toldailytopic: During His earthly ministry would Jesus have approved of the homosexua

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't dislike you. You are an immature little child. I have exposed you as a fraud, based on YOUR own words and what you said about sin and being a "true believer". Because you have been exposed (like you have on many other threads) you once again are looking to find a way out of having your back against the wall. You need to grow-up and admit that you are a self-righteous hypocrite.
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I think Knight would rather have us discuss this elsewhere.
Nonsense. You made a statement concerning the topic of discussion, and I have called you out because of it. You are a coward. You know full well that you have been exposed as a fraud, and you are looking for a way out. YOU claim that you are a "true believer" because you do not sin like your neighbor. That makes you a self-righteous hypocrite. If Knight, or anyone else on this site cared about you at all, they would tell you what I have told you.


I dispute the idea of someone unwilling to declare where they stand right up front. That way I know what I'm dealing with....
We know where you stand. You stand in the temple declaring yourself righteous because you do not sin as much as your neighbor. You are the fraud. You are the one who claims to be a "Christian" and are clearly not.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nonsense. You made a statement concerning the topic of discussion, and I have called you out because of it. You are a coward. You know full well that you have been exposed as a fraud, and you are looking for a way out. YOU claim that you are a "true believer" because you do not sin like your neighbor. That makes you a self-righteous hypocrite. If Knight, or anyone else on this site cared about you at all, they would tell you what I have told you.
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If Knight thinks it's OK for you and I to do battle here, then I implore him to give us the "go ahead" otherwise this should be done elsewhere...
If Knight does not support me in my rebuking you openly for what you said, then the verse he uses, at the top of this page, to define TOL, is a sham.


New member
Matthew 7 is clear... no-one should judge. If you judge, you are a hypocrite. No-one is without sin, so no-one can judge without being a hypocrite.

Just concentrate on the moats in your own eye. That's enough.
You missed the last part of the message completely.

Matthew 7:5
5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.​

The message is clean up your own sins first, THEN HELP OTHERS TO CLEAN UP THEIR SINS.


Paul tells us to judge those who are in the church. Surely thinking that Jesus meant any judging by anyone is hypocritical behavior is a misunderstanding of scripture.


You missed the last part of the message completely.

Matthew 7:5
5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.​

The message is clean up your own sins first, THEN HELP OTHERS TO CLEAN UP THEIR SINS.
You ignoramus. It has NOTHING to do with "cleaning up" anyone's sins, and everything to do with thinking you are right because you do right.

The Pharisee in the temple believed that he was righteous because he did not "sin" like His neighbor. He did not see his own self-righteousness (just like you) because of the mote in his own eye. He needed to see himself as the publican did "a sinner asking for God's mercy", then he can help other self-righteous perverts (like you).


If a person who claims they're a "child of God" (like I said earlier) and continues to live a "homosexual lifestyle" Then I will boldly say, they are not , "born again Spiritually" and indwelt by the Holy Spirit of the living God... If no fruit appears at any time in a "so called believers" life, and they continue to live a lifestyle of sin, without repentance, then they are truly not "born from above."
Then you just proved that YOU are not saved.

Had you said that if a homosexual claims that it is not a sin, then you would have a case. However, you qualified salvation based on behavior, which is works righteousness, which would then condemn yourself.

The fact that you can't see the difference is evidence that you have never believed the Gospel, and are in fact a FRAUD.


New member
You ignoramus. It has NOTHING to do with "cleaning up" anyone's sins, and everything to do with thinking you are right because you do right.

The Pharisee in the temple believed that he was righteous because he did not "sin" like His neighbor. He did not see his own self-righteousness (just like you) because of the mote in his own eye. He needed to see himself as the publican did "a sinner asking for God's mercy", then he can help other self-righteous perverts (like you).
You continue to speak like a true child of the Pharisees, and not like a child of the Living God.

Repent and you may be saved in the day of the LORD, keep going the way you are and He will claim that He never knew you.


You continue to speak like a true child of the Pharisees, and not like a child of the Living God.

Repent and you may be saved in the day of the LORD, keep going the way you are and He will claim that He never knew you.
You've just been exposed as a fraud, and that is all you've got? :rotfl:

Your back is against the wall, just like the other self-righteous pervert (Grosnick), and you have no other recourse than to speak like the fool you are.

You idiots are too easy. :chuckle: