toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?


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the blacks
the lawyers
the baby killers
the feminists
the teachers
the union people
are still going to vote for him
along with
many Christians here who will vote third party
in effect reelect him


Well-known member
the blacks
the lawyers
the baby killers
the feminists
the teachers
the union people
are still going to vote for him
along with
many Christians here who will vote third party
if effect reelect him

:think: Let me guess, vote republican.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 8th, 2011 10:33 AM

toldailytopic: Is Barack Obama the worst president in US history?

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I don't think so, I think that the president of the USA is just a puppet unfortunately.

Saw a documentary last night called 'Why we fight' by Eugene Jarecki which is inspired by President Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 Farewell Address. In the speech Esienhower warns Americans about a "military-industrial complex" which takes over the country for political-corporate reasons in the business of war.

The film is well made and I highly reccomend it no matter what affiliation you are. thanks :greedy:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
the blacks
the lawyers
the baby killers
the feminists
the teachers
the union people
are still going to vote for him
along with
many Christians here who will vote third party
in effect reelect him

You dingbat. If your party puts up an acceptable candidate, I will vote for him in a heartbeat against Obama. McCain has voted for Obama's plans. Therefore, not voting for him didn't matter.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I don't think so, I think that the president of the USA is just a puppet unfortunately.

Nope. In general, that doesn't happen. He has handlers because he is slow witted. But he is doing exactly what he wants done.

Saw a documentary last night called 'Why we fight' by Eugene Jarecki which is inspired by President Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 Farewell Address. In the speech Esienhower warns Americans about a "military-industrial complex" which takes over the country for political-corporate reasons in the business of war.

I am in the business of war. What of it? I don't have any desire to be in it, but since it is there, I make a profit from it. So what.

The film is well made and I highly reccomend it no matter what affiliation you are. thanks :dunce:

You have confirmed you are an idiot. I didn't think you were, but this post is way over the top.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Terrible Presidents, ranking from least to worst. I may have missed some bad ones. These are listed because damage to American freedom.

Jimmy Carter -- Carter never met a dictator that he didn't love. He has unwaveringly supported socialists dictators. In 1980 Carter invited dictator Mugabe to the White House and fully supported his rise to power in Rhodesia. Other dictators he supported: Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Bill Clinton --- Clinton undermined the military with his Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. His wife tried to push through government health care with her ClintonCare bus ride across the US.

FDR--FDR used the progressive tactic of attempting to use the government to create jobs. That turned a little small depression into the Great Depression. The Great Depression continued until the US entered World War II.

Woodrow Wilson--a progressive who threatened freedom. He ended federal hiring of blacks in Washington DC. He put Italians and Germans in the US in detainment camps during World War I. He also closed down newspapers that didn't support his views. He sought to manipulate the mind of the voters to such a degree never before seen, giving rise to the term 'propaganda'. His policies help sink America into a depression.

Barack Obama -- has already earned himself top banana in the list of worst presidents. He has ties with ACORN and the subprime home loans scandals. He further undermined the military by canceling DADT and having homosexuals serve openly. He sunk America deeper into debt with his 'stimulus' package and buyouts. His biggest folly by far is his intrusive and wasteful ObamaCare which included funding for abortion. I could make a giant post listing his destructive policies. He is all the previous bad presidents I listed rolled into one. Economically America is slumping because of this Zero President.


Well-known member
Hmmm... 'slow witted' ... Sometimes I like your adjectives.

Sometimes not - like 'ding bat' ... not so much.

Your wisdom is sometimes wishy washy, flip flop, IOW, sometimes confused and inconsistent.


Well-known member
what should you and I do?

Now? Understand the real problem and communicate it to everyone possible, as I have tried my best to do on this forum for years now. Until there is a critical mass awareness sufficient to lead to constructive actions that will change the system, we can only shout the problem and the solution from the rooftops.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Now? Understand the real problem and communicate it to everyone possible, as I have tried my best to do on this forum for years now. Until there is a critical mass awareness sufficient to lead to constructive actions that will change the system, we can only shout the problem and the solution from the rooftops.

okay you understand the problem
tell me what I should do


Well-known member
Woodrow Wilson--a progressive who threatened freedom. He ended federal hiring of blacks in Washington DC. He put Italians and Germans in the US in detainment camps during World War I. He also closed down newspapers that didn't support his views. He sought to manipulate the mind of the voters to such a degree never before seen, giving rise to the term 'propaganda'. His policies help sink America into a depression.

I started a thread on Wilson some time ago. You might be interested.

Can you help this U.S. President solve our problem?