toldailytopic: How does one get to heaven?


New member
It's not that you can't, it's that you don't believe it's that simple.

I believe God. Why don't you believe God?

I presented the simpicity that is in Christ 2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV

You don't even understand his faith, much less have a paygrade that lets you judge what he believes. You really went past the stuff you know what you are talking about.


New member
My answer is going to make you mad. You are only in heaven to be judged. That's it. Yiu wait for the resurrection. Then you live in the kingdom of God, angle His son will run that, so it will be where he is. On earth.


New member


One gets to Heaven by believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and by accepting Him as one's personal Lord and Saviour!


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Hall of Fame
Chickenman: I don't understand.
How would you answer the three questions, Trad?

Forgive me for being a little slow tonight, but was the implication of Chickenman's questions that if we first think "I hope it's not my house" it means we don't love our neighbor as ourself? :idunno:
That's right. If we're putting our own good above that of our neighbor's, then we're not really loving our neighbor as ourself.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for August 5th, 2011 09:08 AM

toldailytopic: How does one get to heaven?

First one must realize that they are lost.
It is not like you are lost in the middle of the Amazon and might find your way out, on your own, or might find someone to lead you out.
This entire world is the Amazon, and you are completely lost.

When you realize that as a fact, you will then begin to cry out for someone to help you, find your way out of the inescapable jungle that you are in ."You shall seek me, and you shall find me, when you seek me with all your heart"

You may hear many voices, offering the answer, some may even be your own. They all want to "help" and they all seem to have a plan. But when you come across someone who has actually been looking for you, and when you hear His voice, it sounds somewhat familiar.
Listen to Him, follow Him, and obey Him. He knows the way out.
If He has some scars on His hands and feet, and a wound on His side, that you can see in your mind's eye; He's the one. Surrender to Him, and trust Him.

He's been here before, and He knows what the jungle is like, and how terrible and terrifying it is. He got out, but not before it tortured Him and put Him to death. He was the only one to overcome the death, that this world deals out, from this inescapable trap that we are all in.

He alone escaped this jungle and death, and returned for forty days to prove it. Now His Spirit calls to all mankind, to help us all escape this world and its death. His sheep hear His voice, and respond to it.

Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart, but respond to it, and be comforted as He leads you away, unto life, and into His heaven. If you let go of His hand, and get temporarily lost again, sit still, cry out again, and He will find you once again........ Hold on a little tighter this time.

There is only one person who ever died for me, and could promise me everlasting life. I choose to surrender myself and follow Him, for those reasons.

As a parent often wants what is best for a child, more than the child wants it for Himself. Our heavenly Father wants us out of this world and into His heavenly home, far more than we ourselves do. The sacrifice of His only Son, is the sign post, we are looking for, to escape this lost road to nowhere.

Heaven is a "good" destination, to seek from where we currently are.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's it, no one can, so logically no one can be saved?

God has a better way of both saving us and helping us keep His commandments.

"I live no longer I but Christ liveth IN me"

that is not logic
you know I was answering a question

can you obey the two greatest commandments without fail?
my answer was 'no one can'
that doesn't mean 'no one can be saved'
you should know that

we have to ask God for help to love our neighbor
even with that help we will fail from time to time
we have to do the best we can


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
that is not logic
you know I was answering a question

can you obey the two greatest commandments without fail?
my answer was 'no one can'
that doesn't mean 'no one can be saved'
you should know that

we have to ask God for help to love our neighbor
even with that help we will fail from time to time
we have to do the best we can
How can one know if "the best we can" is good enough?


How does one get to heaven?

In order to get to heaven one must come from heaven, just like Jesus.

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

Coming from heaven originally is the only way that one can literally be in the world but not of the world.

John 17:16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
Whaat??? Dude you need to clean your pipe and change the water.


I believe in the two greatest commandments
I believe all the laws hang on them

do you?
You want to wear the yoke of bondage then wear it. You will be wearing it in Hell. Back sore yet. Jesus removed my yoke, he can remove yours too. He put yours on so you wouldn't have to. Join the club, no daily, annual fees, free eternal membership. Free food, music, not too cold, definitely not too hot, just right.


i think its rather amusing that protestants usually claim to go only by the Bible

and yet they throw out big chunks of it:

Mt 16:18 (The Church cannot be destroyed)

Jn 20:19 (confession to a priest)

Jn 6:27-54 (Eucharist)

when i was outside the Church, i would sometimes go to a protestant church (didn't know any better:sigh:) and i NEVER once heard a pastor talk on those psgs and tons of others.

protestants pick and choose which ones they will deal with.

They throw out those that sound too Catholic

so much for loving the Bible
Umm Ok, and you can throw out 2/3rds of the New Testament. Yeah you're SOO much better off without that rascal Paul confusing everybody. Gal1 2:7


so far none of the answers involves DOING anything.

hmmm. That's odd since Jesus said to obey the commandments.

He also told us that if we do not care 4 our (HIS) brethren, we will end up in Hell - if we do feed the hungry, care fro the lonely, etc

This is in Mt 25:31

nowhere in this psg or anywhere else does it say that those who have accepted Jesus as personal savior get a free pass on this loving one's neighbor thing (meaning loving him in a tangible, practical way)

In fact nowhere in the Word does it say that we must accept Jesus as personal savior. Those words are NOWHERE in the Bible. Whatever happened to sola scriptura?

Luther was the 1st to come up w/ this innovation that once a person is "saved" he is always saved.

Again, where does it say that in the Bible??

you people who claim to go by the Bible... uh...

You're not a right wing zealot, you a left wingnut. Sucks to be you. Tried it your way, Jesus asked me why. I said because you told me to. He said no I didn't. I said WHAAT, yes you did. He said nope never did. I said Ok then what DID you say. He said to ask Paul. I did and whew!!! Glad I did. Thank you Jesus.


didn't miss that

the question is

what do you have to do to get to heaven?
Umm no the question was not what but how. That is your problem, you and that logic idiot think you have jump through a bunch hoops to get to Heaven and continue jumping through those hoops. You only have to jump through one one time, thats it. But you don't get that do you. Sad really. He made it sooo much simpler for you and me.