toldailytopic: If you voted for Obama, do you regret it?


New member
He looks like their best shot, but the Mormon angle and the hard right's mistrust will stop him short of the party nomination.

I think his real problem is going to be that he's not conservative enough for the party he's in. The American people might support him, but the GOP won't because he'll fail their purity tests. They don't want him much more than they want Obama. Which is a pity.


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Hall of Fame
I really do think Ron Paul could beat Obama in the general election.

We need some Ron Paul but he's gonna tear down the entire power structure and the power structure won't put up with that.
We did elect a Half Black guy so who knows, perhaps we are ready for a "close the Fed go on the Gold Standard get out of foriegn wars" Guy.


Well-known member
I voted for Obama and I don't regret it one bit. Now I can't bring myself to wear my "Hope and change" t-shirt in public, but I'd wear a more generalized Obama one.

I can only imagine what the country would look like with McCain Palin in the white house. We'd probably have 12% unemployment.

I don't see anyone in the Republican field worth voting for. Romney is probably the least odious among them but I doubt he will be the nominee.

some other dude

New member

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 6th, 2011 11:40 AM

toldailytopic: If you voted for Obama, do you regret it?

I did not vote at all in the last election because both of the hopeful candidates were speaking fantasies which I knew could not be achieved. A President does not dictate anything. Between the two, I thought that Obama was the most sincere. His opponent was/is/will be a warhawk, and that was unneeded following the wreckage left behind by GWB. Thus far, I have appreciated the measures Obama has asked Congress to put in place, and I cannot blame Obama for the Congressional failure to do so. Obama has made some mistakes, but I think his opponent would have made worse ones for our country.

Doesn't really matter, does it? What you see is what we've got. Had I been the one to be elected to that office, I could not have done a better job than Obama. How about you?


New member
I didn't really cast my vote for Obama--I cast it against Bush's legacy.

So yeah, I voted for Ineffectual-Man. I guess, as I have stated before, I prefer inadequate to destructive. I couldn't foresee that he would be such a capitulating wimp, however. Still though, I believe he's better than Palin--just about anyone is.

some other dude

New member
I didn't really cast my vote for Obama--I cast it against Bush's legacy.

So yeah, I voted for Ineffectual-Man. I guess, as I have stated before, I prefer inadequate to destructive. I couldn't foresee that he would be such a capitulating wimp, however. Still though, I believe he's better than Palin--just about anyone is.

:doh: Palin didn't run against Obama. She ran against Biden.

How's silver foot Joe been doing these past two and a half years?

I hear his vice-presidency has been a big ****ing deal.



New member
I really do think Ron Paul could beat Obama in the general election.

I suspect that if you think the Obama-letdown was huge for the people who really liked him, it would be nothing compared to the Paul-letdown that would occur if he succeeded to win the Presidency. It would probably mean four years of gridlock, and those ideas that he did manage to push through not turn out quite like he predicts. Of course, there are many of his faithful who would push the blame onto something else even then.

I do think it's interesting watching the Republican mainstream, such as it is, react to him. He probably deserves more respect than he gets, but I can understand why they want to marginalize him.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ok, I don't want the next President to be under the impression that (s)he is the nation's spiritual or religious leader. That's maybe my top priority. But only maybe.

That's not how I think about it. I listen to what the candidates think is important, and make a judgement largely on that basis. For example, Rick Perry decided that it was a worthy use of his office as governor to call a huge prayer meeting. That tells me he thinks he's running for Pope, not President, so I probably won't vote for him. I wouldn't disqualify someone just for being an evangelical, or a Mormon for that matter, but when they make an issue of it, that's when I have a problem.

And I should amend what I said earlier. Romney is at least interesting enough to listen to for me.

so what religious beliefs do you fear the most?