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He says you are a sinner and you are, He says you will die and you will.
You haven't given me any proof God said those things. Yes, obviously I will die. All animals die. It's a fact of life. That isn't proof of the existence of one or more deities.
The exactness with which Christ is foretold in scripture is stunning. I laugh me when see the mutterings of Nostradamus but Christ is told with exactitude.
First, I have to disagree with you that the exactness is stunning. Much of what Christians use as proof of Jesus in the Hebrew Bible is warped interpretation and makes little sense.
Secondly, even if it did matched...exactly how difficult would it be to copy one document into another? It isn't.
Say my holy books describes a future hero to born in Jamaica. His mother will have dark hair. She will give birth on a warm night in the middle of the summer. The child's father will be a fair skinned man who works as an electrician. The people know this story.
400 years later there is a cult who believes a man, Phillip Pedro, is a hero among the people. He can save them from their suffering. They come together to write about him. His story? He was born in Jamaica. His mother had dark hair. He was born at 3am in July. His father worked as an electrician.
Now today, a couple thousand years later, we read both stories. Wow!!! How did they know? It must have been him. There isn't any other explanation. There isn't any way they were aware of the details of the hero, the details that had been passed down for generations and then wrote their own book to match those details. I mean, that just wouldn't be possible.
It appears you are trying to use the Bible to prove the Bible. That just doesn't cut the mustard for any halfway serious conversation of the validity of Biblical accounts and certainly not as proof for the existence of God.