toldailytopic: Jehovah's Witnesses. What did they get wrong? What did they get right?

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Well-known member
Actually I googled you and found you on the cusp of attaining the lofty rank of Entered Apprentice on another web site. That is the second degree of the portico known as the Blue Lodge and thus you are a novice by any accounting. As it concerns my study of Freemasonry I can assure you that I had amassed a library on the subject, pro and con, well before you were considering puberty and the thought of you lecturing me on the subject is more than just a little comical.

I have no interest in jousting with you. I am suggesting that there is much more to this than you imagine and if you have any Christian aspirations whatsoever you would be well advised to investigate the degrees and the oaths sworn therein before proceeding further.

It was not without purpose and reason that Jesus directed those that would be His to swear no oath.[/Q

yes,i'm about to take my first degree but i've grown up in and around masonry so i'm quite a bit more familiar with it than you are i'm sure.i'm fully aware of the oaths,rituals and depth. so,you've read some books about it.....such a large accomplishment i might say and pointing out that you're much older,well that makes all the difference doesn't it? have you ever actually BEEN a mason? were you in demolays as a youngster?are any of your close friends or relatives masons? obviously you know it ALL since you're unwilling to "joust" over it. stick to reading your texe marrs and jack chick tracts and talking in the echo chamber you call should find out more about a person before simply dismissing them as a novice and therefore uneducated,assumption is the forerunner of failure. but i'm sure you know plenty about that since you're on an internet forum slandering freemasonry like some conspiracy theorist.

Okey Dokey ...

Eze 33:1-9
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