toldailytopic: Does religion cause division in your family or your extended family?


Well-known member
When I became an open theist and Mid-Acts Dispie we had some arguments, but actually I converted them for the most part. :) We all have been grace believers all along though, which I consider the most important doctrine. (Talking about my parents' immediate family)
Thats sounds like my family!

We also have some problems from time to time with extended family, like cousins, regarding charismania and legalism.

The Berean

Well-known member
When I became an open theist and Mid-Acts Dispie we had some arguments, but actually I converted them for the most part. :) We all have been grace believers all along though, which I consider the most important doctrine. (Talking about my parents' immediate family)

You believe in grace yet you won't hug Shalom or GuySmiley? :chuckle:


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Yes. I have several extended family members that are charismatic - meaning pentecostal leaning - we are much more fundamental and conservative christianity believing.


New member
It didn't used to but my dad has turned religious and it has kind of splintered us. Not really with anyone else though. Most of my family is non-believers or pagans, and my girlfriend and I are both atheists so there are no conflicts outside of my dad.


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My son converted to Catholic when he married. He said once, Episcopalians are watered down liberal Catholics, which I responded, it is for faith in Christ that is important. He teaches, or used to, and we never have had any other argument in this.

My younger daughter had said she was moved by the Spirit and had joined a fundamentalist church. She was of this mind for several years; now, she seems to talk less about it, We never did have a strong disagreement. Her children were made to attend church until her daughter refused. The boys are hard to define, and seem more interested in video games and girls.

My youngest son does not believe in anything that is not provable, yet he does believe in love? He believes in many things not provable, but not any religion, or belief in a higher power, yet we never discuss it.

My older daughter has the closest church leaning to me, yet she does not quite understand the meaning of salvation. Yet, her children seem the least religious, especially her oldest.

My oldest granddaughter is a confirmed atheist; she is a good person who does not belabour the issue. She admires her uncle, my youngest son, who believe the true measure of ones life is wealth. She is married and plans to attend law school, with having children, while her husband is a company man, I wonder who will raise them, maybe a Christian nanny? She did tell me she plans on not raising her children with any religion. Her brother is irreligious; he thinks all religion is a way to explain what is unexplainable. Her younger brother is what some might call a Christian moderate? Whatever this is?

My grandson is much like his father, my oldest son, as is my granddaughter; they are all believers and Catholics.

My granddaughter from my younger daughter was a fundamentalist, like her mother, however, she now thinks little about religion, yet she claims to believe as much as ever. She is now a nurse; she claims to serve God by doing good works for people. She is a good kid and seems to want to, someday, be a nurse practitioner.

It seems my children are all Christians, except one. My grandchildren are less religious, yet they are coming into young adulthood and may change?


TOL Subscriber
Sometimes I get so discouraged about persons' bizarre views of what it means to be Christian and in Christ, I just want to cry and give up . . .



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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 7th, 2013 06:00 AM

toldailytopic: Does religion cause division in your family or your extended family?

Yes, absolutely, religion has caused a great division in my immediate family, and the extended family as well. While I was a freshman @ university, my mom & sister became Jehovah Witnesses. They weren't religious before, my mother had a bad experience with religion in her younger years, but I think both believed there is a God. Tough way to come home for the holidays as a teenager, no Christmas. My pops eventually divorced her, not because he's religious, (although he maintains his side of the family is Protestant), but because of J.W. interference brought into the family.

Since I'm outside of their "truth", there is no discussion anymore about biblical truths that originate outside of their magazines or study books. I suspect that's why their "elders" are the ones at my door a couple of times a month. I've seen my mom and sister combined on one hand over the last year. :mmph:


TOL Subscriber
Yes, religion absolutely has caused a great division in my immediate family, and the extended family as well. While I was a freshman @ university, my mom & sister became Jehovah Witnesses. They weren't religious before, my mother had a bad experience with religion in her younger years, but I think both believed there is a God. Tough way to come home for the holidays as a teenager, no Christmas. My pops eventually divorced her, not because he's religious, (although he maintains his side of the family is Protestant), but because of J.W. interference brought into the family.

Since I'm outside of their "truth", there is no discussion anymore about biblical truths that originate outside of their magazines or study books. I suspect that's why their "elders" are the ones at my door a couple of times a month. I've seen my mom and sister combined on one hand over the last year. :mmph:

This is example of the worst, dear friend.

My heart breaks for you . . . and yet, I rejoice and wonder at the grace God has shown you, to bring you out of such darkness!

Amazing grace!



New member
This is example of the worst, dear friend.

My heart breaks for you . . . and yet, I rejoice and wonder at the grace God has shown you, to bring you out of such darkness!

Amazing grace!

I believe that point in my life impacted my whole being, up until a decade or so ago. I praise God that, in His due time, He used it to drive me into Scripture.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, absolutely, religion has caused a great division........... my mom & sister became Jehovah Witnesses.....

Since I'm outside of their "truth", there is no discussion ..... :mmph:
Yet you are better off, as JWs are lost to salvation, as they think one thing, while they spit in God's face :mmph:


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 7th, 2013 06:00 AM

toldailytopic: Does religion cause division in your family or your extended family?

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Yeshua said it would in terms of belief in Him. (Matthew 10:34-36) - "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household."

Within the Body there is to be peace but there is to be flavor for lack of a better word. There is to be discussion, and discipline and rebuke but there is not to be dissension. When things get to the dissension stage where strife and discord reign and people are wounding each other, the only one who is being served is HaSatan.


New member
No, we're all atheists.

Is all of your family really atheist? The atheists in our families are really quiet about it. My husband has never even told his parents and he's 34 years old. He's just now being more open with friends.