We made up God, Satan and sin.
We made up God, Satan and sin.
There is no paradox.I believe that God is sovereign, and that this sovereignty, which is my worship, implies necessarily that both good and evil, good deeds and evil deeds, originate in God, the Creator and Sustainer of Creation. I subjugate my idea or thought of what is evil and what is sin, to my idea of God being sovereign. I consider it pious and reverent to ascribe evil to God, and to leave the paradox at His feet. He is the one who created the paradox, after all. I do think that there is a clue in the story of the Garden. I do think that the knowledge of good and evil has something to do with it. I do think that if we did not have this knowledge, that we would not accuse God, who is the cause of everything, of being evil.
Fair enough. I would assert that the moment we ascribe evil to God we have blurred His character is an irreparable way.I will, if convinced otherwise. That might not happen in this conversation, but I am open to be convinced otherwise.
Well!!! Could it possibly be that when Jesus came and fulfilled the Law, He fulfilled it for woman too! Just a thought.
I previously mentioned that Christ abrogated Leviticus 15:30.
Col 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross.
Eph 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.
These verses help prove that God, as the creator of the law, is the cause of that specific sin, because when Leviticus 15:30 is abrogated the sin of menstruation is no longer imputed, i.e. menstruation is no longer a sin.
:think: What would you think of the explanation that menstruation was brought about by the Fall? I mean, we don't have any real passage in Scripture that sheds any light on fertility cycles before the Fall, but we do know that menstruation makes women uncomfortablenoid
and that God said that one of the curses of the Fall was that the process of bearing a child would be more difficult and painful (Genesis 3:16). What do you think?
If you die in an elevator, make sure to push the UP button.Man
We made up God, Satan and sin.
It confuses you because it's a contradiction and goes against reason. Faith may go beyond reason at times but it doesn't go against reason.
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 27th, 2011 11:28 AM
toldailytopic: God, Satan, or man. Who is the cause of on sin?
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Lets say for sake of argument you can find a small amount of sins that God directly caused in the pages of the Bible (I disagree with that argument but for sake of a larger argument I want to concede that point).These verses help prove that God, as the creator of the law, is the cause of that specific sin
These verses help prove that God, as the creator of the law, is the cause of that specific sin, because when Leviticus 15:30 is abrogated the sin of menstruation is no longer imputed, i.e. menstruation is no longer a sin.
We know that, before the Fall, the man and woman could procreate (Ge 1:28), necessitating menstruation, assuming no change in the design of the woman. My position is the Fall did not entail a change in the woman's anatomy and physiology, only a perceptual change (Ge 3:7). Genesis 3:16 does not undermine my position, but strengthens it if God is truly the cause of her sorrow and conception ("I will greatly multiply..."). Furthermore, menstruation, even if it started after the Fall, is involuntary; Eve didn't alter her own physiology, if it was altered; she didn't choose to menstruate; yet, a "sin offering" and "atonement" with God was required for her menstruation.
Lets assume that God caused a few specific sins... would it then follow that God causes all sin?
We are the cause of our own suffering through our disobedience towards God and the chain of events that we created through sin.
I'm gonna just throw this out there. Shouldn't we consider that these laws regarding cleanliness were there to protect them? It was a sin to disobey the Lord and not follow the laws regarding being clean, because disobedience was a sin. It’s not that being unclean was a sin; it was unhealthy. Ignoring God’s law to become clean was a sin.I certainly agree that man and woman could procreate before the Fall, as evidenced by the verse you mentioned. In addition, I agree that a woman menstruates involuntarily and that it, of course, requires a sin offering in order to restore the cleanliness of the woman. That said, it would matter immensely if the woman underwent a physiological change after the Fall. For, if that is the case and menstruation were the consequence of the man and woman's choice, then it follows that man, and not God, was responsible for menstruation and the subsequent need for a sin offering.
So, at the crux of the issue is whether or not the man and woman underwent any sort of physiological changes when God rendered the curse, and this seems to be something that we can't know for sure. While we do know that child birth became quite a bit more difficult as a result of the Fall, we don't know to what degree. Additionally, we do know that there was some pain or difficulty before the Fall, but again we don't know to what degree. One might conjecture that the serpent underwent a physiological change (Genesis 3:14), but I think that assumes too much.
So, I write all that to simply say....:idunno:
In the end, I think the real matter of the bigger issue is whether or not a person differentiates between God causing and God allowing and how much He does one or the other.
Not to mention that asserting that God caused some or all sin would fly in the face of the one very definitive statement God makes regarding this topic...It would be evidence suggestive that He potentially does cause all sin directly or indirectly in some way. The problem is, if I say that God only creates some calamity, I have no way of knowing what calamity to attribute to God's will and what calamity to attribute to man's will, or Satan providing the devil is in the details.
That explanation is kinda hard to understand for me. All I can say is that based on what I understand from God's word... God created us to love and fellowship with, and the only way that was possibly was to create us with a will of our own. The flip side of giving us a will is that we might use that will to do things that are contrary to His will. While it grieves God that we do evil things, the alternative would have been worse i.e., no will, no freedom - which would have entirely defeated the purpose of creation altogether. Said in short... for God to give us the freedom to love... we needed the freedom to not love.Is your position essentially Plantinga's free will defense?
:thumb:All I can say is that based on what I understand from God's word... God created us to love and fellowship with, and the only way that was possibly was to create us with a will of our own. The flip side of giving us a will is that we might use that will to do things that are contrary to His will. While it grieves God that we do evil things, the alternative would have been worse i.e., no freedom - which would have entirely defeated the purpose of creation altogether. Said in short... for God to give us the freedom to love... we needed the freedom to not love.
So often I see things in the O.T. that are just plainly misogynist and seems to me NOT to be God inspired but a man thing.