This is nothing but a blatant attempt to deny women reproductive freedom
Sort of circular, since you'd have to define that freedom by the right to have an abortion.
make abortion illegal , and turn women into baby-making machines
Really? So there aren't any condoms or pills where you come from...Interesting. And by interesting I mean, of course, nonsense.
whether or not they have the means to support a child or not , or whether a pregnancy would threaten their health or lives .
No one is forced to care for a child if they can't. As to the latter point, it is both the rare exception and worth discussing (legally, in terms of self defense) as a part of the larger issue, but should not wag the dog.
To define personhood from conception is stupid.
To make unsubstantiated claims as though they were self evident is absurd. Where, along the chain of your being, from your present self to the embryonic, can you objectively establish the ending of right? It would be some trick if you could manage it.
And there is absolutely no way to enforce a personhood law anyway. Those who think this will be good for America are pathetically deluded.
Colorful insult, but precious little reason so far.
Passing dangerous , unjust , unenforcable and counterproductive laws like this is WRONG .
Shouting out conclusions without making the case for them is POINTLESS.

It's a recipe for catastrophe for poor women and their families in America .
A potential (and non mandatory) hardship (caring for the child after birth) is a catastrophe, but taking life is a right?
If we are going to do something about the abortion problem we must do much more to support poor pregnant women financially so that they will be far less likely to seek and obtain abortions,
Are you under the impression that most abortions or even a significant number of them are about money? :nono:
And we must encourage all sexually active people , married or single , to use contraceptives and condoms to prevent as many unwanted pregnancies as possible .
Finally something reasonable. We can agree on that point at any rate.
Just look at poor countries around the world where abortion is illegal. Abortion is rampant there , and far more take place every year than in countries which allow reproductive choice .
So, assuming you can cite studies that back this, the assumption is that somehow the law against abortions would drive people to have them? :squint:
This foolish and dangerous personhood movement must be stopped at all costs .
Rather, foolish and dangerously underthought positions which imperil the lives of millions of unborn children must be fought at every turn.
Oh, and if you haven't guessed by now, I support the movement's efforts. :e4e: