Vegasa Cowboy, what kind of incredibly dense doofus are you ? "Liberals" have done everything in power to destroy the family ?
You imbecile ! Socio-economoic conditions have changed vastly.
I may be a liberal, but I'v e never done anything to "destroy" the family.
Nobody is trying to. You conservatives(really reactionaries) DO have an idealized idea of the past, when everything was hunky dory and everybody was virtuous, a devout Christian, there was no sex before or outside of marriage, no abortions, there were few gay people and they were all in th e closet etc, .
Poppycock ! There were just as many gay people as now, and they lived in fear of being fired from their jobs or being sent to mental institutions for briutal electric shock "therapy" to "cure" them of their homosexuality, and illegal abortions happened EVERY DAY all over America, and poor women died routinely or nearly perished from botched illegal abortions while women who could afford them easily arranged safe ones for themselves , etc.
Pornography was already rampant, just underground .
Look, I have absolutely no problem with married heterosexuals having stable marriages and bringing up their children .
But it's just not possible for all children to be brought up this way .
If you think I want to "destroy" the family, or that other liberals want to, you're an idiot ! As an individual America, I have zero power to "destroy" the family , and I wouldn't want it even if I could !
You really are the most clueless individual that I think I've ever come across. Go on and keep believing that tripe. One day you'll have your answers. God help you when you meet Him.