I'm not sure how this system would put more money into the poor and underfed? The reason pro athletes can make huge salaries are because:
1) Cable TV contracts
2) Local TV contracts
3) Ticket sales
4) Sports paraphernalia (jerseys, shirts, hats, mugs posters, video games, etc).
5) Product Endorsements
If you were to artificially limit an athlete's salary all that would do is lower the amount of money that cable TV networks would need to pay for TV contracts, lower the amount of money fans would need to pay for tickets and sports paraphernalia, and lower the amount of money that a company would have to pay an athelte to endorse their product. So if ESPN had to pay $10 million instead of $100 million for NFL broadcast rights that extra $90 million saved wouldn't go to the poor and underfed. See what I'm getting at? :idunno: