toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?

He is definitely the worst in my lifetime, I thought nothing could trump Jimmy Carter for outright ineptness but, Obama is the most inept president of modern times. :down:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Keyes will be running again?

Herman Cain. I don't think he is on board with personhood. That doesn't mean he won't come on board. For example, Duncan Hunter, whom I mentioned earlier is a Re-publican, and he came on board and agrees.


New member
He is definitely worse than Bush. Bush lost my respect when he attacked Iraq. Then he showed his true liberal colors by saying he couldn't support South Dakota's ban on abortion because it didn't include exceptions. Then when they included those exceptions he still did not support it.

Before he left office, his fiscal and monetary policies led to banking and corporate failures, which led to TARP. He was also the most pro homosexual President ever.

Obama has outdone Bush in every area. He has increased the number and scope of our wars.. He is even more pro abortion and more pro homosexual than Bush, and that is saying a lot.

He has spent our money like a madman, and increased our debt many times over, and he actually, wants to spend more, and put us deeper into debt. He is either deliberately, or through gross incompetence, ruining this country.

This is what we get when we do not listen to one of the greatest preachers and men of the last century, Martin Luther King.

We elected a man based not on the content of his character, but on the color of his skin.

Unless he reverses course, on His policies and has a true God caused change of heart, he will go down as the worst President of all time. I would put a lot of the blame for that on the so called fourth estate, the press, for delivering him to us, as the prepackaged, Great Black Hope.

We elected the most liberal Senator in US history and now we have the most liberal President ever......and I thought Bush was horrible......I didn't think anyone could do worse than him, but Obama has done it, and done it, rather easily.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
He is definitely worse than Bush. Bush lost my respect when he attacked Iraq. Then he showed his true liberal colors by saying he couldn't support South Dakota's ban on abortion because it didn't include exceptions. Then when they included those exceptions he still did not support it.

Before he left office, his fiscal and monetary policies led to banking and corporate failures, which led to TARP. He was also the most pro homosexual President ever.

Why include the fantasy with the real stuff? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were not his doing. They led to the economic downturn.

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?

Of course not. But this is what the Republicans are going to be saying since they (so far) do not have anyone worth running in the 2012 campaign. If Romney and Bachman are the best they've got, it will be no race at all. Gimme Trump with Palin for a running mate -- then the Washington idiocy might at least be entertaining :chuckle:


New member
Of course not. But this is what the Republicans are going to be saying since they (so far) do not have anyone worth running in the 2012 campaign. If Romney and Bachman are the best they've got, it will be no race at all. Gimme Trump with Palin for a running mate -- then the Washington idiocy might at least be entertaining :chuckle:

Hey Ted, you do realize that Romney is a liberal and Bachman is a conservative?

They are polar opposites. Romney is pro- homosexual marriage, pro abortion, pro national health care, and would have voted for the farce compromise, debt ceiling package. Romney is a RINO and almost as liberal as Obama

Bachman is the opposite on all these issues.

Their voting and governing records indicate who they really are.

I would think that, as a lefty, you would be for a liberal like Romney?
Why do you consider him a weak candidate.

The Barbarian

It's part of the culture of hate that every current president is now touted by those who oppose him as the worst president in history.

Bush got that. Even Clinton and Reagan got that, and they were both far more effective than their haters would ever admit.

Even Bush, as awful as he was, did some right things, that might eventually turn out to be good enough to get him off the bottom. Who's fool enough to argue otherwise?

I mean other than the usual ones here.
No he is not the worst. He was left to clean up the mess W. left him with and has had to deal with republicans and his own party constantly fighting and never letting either do anything. what needs to be done is have a communist revolution and do away with the class system cause its the rich who are at fault for all of americas problems such as war -poor men dying so the rich can get richer- poverty -sub-standerd wages and high prices to create a slave class-

Nathon Detroit

No he is not the worst. He was left to clean up the mess W. left him with and has had to deal with republicans and his own party constantly fighting and never letting either do anything. what needs to be done is have a communist revolution and do away with the class system cause its the rich who are at fault for all of americas problems such as war -poor men dying so the rich can get richer- poverty -sub-standerd wages and high prices to create a slave class-
The only appropriate response...

The Barbarian

Bottom line?

It's a game every partisan plays these days. I doubt if many of them even believe it.

"Worst president since George W. Bush!"

Well, that's true. He's also the best president since George W. Bush. He's the only president since George W. Bush, so the bar isn't very high, is it?


New member
When/if you vote for Obama

"You get NOTHING!!!" (Gene Wilder)

no, wait...

not true...

you get worse than nothing...

some other dude

New member
When Chris Matthews was shilling for Hillary, he was critical of Obama's lack of qualifications.


After Obama became the Anointed One, Chris felt that thrill go up his leg and any criticism or doubt over his lack of qualifications disappeared.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?

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He's not even close to Cahtur!


New member
No he is not the worst. He was left to clean up the mess W. left him with and has had to deal with republicans and his own party constantly fighting and never letting either do anything. what needs to be done is have a communist revolution and do away with the class system cause its the rich who are at fault for all of americas problems such as war -poor men dying so the rich can get richer- poverty -sub-standerd wages and high prices to create a slave class-

You mean the HOUSING mess that is CONGRESSIONAL domain? That George W spoke about in 3 state of the unions, before he got congress to act on it, and then a Chicago politician and a friend presented a case before the Supreme court and it was over ruled because it made it harder for minorities to get funded? The same Chicago native that then ran and said George screwed it up?

That was Obama in case I was to subtle.

OR do you like the example chronologically before that. Where ALL the democrats were campaigning on how they needed to take Saddam out. But they never got the polling numbers so they didn't go. They are elected as leaders, if they believed what they said, they should have gone anyway. Leaders lead, they don't poll. But, the Clinton admin was planning on paying for reconstruction with their own money, Iraq's own money. That was the opportunistic blow those parties delivered to George W causing us to spend billions on the war that we wouldn't have done otherwise. That move the DNC orchestrated left to a downfall in reputation of the USA, but they didn't care as long as they could use it to their advantage. And all of that ignores the fact WMDS were reported leaving to Syria by New Zealand press, but american press wouldn't air it. That the book the weapons inspector for the UN wrote, (A boring read) stated had they known they were so advanced in their nuclear development there would have been total agreement on the attack. (Around pg 600ish)

So, yeah, GEORGE W Sucked. You live on an IV of Koolaid from Pelosi, and ignore any facts that lead you closer to the truth than you wish to go.