This link you provided,,
Was this to give some credence to the accusations of abuse?
It was an article written by "Sophronia Scott Gregory", after looking for information on her, hoping to find some credentials that would lead me to give some weight to her findings, all I could find is that she is a writer, provides book coaching and writers workshops?
The article was written in 1993. :idunno: Do you doubt what she describes? It's certainly more substantive than anything you've offered to demonstrate any liability for any specific federal agents.
Are we going to develop prosecution based on a person that earns her living by writing? Or would it be better to find a child psychologist or a criminal psychologist for this or at least some form of hard evidence (kind of hard to do after every one is dead and most site evidence went up in flames) that would stand up to a congressional investigation? Not to forget that the accused is normally provided with an opportunity to defend him/herself....another difficult thing when almost all the accused are dead, at least the prime suspects.
Well, yes, I would agree. But then, I don't really have subpoena power either, so my resources are limited.
That is one of the things I noticed reviewing the tapes of the congressional investigation, many of the Congressmen on the panel were getting some what angry with so much evidence that was word of mouth/hearsay and not very much that a court would actually call hard evidence.
Sometimes there just isn't much to go on. But I'm fairly satisfied to draw some conclusions based on the obvious motivations of the two sides. I'm still waiting for you to show me anything, even just one thing, that justifies comparing the government's actions at Waco to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building and finding the government more reprehensible.