toldailytopic: Does Israel have the right to blockade the Gaza Strip?

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Well now

Well now

Yes, Israel was in the right, that's why they've released three doctored up recordings of the same conversation that are different.:plain:

You don't care for truth or what really happened, you have your beliefs and that's that. Stop offering phony silly post trying to justify injustice.

And for the love of God, please stop talking about international law, which you know nothing about. You are no lawyer. You are a bible thumper, stick to your specialty called fundamentalism.

Might you be labeled "Koran Thumper"? bybee


I'm surprised more here haven't just gotten all nationalistic:

They killed an American citizen. They shot the kid four times. What do you think would happen to any other country if they dared to cross that line?

The fundamentalist do not care Granite. Israel could kill a building full of Americans and the fundamentalist will find a way to justify it and say those Americans were brainwashed and trying to help violent Muslims.


Might you be labeled "Koran Thumper"? bybee

I guess I would if I held fundamentalist views, but I don't. There is a time when you put down your book and think with a rational mind about what took place, not just support something just because. Bible thumper wasn't aimed at you bybee. A bible thumper would be a person with a fundamentalist mindset suh as Godrulz, because no matter what happens, then they'll find a way to justify it and they'll quote scripture. Wrong is wrong, no matter what your scripture or dogmatic beliefs are.


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what many of us see is a tiny country surrounded by a billion Muslims who want to destroy it
you will have to cut us some slack


New member


I guess I would if I held fundamentalist views, but I don't. There is a time when you put down your book and think with a rational mind about what took place, not just support something just because. Bible thumper wasn't aimed at you bybee. A bible thumper would be a person with a fundamentalist mindset suh as Godrulz, because no matter what happens, then they'll find a way to justify it and they'll quote scripture. Wrong is wrong, no matter what your scripture or dogmatic beliefs are.

Agreed! I do hold a mirror up to my face as a check, not only to see if I am still alive, but for dogmatism. I hate dogmatism! Also, to check for distemper , signs of which I often display! peace (most of the time) bybee


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Agreed! I do hold a mirror up to my face as a check, not only to see if I am still alive, but for dogmatism. I hate dogmatism! Also, to check for distemper , signs of which I often display! peace (most of the time) bybee

what about dog owners?


what many of us see is a tiny country surrounded by a billion Muslims who want to destroy it
you will have to cut us some slack

Slack is something offered to people who actually make the effort but made mistakes, not people who are close-minded and refuse to take the time to see who is right and who is wrong. Of course the religious zealot western media isn't going to broadcast 24/7 how Israel doctored up 3 different recording of the same conversation. It's obvious they felt they had a reason to doctor even one tape, because they were WRONG

What many of you see is religious dogma and western media trying to convince you that every conflict that happens in Israel is the result of angry Muslims.

Did you even bother to watch any of the videos of the Palestinian Christians also telling how they are oppressed just the same as the Muslims, by Israel. Israel has a free pass to do whatever they'd like because they will have the support of indoctrinated Christians from the west, who only sit and quote scripture and talk crazy online, while people are starving and dying.

This lady tells you plain and simple her struggles as a Palestinian Christian, and the myth that it's a Muslim Palestinian terrorist vs Israel thing.

Muslim countries are angry because Israel was wrongly put set back up, and it was an injustice. Not only that but they continue to commit injustices, by land stealing, home demolishing, and occupation OF THE PALESTINIANS.

The video is placed online by a Christian organization called Sabbel "The Way". They are Christian Palestinians and they are telling you they are oppressed by Israel too.

Is their Palestinian Christan blood not the same as the western Christian blood? Is the Slogan for the west, "God bless us and no one else"?

Sabeel Purpose Statement

Sabeel is an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians. Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, this liberation theology seeks to deepen the faith of Palestinian Christians, to promote unity among them toward social action. Sabeel strives to develop a spirituality based on love, justice, peace, nonviolence, liberation and reconciliation for the different national and faith communities. The word "Sabeel" is Arabic for ‘the way‘ and also a ‘channel‘ or ‘spring‘ of life-giving water.

Sabeel also works to promote a more accurate international awareness regarding the identity, presence and witness of Palestinian Christians as well as their contemporary concerns. It encourages individuals and groups from around the world to work for a just, comprehensive and enduring peace informed by truth and empowered by prayer and action.

Palestinian Liberation Theology

Palestinian Liberation Theology is an ecumenical grassroots movement, rooted in Christian Biblical interpretation and nourished by the hopes, dreams and struggles of the Palestinian people. Originating in the land where Christ lived, this theology seeks to provide a holistic vision of God‘s redeeming activity in the midst of the current reality. In a situation where justice has been long neglected, Palestinian Liberation Theology opens new horizons of understanding for the pursuit of a just peace and for the reconciliation proclaimed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


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I don't watch videos
I do read history books
the last time Muslims were not fighting was in the sixth century


I don't watch videos
I do read history books
the last time Muslims were not fighting was in the sixth century

And in one quote you explain your stupidity. You ask for slack and you are choosing to be willfully ignorant. :plain:

So you read history books which have nothing to do with the Palestinian struggle or the currents events and their causes, and refuse to watch you fellow Christians in Palestine tell you about their struggles and that it is for the simple fact that they are Palestinians, and numerous Israelis professors and ex-military confirm the same thing.

