toldailytopic: Benghazi? The IRS Scandal? AP Phonegate? What is potentially the most


:chuckle: You hit the nail right on the head. The whole administration is a scandal.


The Barbarian

Don't you think in all the desperate scrambling for an Obama scandal the right wing media is making the administration scandal proof.

I am not even in the states and i'm sick of hearing about 'scandals'?

I think something real and substantial could get by in all this chaff, I also include the birther stuff in this.

The boy who cried wolf is a relevant tale of caution.

It depends. Benghazi seems to be just something tossed in by the republicans now; people seem to be yawning at the feigned outrage.

On the other hand, if you can show that it wasn't just a Bush appointee doing the IRS vetting, and that the WH was involved, that one would be seriously damaging.

Rummaging through telephone conversations has already been done; how much damage did it do to Bush when that was revealed? Not much. And those were over private citizens, not reporters. I'm guessing that is less serious than the IRS affair.

It's kind of fun to see all the Bush apologists putting on a show of outrage over the policies they supported and voted for, though.

It's not as though people didn't tell them that it would happen in a democrat administration as easily as it did in a republican one.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 15th, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: Benghazi? The IRS Scandal? AP Phonegate? What is potentially the most damaging scandal to the Obama Administration?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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AP...Which I find ironic because it's going to be damaging not because of what but because of who.

That having been said; I think Benghazi is going to hang around Hillarys neck like an albatross; ruining her chances in 2016. The IRS thing is just a burp.

So it has been written....So it shall be done. :plain:

I concur, bosses, your faithful Consigliere, always willing to advise. ;)

The Barbarian

I'm guessing the republicans are now feverishly trying to find a way to blame Clinton for the congressional reduction in embassy security.

Or at least find a way to deflect blame from themselves.

Should be interesting.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I'm guessing the republicans are now feverishly trying to find a way to blame Clinton for the congressional reduction in embassy security.

Or at least find a way to deflect blame from themselves.

Should be interesting.


The Barbarian

The top Democrat on the House Oversight panel on Wednesday called for Republicans to join him in restoring funds after deep cuts to embassy security by the GOP-led House over the past two years.

Read more:

Republicans are already quietly moving to get some cover for themselves:
The legislation would provide about $2 billion more than the current level to increase security at US embassies and diplomatic missions worldwide. Last September, a terrorist attack on the US diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

The backup plan is to find a way to blame Hillary Clinton.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's hard to not say the Benghazi situation because of people dying but I'm not convinced there was any real foul play.

The IRS thing is bad but no groups were actually denied the tax-exempt status. Also, I don't consider the tax-exempt status of these groups to be as big of an issue as embassy security and freedom of the press.

So I'd probably say the AP thing. I also think that TomO has a good point that part of why it might hurt the Obama administration more is that the press was the target.


New member
It's hard to not say the Benghazi situation because of people dying but I'm not convinced there was any real foul play.

The IRS thing is bad but no groups were actually denied the tax-exempt status. Also, I don't consider the tax-exempt status of these groups to be as big of an issue as embassy security and freedom of the press.

So I'd probably say the AP thing. I also think that TomO has a good point that part of why it might hurt the Obama administration more is that the press was the target.

The AP story, I have heard that the phone taps were justified because there was a leak, that threatened national security, so I'm thinking this one is going nowhere. But it might result in the press being a little less biased in the news coverage.


Well-known member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 15th, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: Benghazi? The IRS Scandal? AP Phonegate? What is potentially the most damaging scandal to the Obama Administration?

Benghazi should be, but everybody already hates the IRS. :think:

Still, the AP scandal may finally get the press off their duffs, so I'm thinking that one will have the greatest effect.

And, it's about time for the whole house to come toppling down on this sham of an administration. :ha::ha::ha:


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 15th, 2013 05:00 AM

toldailytopic: Benghazi? The IRS Scandal? AP Phonegate? What is potentially the most damaging scandal to the Obama Administration?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

Taken all together the damaging effect is larger than the sum of their parts. It betrays the lack of leadership in this administration.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
It's hard to not say the Benghazi situation because of people dying but I'm not convinced there was any real foul play.
A Commander-in-Chief abandoning his troops in the field. Nope. No foul play there.
The IRS thing is bad but no groups were actually denied the tax-exempt status.
Really? Well, I suppose the questionable gathering of political intelligence and then distributing it to opposition organizations by the IRS is ok?
Also, I don't consider the tax-exempt status of these groups to be as big of an issue as embassy security and freedom of the press.
Is the idea to take all the scandals, put them into a hat, and then pick one?
So I'd probably say the AP thing. I also think that TomO has a good point that part of why it might hurt the Obama administration more is that the press was the target.
Targeting the political enemy is fine with the press. Targeting one's supposed political friends in the press, isn't.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's hard to not say the Benghazi situation because of people dying but I'm not convinced there was any real foul play.

The IRS thing is bad but no groups were actually denied the tax-exempt status. Also, I don't consider the tax-exempt status of these groups to be as big of an issue as embassy security and freedom of the press.

So I'd probably say the AP thing. I also think that TomO has a good point that part of why it might hurt the Obama administration more is that the press was the target.

Obama's lost a lot of his luster with the left and the press is increasingly fed up with his holier-than-thou shtick--and the press is also sick of hearing how they've handled the administration with kid gloves. So I agree the AP flap probably bodes worst for POTUS simply because you can fire as many IRS bureaucrats as you want, and release all the emails you like, but one thing you don't want to deal with is a town full of infuriated journalists.