toldailytopic: In your opinion what are some of the most convincing pieces of evidenc


New member
A plausible explanation of how God came into existence.

There are mysteries!
The human brain/mind can only go so far.
But with the help of AI we are progressing exponentially in our understanding of ourselves and the universe.


Hall of Fame
What would convince you?

A plausible explanation of how God came into existence.

There are mysteries!
The human brain/mind can only go so far.
But with the help of AI we are progressing exponentially in our understanding of ourselves and the universe.

Why would GOD "need" to come into existence? HE'S ETERNAL...HE IS...THE SELF EXISTANT ONE

Very simple ... everything we *know* as human beings has a beginning and an end.


Well-known member
A lack of belief in God is an irrational position and amounts to belief in magic. The impossibility of the contrary is the best evidence God exists.


New member
Very simple ... everything we *know* as human beings has a beginning and an end.

Yeah..."everything we know". Now if there is a GOD, A HIGHER POWER than thus we are. Then surely HIS ways,and HIS thoughts are far far far beyond ours.

Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We also no that something does not come from nothing...yet here we are. Though GOD'S invisibleness would be as something coming out of nothing when HE first brought matter into existence.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I have never seen convincing evidence.

A rock can not create it self out of nothing. But a supreme being can.

This rocket is nowhere near as complex as the earth. Did it get here by magic, or did a creator (engineering team) create it?


Knight said:
In your opinion what are some of the most convincing peices of evidence that God exists?



Hall of Fame
Yeah..."everything we know". Now if there is a GOD,and HIGHER POWER than thus we are. Then surely HIS ways,and HIS thoughts are far far far beyond ours.

I have never argued to the contrary. You, yourself, used the word *if*.

Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

We also no that something does not come from nothing...yet here we are.

I am not arguing this point which, in actuality, is relevant to what I previously stated.

Though GOD'S invisibleness would be as something coming out of nothing when HE first brought matter into existence.

Exactly ... your own words tend to acknowledge the point I have made. There is no conclusive evidence that would prove or disprove God's existence.


Well-known member
His Word. His Presence. His Mighty Right Hand in my life. The many ways He moves Heaven and earth to bring His Word to pass. The ways He encourages me with His Word, via sermons, friends' testimonies, neighbors, family and friends speaking to me things that He has said to me. How sweet His Presence is in worship and how He meets me every single time I turn to Him in prayer.


Well-known member
toldailytopic: In your opinion what are some of the most convincing peices of evidence that God exists?
For me, there are three strong arguments/evidences in favor of the existence of God.

One is the fact that existence is ordered. The energy that is being expressed as the universe is not being expressed as pure chaos. There are limits within the expressed chaos that enable order to occur. And it's through the relationship between chaos and order that the universe exists as it does. This simple and unavoidable fact forces us to consider the origin of those limitations, from which order has sprung. It doesn't prove that God exists, but it certainly invites the mind to contemplate this mysterious creative source, and the possibility of some purpose to existence (as order implies purpose).

The second is the phenomena of gestalt. Gestalt is a physical, biological, psychological, or symbolic configuration or pattern of elements that, when unified as a whole, its properties cannot be derived from a simple summation of its parts. The configuration results in a phenomena that far surpasses the possibilities inherent in the sum of the parts being configured. As an example: matter from energy, life from matter, and consciousness from living matter. Each opens up a whole new realm of existential possibilities that were not previously enabled and were not endemic to the elements involved. Gestalt shows us that the possibilities inherent within existence transcend our comprehension of it. And thus throws the door wide open to the very real possibility of God.

And the third bit of strong evidence for the existence of God is experiential. We humans need for God to exist, and that need is being fulfilled. It is built into our nature as human beings to seek the answers to those existential questions we have about the origin, nature, and purpose of our own being. And we acquired our nature through our place within the nature of the universe as a whole. In a very real way, the universe is contemplating it's own existence, through us. All of existence is seeking God.

Atheists like to use the "God of the gaps" argument against theism, but they completely overlook the real significance of their own observations, which is that the gap exists! The gap is there, and is real, and is within us all, even the atheists, themselves. It is that gap that causes us to need and to seek after God in the first place. And that gap, that need, is there as an expression of the whole universe, as we are manifestations of the universe expressing itself.

I've heard all the atheist's arguments against these evidences, and have found that they just don't hold their water.
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