And your only mindset is to say, well..............those Muslims have not been peaceful since the 16th century, they probably are making trouble.

You are disgusting. Keep reading history books, I'm sure their is a half mangled Palestinian child right now saying, man I'm sure glad he is reading those history books trying to help us out. :plain:

Take your head out of the stupid tank, and forget about Muslim, Christian, Jew, and think about the fact that PEOPLE ARE DYING.

Humanity is lost when humans forget that we are humans before we are members of a religion.


you can't rewrite history with a couple of videos

It's not about re-writing history, it's about what is currently going on. You can't change history, as you should very well know with the dirty past of your own religious church affiliation. Out of everyone, I least expect to have violence and history brought up by a Catholic. You really should not speak of it with the dirt on the back of all those popes robes.
History has nothing to do with the now, or else Catholics would still be torturing everyone.

There are plenty of Catholic relief organizations who also help the Palestinians and try to spread the word, because unlike you, they are USING THEIR BRAINS.

Please stop being foolish.


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It's not about re-writing history, it's about what is currently going on. You can't change history, as you should very well know with the dirty past of your own religious church affiliation. Out of everyone, I least expect to have violence and history brought up by a Catholic. You really should not speak of it with the dirt on the back of all those popes robes.

History has nothing to do with the now, or else Catholics would still be torturing everyone.

Please stop being foolish.

when are you going to stop?


when are you going to stop?

You sir, are an ignoramus. You admit to being dumb to the current events, but persist to argue for something you know nothing about and then just say, "well I've read history books"

Yes, because the past tells me how Catholics, Whites, and Germans treat people currently.:rolleyes:

Some people are too ignorant to carry on a conversation with, and you'd be one. You should change your slogan from"the truth will make you happy," to "being ignorant makes me happy"

My last post to you.

One Eyed Jack

New member
As far as Palestinian Christians go, if I lived in a nation run by fanatical maniacs bent on making trouble with their most powerful neighbor, I'd leave. It's that simple. Why can't they settle in one of the Israeli Arab communities? Then they could stay in their homeland and be happy. Failing that, they could at least try to establish some Christian communities as far away as possible from the border and all the fighting.


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I guess I would if I held fundamentalist views, but I don't. There is a time when you put down your book and think with a rational mind about what took place, not just support something just because. Bible thumper wasn't aimed at you bybee. A bible thumper would be a person with a fundamentalist mindset suh as Godrulz, because no matter what happens, then they'll find a way to justify it and they'll quote scripture. Wrong is wrong, no matter what your scripture or dogmatic beliefs are.

This is a blatantly false accusation. The big picture is that Israel shows restraint and is reasonable. This does not mean every thing they do is right or defensible. They are not the ones sending out suicide killers around the world (that would have its roots in Islam; Muslims have been too silent in dealing with the radicals in their midst). The big picture is that Iran, North Korea, etc. is a real threat/problem. Israel contributes positively to the world and region, while Arabs blame Jews for their self-inflicted problems and desire to destroy Israel (Israel embraces Arabs who thrive in her borders, while Arabs fight and kill each other and Jews). 9-11 was not a Jewish-American issue, but a Muslim one.

If and when Israel is wrong on any given issue, I will condemn them on that issue, but not on their overall positive track record as a democracy.

We sympathize with the plight of Palestinians and especially Palestinian Christians. Hamas, Iran, etc. is bent on destroying Israel. Arabs/Muslims have the land and resources to take care of Palestinians, but they are more interested in wiping out Jews and taking their land (regardless of the historical issues). If Israel can send so much relief to them and give land for peace deals, it is time for Palestine to quit lobbing rockets at civilians in Israel (something Israel does not do except in self-defense). When they live up to their end of reasonableness, things would go much better. Israel could live peacefully with them, but they will not be happy and make this possible until Israel is destroyed.

In light of Scripture, you are defending the wrong cause and God will supernaturally preserve Israel (e.g. 1967 war involved supernatural intervention from God against Israel's enemies).


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Not unlike Hamas and yourself, not reading or understanding the Maritime Laws, under which Israel is well within her rights to enforce a perfectly legal blockade of Gaza. :duh:

It would be sheer folly, in light of the activist/military ships in the past (under the guise of aid), to let all ships in without reservation. Just because Iran is homicidal is not a reason for Israel to become suicidal. Our Muslim friend is defending the indefensible and believing a lie.
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