toldailytopic: Do you think TOL bans members too frequently, or not frequently enough


I have been quoting and using Jesus' wisdom in all my comments.
No. Wisdom comes from the word of God (2 Tim. 3:15–17). :poly: Why do you speak with make-believers (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Mt 7:15) who want you silenced? :Commie: Speak with believers (2 Sa 7:20; 2 Ti 2:19 ). :king:
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"Does Jesus say it is ok to slander anyone who is serving Him?"
You may think you are serving him but you are deceived (Ga 5:9, Jn 1:1).
"Yet you main-streamers say you are saved without obeying Jesus."
We obey his law (Deut 11:27; Isa 42:24). How could we know grace if we were not made aware of our sin and need for a Savior? Ro 6:1. You are speaking with make-believers who do not have your best interests in mind (Eph 2:2; Tit 1:16; 3:3). :reals:
"You guys are so strange."
1 Chron 29:15, Ro 12:2 :alien:


I didn't want you banned or ask for it. In fact, if you read my request that went along with reporting your spamming the thread I specifically noted that I wasn't after that, only the ability to return the thread to functionality so that others could participate in the spirit of the thing...

Fair enough. :thumb: I didn't read it, but I appreciate that. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Fair enough. :thumb: I didn't read it, but I appreciate that. :eek:
The only people I ever really actively want banned are the routine blasphemers or people who trade in profanity. And habitual offenders in need of boundaries, as an object lesson. Mostly I think a place like this thrives on differences of opinion, via what I hope is more often than not good natured or at least civil rough and tumble demonstrating a grasp of subject, reasoned opinion and, when we're lucky, a measure of wit. Knight and company do a pretty good job of keeping the balance on that front.


New member
The only people I ever really actively want banned are the routine blasphemers or people who trade in profanity. And habitual offenders in need of boundaries, as an object lesson. Mostly I think a place like this thrives on differences of opinion, via what I hope is more often than not good natured or at least civil rough and tumble demonstrating a grasp of subject, reasoned opinion and, hopefully, a measure of wit. Knight and company do a pretty good job of keeping the balance on that front.

Well said, agreed!


No. Wisdom comes from the word of God (2 Tim. 3:15–17). :poly: Why do you speak with make-believers (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Mt 7:15) who want you silenced? :Commie: Speak with believers (2 Sa 7:20; 2 Ti 2:19 ). :king:

Make believe? Jesus' commandments are make believe?


"The only people I ever really actively want banned are the routine blasphemers or people who trade in profanity..."
I know this type of person well. Those secret service men who were caught in that scandal--let's just say--I've spent a lot of time around their type. I bet you're happier around lawyer-types with shiny shoes. :think:

But yes, TOL should be family-friendly.

"...Mostly I think a place like this thrives on differences of opinion, via what I hope is more often than not good natured or at least civil rough and tumble demonstrating a grasp of subject, reasoned opinion and, hopefully, a measure of wit. Knight and company do a pretty good job of keeping the balance on that front."

They do. Hopefully Knight is the only one who can ban. Is that the case? :banned: It should be.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know this type of person well. Those secret service men who were caught in that scandal--let's just say--I've spent a lot of time around their type. I bet you're happier around lawyer-types with shiny shoes. :think:
My best friend is a former lifer Marine MSG. I have a number of friends in my profession, but I can't say I prefer their company. I enjoy diversity in my associations, though intelligence and humor are necessities where my inner circle is concerned. You will tend to find both among the better educated and traveled, but it's not limited to that number.

They do. Hopefully Knight is the only one who can ban. :banned: Is that the case? It should be.
I don't think Knight requires his mods to check with him on that, but I don't know. I've never asked.


Make believe? Jesus' commandments are make believe?

No, no. Make-believers. If you are speaking with people who claim we do not need to obey God's word, they aren't the real deal (Ps 119:97).

"If you have a talking faith that is not a walking faith, you have a mocking faith." ~ Jim Andrews


"My best friend is a former lifer Marine MSG. I have a number of friends in my profession, but I can't say I prefer their company."
I've spent a couple of decades in the company of military types, too.

