based on the Bible is defensible.

I do not say those who hold to the essentials of the faith are not true Christians, but we can and must say that heretics are not Christians. Let's compare apples with apples (it can be demonstrated that some groups are too far away from orthodoxy to be considered denominations...these groups also generally say that true Christians are not so and must identify with their pet group, so it goes both ways....inclusivists, etc. are simply wrong to think that opposite views on key subjects are equally valid before a God of Truth).


New member
They are right about monotheism, but wrong about who and what God is. They are right in some areas of eschatology, but fundamentally wrong on essential, salvific issues.

I can't think of one area where they're right, except where they pay taxes, and even the Watchtower Society doesn't do that. Where there are issues where it looks like they're right, their motives are all wrong. Yes they believe in one God, but its not Yahweh because Jesus is the word aspect of God and they think he's Michael the Arch angel. They're religious humanists who propagate literature telling people that the watchtower society is the way the truth and the life. They are the borg who have been assimilated into Russell's collective.


New member
If you do some research, you will see that biblical Christianity is true and Freemasonry is unbiblical, false, occultic.

I happen to be a Freemason,since you're not you might want to start questioning your "research" there is a LOT of misinformation about Masonry out there. firstly it's a fraternity for anyone who believes in God,it teaches morality,faith hope and charity through allegory and symbolism. we don't worship,we don't discuss religion,we help our fellow man. and that word "occult" you throw around simply means hidden or has no satanic meaning.


Well-known member
As you are early on in your dalliance with the lodge perhaps it is you who should do a little more research before casting your lot ...

Pam Baldwin

New member
What they get "right" only strengthens their error. Remember that Satan, in the garden, used Scriptures also....but not correctly, and deceived Eve.

One must have some measure of truth in order to deceive.....

My mother started studying with a JW years ago because she was "searching". When they got to the section of where they claim that Jesus was a man turned/earned to become a son of God, is where she was regenerated and told the JW that they were dead wrong there and stopped studying with her.


Well-known member
Now, I believe that Jesus was/is our divine LORD in flesh according to Isaiah 43:11 KJV, but does it really matter whether people get the concept of how he was God and man simultaneously ... versus ... thinking that he was a man, who was able to become God?

As long as they recognize Him as their savior who was or became divine, and they choose to give him all the glory he deserves, aren't they receiving the 'simple gospel'?

I happen to know people, who actually seem to lack the ability to grasp the concept of how there could ever be a man who was simultaneously God and man. Their eyes kind of glaze over when you start discussing such mystical ideas ... and yet they accept with a child-like faith that Jesus is their savior and praise and worship him.

Aren't they saved? Couldn't people like JW get the concept wrong, but still worship Jesus as their savior ... and be among the saved? They do accept him as their savior - right?


New member
Charles Taze Russell

Charles Taze Russell

Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses is buried 5 minutes from my house HERE

Right next to the grave of Russell is the Greater Pittsburgh Masonic Temple.

HERE is a picture of Russell's grave with the Masonic Temple in the background.


I can say that Russell certainly did not get up out of his grave so as to have anything to do with the construction of a Masonic Center across the street from where he is buried. No, that Masonic Center was built many years after Russell was buried in the Rosemont Cemetery.

Having studied Russell's works for almost 50 years, I can definitely say that Russell did not approve of, and certainly was not a member of, the Freemasons' organization.
Charles Taze Russell and the Freemasons

Russell, however, was a non-sectarian who did not believe in, and actually preached against, such a sectarian authoritarian organization was the Jehovah's Witnesses. Additionally, the Jehovah's Witnesses preach an alleged "gospel/good news" that is almost the opposite of the glad tidings of great joy for all the people that Russell believed and preached. He certainly was not the founder of that which he did not believe and which he preached against.

It was not until after Russell was dead that Rutherford created the Jehovah's Witnesses organization and the bad tidings of great woe of eternal destruction for most of the people (including their children) who reject, or fail to put their trust in, that organization.

Russell Regarding Sectarianism

Charles Taze Russell: Founder of JWs?
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