toldailytopic: If Jesus had His ministry now in modern times, what would the mainstre

john w

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What is wrong with Wile giving his answer to the question?

I too believe that if Jesus were to post on TOL, he would either be told he wasn't saved, or that He didn't know how to "rightly divide".

Jesus told Peter to put his sword back in its place, then said to Peter: "live by the sword, die by the sword".

If we substitute "sword" with "gun", how would Jesus fit in with all you NRA people?

"he would either be told he wasn't saved"-Tet.

Have you ever told anyone that they were not saved, based upon their testimony? If not, why not? And none of this "Well, I'm not Jesus.....Paul...." satanic jazz, per the below.......

"I'm sure she believes in her heart that she knows the truth about the word of God, and I'm sure you think the same thing. Each of you believes that you are "assured" that you know the truth. So how do you convince her you are right, or how does she convince you she is right?One of you is right, and one of you is wrong, and each of you are 100% sure the other is wrong. So what do you do?... . I just don't understand… Yes, John, but you are not Paul, and none of us are able to determine what “Sound” doctrine is since it is subjective....... You John W are not an apostle, and may or may not be inspired by God the Holy Spirit as to what the objective truth of the Bible is.Therefore, when I say “You are not Paul”, it does not mean that we are not supposed to abide by Paul’s epistles, it means that YOU are unable, on your own, to know which believer is speaking the objective truth of God’s word, and which believer is speaking the subjective truth of God’s word.”-Tet.

If you have not, then just what is your function, Chip, on this graveyard, and on TOL?

Let me guess:

"I am not here to teach, instruct, evangelize, or advise anyone."-Tet.


If it was a universal truth, then everyone who has ever used a sword since that time, would die by a sword. Do you really believe this has happened?

Jesus was speaking proverbially.

If I say: "Practice makes perfect", it doesn't mean that everyone who has ever practiced something became perfect at it.


Well-known member
Jesus was speaking proverbially.

If I say: "Practice makes perfect", it doesn't mean that everyone who has ever practiced something became perfect at it.

I believe He was speaking to His disciple's immediate welfare.

We disagree. :idunno:

What else is new?


Have you ever told anyone that they were not saved, based upon their testimony?

Yes, I have told the following they weren't saved (based on their testimony)

Jehovah's Witnesses
Hare Krishna's


I believe He was speaking to His disciple's immediate welfare.

We disagree. :idunno:

What else is new?

Jesus said "He" who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Jesus began his sentence with the word "He". The grammar and syntax tells us that it is a universal statement.

(Proverbs 11:27) He that diligently seeks good procures favor: but he that seeks evil, it shall come unto him.

When a proverb begins with the word "he", it is universal.


Well-known member
Folks would choke on His "Go and sin no more" statements. He befriended sinners, but He didn't condone their behavior. There is a world of difference between loving someone and loving their actions.

Yes, they certainly would choke. Today, we must be politically correct and say everyone has the right to do what is right in his own eyes, and we are not to judge them. To judge means to rightly divide and not call evil good and good evil, but to be able to discern between good and evil. The Word wasn't given to put blinders over the eyes of the church of God, but that is what these misinterpretations of Scripture have done in this our "modern" age.

The grace of God doesn't cover over sin, it simply provides a postponement of judgement until faith comes to give us access to that grace. Which is why no one is saved until they believe, and no sins are forgiven until one is justified by that faith.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tetelestai
What is wrong with Wile giving his answer to the question?

I too believe that if Jesus were to post on TOL, he would either be told he wasn't saved, or that He didn't know how to "rightly divide".

Jesus told Peter to put his sword back in its place, then said to Peter: "live by the sword, die by the sword".

If we substitute "sword" with "gun", how would Jesus fit in with all you NRA people?

That was not a universal pronouncement.
The LORD was simply telling those who were with Him that night, that if they sought to defend Him and themselves with a sword that they would die at the hands of the soldiers who had come to get Him.

Yes, I agree. That seems pretty clear here in Luke where Jesus says, "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." Then He said, two swords would be "enough."

