God created the sun and moon on the fourth day, a few days after He said "Let there be light." So there's that.lain:
So, apparently, if those two previous vss are correct, god didn't exist until the fourth day. That is a bit problematic for me.
God created the sun and moon on the fourth day, a few days after He said "Let there be light." So there's that.lain:
And a question a Calvinist grinds his/her teeth over:If man is so utterly depraved, w/o the ability to respond, w/o first being "regenerated to be able to believe," just why the heck would the LORD God need to "harden" his already hardened, totally depraved,
"unable to" heart?
Take it away LORD God. Sidebar.
You can go back and read his posts if you'd like. Or just ask him. He does not deny that he believes God created Himself. If he does deny it, great, just say so. Pretty simple.Nope, can you show me where he said that, please?
The line of thinking that says God creates all evil leads one to believe that God’s kingdom is divided against itself. If God allowed sickness and disease because He wanted it, why did Jesus go about casting out demons and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness? Is God in conflict with Himself? Does He want us to be sick or does He want us to be healed? Sounds like a confused god. Jesus sa
To say itid that he couldn’t be casting out demons by Satan because a kingdom can’t be divided against itself (Matt. 12:25-38). The same logic forces the conclusion that Jesus couldn’t cast out demons and heal by the power of God if the demons and sickness were there by the will of God. God’s kingdom, like Satan’s kingdom, can’t be divided against itself.
Well, like I said, if you believe God creates and wills and performs evil, then God's kingdom is divided against itself. Just because I had a baby and want that baby to continue to live while knowing that baby will grow up and eventually commit sin does not mean that I want him to commit sin or will him to commit sin.To say god didn't create evil, takes away his omnipotence, and his sovereignty, because you have something that BECAME, without God's hand, or will, and God can't stop it.
Also, the chat tangent on evil is pointless. We can't even tell what is evil. I nearly died today, I survived. Next week I meet a young man, and one innocent phrase I said, leads his mind down a path, that grows and grows, and he does.some evil act that is atrocious. God was not evil by saving my worthless life. God caused more evil by letting me live. Perhaps Israel wouldn't be a nation today if Adolph had not done his thing, then the Messiah would not be close to returning, and more things happen.
When we discuss evils things, we cant see the consequences to judge them. HE does.
Evil..... is a word that is ME centric, and is usually defined as something I would not desire to happen to me. Because, well, tell me some of the things that happened outside of god's awareness and control.
A last question to the dads here. If you killed your son, would people assume that was evil?
The word there isn't evil, it's calamity. God is describing His power and His ability to crush those that disobey Him and those that stand in the way of His people (Israel). He isn't saying He all the sudden turned evil, that would be the opposite of what God is all about. God creates calamity on those that reject Him and oppose Him, that's all He is saying in Isaiah 45, it's rather clear what God is saying when you read chapter 44 and 45 together.
We have discussed this one ad nauseum. God wanted Pharaoh to let His people go, right? Therefore the last thing God wanted was that the Pharaoh NOT let His people go. So God didn't flip a switch on the Pharaoh's heart and make the Pharaoh even more stubborn as that would have completely defeated God's desire.
Instead, God hardened Pharaoh's heart when God displayed His power towards the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was prideful and the more God demonstrated His power the more the Pharaoh rejected God and the more the Pharaoh hardened his own heart.
Exodus 9:34 And when Pharaoh saw that the rain, the hail, and the thunder had ceased, he sinned yet more; and he hardened his heart, he and his servants.
The bottom line is... God doesn't want the Pharaoh to have a hard heart but God knows that by using His power against the Pharaoh it is causing the Pharaoh to further harden his own heart.
Exodus 8:32 But Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also; neither would he let the people go.
Did God create existence?God is Love.
God exists outside of creation.
Love INSIDE the creation, is a result of God creating it.
So, apparently, if those two previous vss are correct, god didn't exist until the fourth day.
I think I messed HP your quite sorry, on the fone.
I just wanted to say, UMMMMMMMMM WINNING!
Isa. 45:7 is calamity and adversity.
The same reason people have children all day, every day, all over the world knowing full well they're going do precisely what you told them not do to. And probably hurt themselves. Or someone else. Or both. About a hundred thousand times before they turn thirteen.Well, according to the Bible, God is responsible for the creation of the universe and the creation of mankind.
IF one really does not want individuals to *sin*, then why allow it to exist?
Do you believe that God created the calamity and adversity the people in the World Trade Center experienced on September 11, 2001?
That's a great way to put it. :up:The LORD God brought the "evil," calamity, because of the people's sins, their depravity, not the LORD God's.
Obviously we don't. Do you?Do you believe that God created the calamity and adversity the people in the World Trade Center experienced on September 11, 2001?
My point is that you can’t have it both ways. You say there was never a time God did not exist. I agree. Then you say that God created Himself. That’s contradictory to your first statement about God always existing. You can’t have it both ways because it’s completely nonsensical. If God created Himself, that necessarily means there was time He did not exist (which is, of course, logically absurd). Unless you mean to say there are two God's: one that has always existed and one that was created by the one that has always existed.
God gets mad when we accuse Him of being the cause of sin. In fact He asks that we defend His name against such accusers.
James 1:13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
I ended up nominating this post because it blows out of the water all arguments that God is responsible for sin.
Now to my reasons why I don't hold to the view that God created sin: First off sin is an act of the will, not an object or created thing. God created us as being with the free will. We are responsible for our own actions, not God. Satan doesn't even carry the responsibility for the sin of mankind. Adam and Eve could have chosen to ignore Satan's temptation. But they didn't. They bought into the deception. Just like today, they are buying the lie that they are not responsible for their sinful behavior. I was born like this. Satan breaks out the same old lies because people buy them and the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of mankind for ignoring God and doing what is right in their own eyes.
So, apparently, if those two previous vss are correct, god didn't exist until the fourth day. That is a bit problematic for me.