"I don't think Knight requires his mods to check with him on that, but I don't know. I've never asked."
I wish he would. :jazz: TOL might be the last place a person checks in on before he's hit by a Mack Truck. I don't want Christians in particular to be banned. :banned:
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"I would say it is good for the most part. If anything I sometimes think the non-Christians are banned too quickly."
You would say that (Eph 4:14). :rolleyes:

"There are a couple posters, like SD and TSF, that I would like to see banned but I'm not sure they actually break enough rules to warrant it."
I'm up to two warnings in two days (1, 2).

The moderators cozy up to God-haters (Hos 3:1, Ps 26:5).
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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Or that. I did not know you could collect infractions.

I don't know if it's on everyone's screen or not. But, I can see when people have "stacked" or "collected" infractions. Meshak, for example, has a few infractions. I won't go into great detail because I don't know if this is something that just moderators see or if everyone can see it. I see it on the left side of each post if a person has any infractions right under their location (if they have put it on their profile).

Although I don't have any infractions, I will use myself as an example:

Proverbs 31:10
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If I had any infractions, it would show up under join date and say something similar to Infractions: 1/2 (1).


[Meshak] "It doesn't save you from repercussions from being a forum pest and breaking the rules."
Do you think it's right to ban a member for being a pest? :banned: I believe Joey got a lifetime ban for this--and he's a Christian! 1 Pe 3:8. I could see a day or a week--but forever. :dizzy: What did he do? Prove that sock puppet accounts are undetectable because you can keep changing your IP address? Did he ask too many questions?

I don't defend Meshak's theology (2 Pe 2:1) by the way.


Or that. I did not know you could collect infractions.

Although I don't have any infractions, I will use myself as an example:

Proverbs 31:10
Posts: 10,669
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Location: southeastern Indiana
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If I had any infractions, it would show up under join date and say something similar to Infractions: 1/2 (1).

Take a look at my record Flipster:

Infractions: 2/1 (1)
Rep Power: 24715
Right Winger
Telling That Which is Profitable (Acts 20:20).
Blog Entries: 1

Yesterday and today I got warnings. I didn't get the more serious infraction which would be included in the total 2/1 (1). The infractions expire eventually.

Observations Great and...
Reason: Unnecessarily disruptive May 5th, 2012 07:59 PM by Knight 1 / November 1st, 2012 07:59 PM
Observations Great and...
Reason: Unnecessarily disruptive May 4th, 2012 11:08 AM by Knight 0 / October 31st, 2012 11:08 AM
Interview a Member Thread
Reason: Thread hijacking January 19th, 2012 11:15 PM by ebenz47037 0 / July 18th, 2012 12:15 AM
Two Missing Legs: Did...
Reason: Duplicating content from the AIG website July 24th, 2010 01:58 PM by Knight 5 / Expired
Creation Is Religion Pt V
Reason: Posting previous essays/writings July 18th, 2010 02:51 PM by Knight 2 / Expired
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Too many reported posts for frivolous minor spats. The real rule violators should be paddled in my opinion; shot of that, a little vacation has to do.

If I report someone, I am thinking they need a good whacking! Being banned is not funny and those who make it a habit, it seems to me, they are not serious about their participation, which is when I think longer banns are best.

My answer to the question, is I think short bans are good; we see how much the person banned takes the punishment serious, or if they come back complaining, they are being pests.

I think it should be up to you, Knight, as to how many pests are allowed and what degree of pest behaviour should be tolerated.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I don't know if it's on everyone's screen or not. But, I can see when people have "stacked" or "collected" infractions. Meshak, for example, has a few infractions. I won't go into great detail because I don't know if this is something that just moderators see or if everyone can see it. I see it on the left side of each post if a person has any infractions right under their location (if they have put it on their profile).

Although I don't have any infractions, I will use myself as an example:

Proverbs 31:10
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Location: southeastern Indiana
Rep power: 183725
Right wing zealot
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Blog entries: 6

If I had any infractions, it would show up under join date and say something similar to Infractions: 1/2 (1).
I don't see it, so it must just be for staff to see.


once banned always banned does not apply here
Except for Joey.

Perhaps it's the black robe complex that judges get. (I don't mean any one moderator. I don't know who banned him. :banned: I'm speaking in general.) When otherwise normal men put the black robe of a judge on, people around them say that they become full of themselves. Pride should be kept in check (Pr 21:4).
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