toldailytopic: If Jesus had His ministry now in modern times, what would the mainstre


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Read the passage in context.

Jesus then tells His Disciples that two swords would be enough.

The context pertains to fulfilling Isaiah 53. Jesus was not telling His Disciples to buy swords to fight their enemies.

For enemies of the Gospel we use the Sword of the Spirit. For theives and robbers we use guns.


New member
Jesus said "Love the Lord thy God...and love thy neighbor.... On these two commandments hang all of the Law and the Prophets."
He established a community via His chosen Disciples and issued "The Great Commandment" to them so that when people gathered to worship they would be instructed in "The Way" of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified and buried and risen on the third day for us.
I believe we need instruction. witness and nuture to help us stay on our path.

I agree wholeheartedly!


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I'm not exactly sure what you mean by mainstream Church. In my opinion Jesus has no need of creed, doctrine, Bible nor any other of the trappings of a church. So I suspect the mainstream Church will be horrified when He returns.

Why then did Christ say " it is written" 63 times in the gospels while pointing to Old Testament prophecies in order to establish His Authority of being who was written about in them?


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We'd have a hard time, as He'd only speak to the House of Israel and the rest of us would hear from disciples atf ...

We still wouldn't find His body...


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Then you dont believe in Jesus? You know a yes or no answer would be a little easier....

Honestly, Angel, what the heck kind of question is this? No, I don't believe in Jesus. You're smart enough for me not to have spell this out for you. Don't sidetrack the thread.


The Dark Knight
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toldailytopic: If Jesus had His ministry now in modern times, what would the mainstream Church think of His approach?

There would be no church.

Am I taking things too literally?

They'd call him a hypocrite for judging after telling us not to, because they wouldn't have been paying attention to what He actually said. Then they'd judge him for not forgiving the unrepentant. And also for hanging out with sinners who have repented.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 24th, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: If Jesus had His ministry now in modern times, what would the mainstream Church think of His approach?

That's easy. They would string him up and crucify him, just as the mainstream church did before.


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Honestly, Angel, what the heck kind of question is this? No, I don't believe in Jesus. You're smart enough for me not to have spell this out for you. Don't sidetrack the thread.

You said Jesus wasnt the problem and admit you believe in the supernatural, both strange and amazing things to me. So yes, sometimes you might need to spell that out for me.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 24th, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: If Jesus had His ministry now in modern times, what would the mainstream Church think of His approach?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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This question confuses me.
There is no mainstream Church. There is one Church, One Body of believers in Yeshua.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
They would say he is mean and judgemental.

Yeah, this is probably true in today's hyper PC world, but remember that back then they condemned him for not being judgmental enough. Remember that the Law said the adulterous woman should have been stoned. Jesus defied the Law and showed mercy. The hardcore, fascist leaning conservatives wouldn't like him much either.

and He would vote Republican :thumb:

No he wouldn't. I'm not sure if Jesus would vote, but if he would, I'm almost certain he would have voted for Ron Paul, the only genuine Christian in the running and the only follower of his command that "Blessed are the peacemakers." He would NOT have voted for endless war in the Middle East. That just wasn't his MO. I suspect Jesus might not vote at all though.

Oh, and Fox News wouldn't hire him, they'd accuse him of caring about Arabs too much...

In all seriousness I think most Christians wouldn't like what he had to say. (They don't seem to care for much of what he said as it is.)

Now THIS is a winner...


The Dark Knight
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Yeah, this is probably true in today's hyper PC world, but remember that back then they condemned him for not being judgmental enough. Remember that the Law said the adulterous woman should have been stoned. Jesus defied the Law and showed mercy. The hardcore, fascist leaning conservatives wouldn't like him much either.

No he wouldn't. I'm not sure if Jesus would vote, but if he would, I'm almost certain he would have voted for Ron Paul, the only genuine Christian in the running and the only follower of his command that "Blessed are the peacemakers." He would NOT have voted for endless war in the Middle East. That just wasn't his MO. I suspect Jesus might not vote at all though.

Oh, and Fox News wouldn't hire him, they'd accuse him of caring about Arabs too much...

Now THIS is a winner...
While I cannot completely disagree with your assessment [Jesus certainly would not be a Republican, not in this day and age] I fear there is much about Jesus you do not understand.

For instance, Jesus followed the law regarding the adulteress. So it seems you also do not know the law that should have been your tutor and pointed you to Christ.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
While I cannot completely disagree with your assessment [Jesus certainly would not be a Republican, not in this day and age] I fear there is much about Jesus you do not understand.

For instance, Jesus followed the law regarding the adulteress. So it seems you also do not know the law that should have been your tutor and pointed you to Christ.

How did Jesus follow the law in that case? Didn't the law say the adulterer should have been stoned? Jesus said no...

The Republican Party is not only pro-choice in the vast majority of instances, they are also fradulent (Whether you like Ron Paul or not, just look at how they manipulated the voting system to make him lose by even more than he should have) and are pro-violation of the sixth commandment against Middle Easterners who have already been born. The idea that anyone would say that Jesus would vote for them, in general, is quite laughable to me.

If Jesus voted at all, I seriously doubt he would care about superficial things like political party. I think he'd care a lot more about how much they followed Bible verses like "Thou shall not steal," "Let not a Christian be known... a busybody in other people's matters", "Thou shall not murder," and so on, than what party they identified with.


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Depends on what mainstream church. Those who fully believe in Jesus would come to know Him. Not all of any church would be willing.