toldailytopic: If you were the King of the USA, how would you rule?

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Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Legalize and tax drugs, prostitution, and gambling

For once, your post isn't compeltely without merit. All things are for us. Yet I oppose medical marijuana on ballots because the people that are pushing it wrote it just to get high at home.


If you were the King of the USA, how would you rule?

By stepping down and turning over rule to a president and congress elected by the people.

Also, if there is ever a king of the USA during my lifetime, I'll kill his family, then him, or die trying.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Also, if there is ever a king of the USA during my lifetime, I'll kill his family, then him, or die trying.

You got that right.

Revelation 20

19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse.

And being a dispensationalist, you might have noticed I don't claim this is the end times. We don't know that, or have signs to look for.


You got that right.

Revelation 20

19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse.

And being a dispensationalist, you might have noticed I don't claim this is the end times. We don't know that, or have signs to look for.
I liked V for Vendetta better.


New member
Nope. It would be forced upon everyone. There would be mandatory "bacon consumption" periods. I guess I can allow vegetarians and vegans to have tofu bacon. I guess...

I was addicted to soy bacon for awhile without realizing it wasn't the real thing...

Lotta high-and-mighty, "monarchy is de debiiil!!" people on this thread.

I would rework the sex offender registry, especially regarding the actions which can get a person's name added.
Also add qualifications for getting one's named REMOVED.

I'd get rid of statutory rape laws completely.
Any person over the age of 13 who has sex with another person who is at or under the age of 12 is guilty of child molestation.
Beyond that, if there is no evidence of force or drug coercion, it is not a criminal offense.
This is mainly to legally counteract the thousands of adult males who are approached by underage females for sex each year, and are either too intoxicated to check their age OR are in an environment in which it is generally safe to assume that only adults will be present.

We have far too many decent men and women on the sex offender registry whose actions were not the result of a fetish or psychological disorder, but merely the result of a MINOR taking advantage of them.

All "public indecency" offenses would be decriminalized except for actual sexual intercourse.

I would legalize and tax the stuffing out of gambling, prostitution, and marijuana growing/usage.
Then make owning, smoking, or buying cigarettes a Class A misdemeanor.:p

I would set the minimum drinking, moving away from home, military enlisting, car driving, and porn buying ages at 21.
Before 21, you'd be a child.
After 21, you'd be an adult, no questions asked.

I'd ban the federal government (including the SCOTUS) from passing any abortion laws, and require each state to amend its constitution to either uphold or overturn Roe v. Wade.

Force Congress to ratify a Bill of Rights for federal, state, and municipal government employees, which would require the provision of (among other things) comprehensive health insurance, pensions, paid leave (of various kinds), and life insurance.
It would also dissolve any currently existing governmental employee unions, with the caveat that such may be revived if a particular agency, department, or office fails to provide or infringes upon the Rights outlined in the Bill.

...whew! Think that'll enrage enough people for now. :D

The Horn

I would try to create a secure safety net for all.Not a "socialist"
country or "socialist" government, but one where it was not so difficult
for people to get a good education past high school, a good and secure job, and to be able to retire without worrying about the future.
I would try to get as many people as possible off of welfare by
helping them to get college ,graduate,law or medical educucations
or vocational training.
I would see to it that financial help was always available for young people to get the edication they needed past high school.
I would welcome private charities and private donations from the wealthy to help people, but I would not make the disastrous mistake of assuming that we can just get rid of all government help for those in need.
I would try to prevent as many abortions as possible by seeing to it that poor pregnant women got the help they needed to
provide for their children,born or unborn.
This would not be "socialism", just a government that provides the help people need.
I would see to it that our symphony orchestras and opera companies did not have to struggle to stay alive.
I would not destroy the free market or interfere too much with
businesses, but I would try to prevent them from harming and exploiting the public and despoiling the environment with impunity.
I would see to it that the government kept out of people's bedrooms, schools were places for teaching not preaching , and the government did not allow religion to interfere with non-christians ,atheists or agnostics, yet still allowed religious freedom for all.
I would try to create a government where there was a happy medium between Marxism and communism, and a total laissez-faire, dog-eat-dog,every man for himself capitalism .
A live and let live, mind your own business America .


New member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 10th, 2011 10:12 AM

toldailytopic: If you were the King of the USA, how would you rule?

The first things I would do.....
End the Fed and fractional reserve banking
The government would begin to print debt free money to fund its operations


New member
Yep. I got bills like everybody else.

$85,000 per year too much of a taxpayer burden?

Hey, if you are the king, what's $50 million per year to the USA of 300,000,000 people?

I know if I was queen, I would be gifted richly. Therefore, I would insist on no salary. Only my dear, supportive family, friends and loyal subjects would be gifting me, so in a nation of 300,000,000 - there should be more than plenty for me to live on without me even having to ask. I don't require much, anyway.


New member
Hey, if you are the king, what's $50 million per year to the USA of 300,000,000 people?

I know if I was queen, I would be gifted richly. Therefore, I would insist on no salary. Only my dear, supportive family, friends and loyal subjects would be gifting me, so in a nation of 300,000,000 - there should be more than plenty for me to live on without me even having to ask. I don't require much, anyway.

Except that I don't trust people to give ANYTHING away EVER.

Not even in gratitude.
Every cent is clung to as if it were the last on earth.

Ask for too much, you end up in the guillotine.
So I'd go for nice-but-not-extravagant.


New member
Not practical in my opinion, and that just as a lowly citizen.
Doubly so for a monarch.

It's a matter of faith. I've seen to much generosity in my life to not be a believer. God always provides.

You love what the money gets you, you can have it. However, you just failed my king test. :king:



New member
Any kingdom that would let their king starve while he served them dressed in rags would be ashamed of themselves. It would have to be a very very impoverished nation. Or a very narcissistic nation not worthy of a good king.

Any king who has to have regular payment to rule a people in order to live is getting himself into deep doo-doo. And vice versa for that nation.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: If you were the King of the USA, how would you rule?

Biblically is good start--puts everything in a nutshell.

To start off I would follow the example of King Solomon, praying to God for guidance, asking God for wisdom and not just riches and fame. We do know Solomon had a good start and messed up. I'd leave off the mess up part and place myself in the LORD's hands.

Now to some specifics:
Ban Abortion. No more slaughter of innocents.
Ban sodomy.
Death penalty for murder, rape and sex crimes against children.
No more tolerance for perverts period. Treat as a disorder as it should be. Take people with disorders like this out of the military. No more band aid surgeries that make the patient look like the opposite gender.
The only legal form of marriage is between a man and a woman.
Put God back into the educational system.
Toss or pare down the corporate tax.
No more capital gains tax.
No marriage penalty tax.
Get rid of stupid useless spending --research into freckles etc and move the monies into things that will help the country.
Create a healthy defense budget. Make sure the military has the equipment they need.
Toss the punitive cigarette tax and smoking bans. Don't like the smoke--eat someplace else! Restaurants should decide on the smoking issues themselves not the government.
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