Luke 22:35-37
And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end. And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.


Well-known member
Jesus said "He" who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Jesus began his sentence with the word "He". The grammar and syntax tells us that it is a universal statement.

(Proverbs 11:27) He that diligently seeks good procures favor: but he that seeks evil, it shall come unto him.

When a proverb begins with the word "he", it is universal.

HE also said to sell your garment to buy a sword. That would be a gun in this modern world. ;)


The TOPIC OF THE DAY for April 24th, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: If Jesus had His ministry now in modern times, what would the mainstream Church think of His approach?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by mainstream Church. In my opinion Jesus has no need of creed, doctrine, Bible nor any other of the trappings of a church. So I suspect the mainstream Church will be horrified when He returns.


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I'm not exactly sure what you mean by mainstream Church. In my opinion Jesus has no need of creed, doctrine, Bible nor any other of the trappings of a church. So I suspect the mainstream Church will be horrified when He returns.

He built His Church on a rock


New member
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by mainstream Church. In my opinion Jesus has no need of creed, doctrine, Bible nor any other of the trappings of a church. So I suspect the mainstream Church will be horrified when He returns.

Jesus said "Love the Lord thy God...and love thy neighbor.... On these two commandments hang all of the Law and the Prophets."
He established a community via His chosen Disciples and issued "The Great Commandment" to them so that when people gathered to worship they would be instructed in "The Way" of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified and buried and risen on the third day for us.
I believe we need instruction. witness and nuture to help us stay on our path.


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Jesus said "Love the Lord thy God...and love thy neighbor.... On these two commandments hang all of the Law and the Prophets."
He established a community via His chosen Disciples and issued "The Great Commandment" to them so that when people gathered to worship they would be instructed in "The Way" of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified and buried and risen on the third day for us.
I believe we need instruction. witness and nuture to help us stay on our path.

good post bybee

Jesus asked Peter to feed His sheep three times


HE also said to sell your garment to buy a sword. That would be a gun in this modern world. ;)

Read the passage in context.

Jesus then tells His Disciples that two swords would be enough.

The context pertains to fulfilling Isaiah 53. Jesus was not telling His Disciples to buy swords to fight their enemies.

Wile E. Coyote

New member
Read the passage in context.

Jesus then tells His Disciples that two swords would be enough.

The context pertains to fulfilling Isaiah 53. Jesus was not telling His Disciples to buy swords to fight their enemies.
The word "sword" should be translated "dagger." Two daggers would be useless against a band of thieves. They were for utility purposes.

Why would Jesus limit them to only two daggers if they were meant for more than utility purposes?


The word "sword" should be translated "dagger." Two daggers would be useless against a band of thieves. They were for utility purposes.

Why would Jesus limit them to only two daggers if they were meant for more than utility purposes?

'cause most of them had only two arms? :idunno:


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In all seriousness I think most Christians wouldn't like what he had to say. (They don't seem to care for much of what he said as it is.)

As well as everyone else especially. Not liking what he had to say is part of why you walked away isnt it? So would it be any different for you if He was physically present now?


Well-known member
The word "sword" should be translated "dagger." Two daggers would be useless against a band of thieves. They were for utility purposes.

Why would Jesus limit them to only two daggers if they were meant for more than utility purposes?

Utility? Like cutting off someone's ear? ;)

In Matthew, Jesus said, "Put your sword in its place..." He didn't tell him to throw it away. The reason being that Jesus was to be taken and crucified.

"BUT NOW..." The disciples were to go out into hostile territories among robbers and theives and wild animals. They needed protection, as we all do, from those. That's a lot different than being persecuted for one's faith. To not protect ourselves against theives and murderers...being victims without cause, is a far cry from being a martyr for our faith.

Luke 22:35-36
And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

It would be tempting the Lord to walk down through crank town in the middle of the night expecting the Lord to keep you safe. Actually not much different than stepping out in front of a logging truck, thinking He'll keep us from getting ran over.