toldailytopic: Benghazi? The IRS Scandal? AP Phonegate? What is potentially the most


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toldailytopic: Benghazi? The IRS Scandal? AP Phonegate? What is potentially the most damaging scandal to the Obama Administration?
None of them are, because they are each just another tempest in a teapot brought to us by the republican party's endless need to smear the Obama administration by any means possible, and the news media's endless need to turn every political story into a 'cage match'.

The majority of the American people know this is just more partisan BS. Those who believe it matters already hate Obama (like yourself), and no one else really cares. Obama can't be hurt any worse in your eyes, and he isn't being hurt at all by this in anyone else's. So it's all just a big stink over nothing.

The only thing about all this that worries me is what else the politicians are getting up to while they're keeping everyone distracted with this nonsense.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
None of them are, because they are each just another tempest in a teapot brought to us by the republican party's endless need to smear the Obama administration by any means possible, and the news media's endless need to turn every political story into a 'cage match'.

The majority of the American people know this is just more partisan BS. Those who believe it matters already hate Obama (like yourself), and no one else really cares. Obama can't be hurt any worse in your eyes, and he isn't being hurt at all by this in anyone else's. So it's all just a big stink over nothing.

The only thing about all this that worries me is what else the politicians are getting up to while they're keeping everyone distracted with this nonsense.
Do you work for the current administration in some capacity? Press Office, perhaps?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I work for the real world, which is rarely noticed here on TOL. :chuckle:

Yeah...Funny thing about the "real world"...What that consists of kinda depends on where you are standing. :plain:


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Hall of Fame
A Commander-in-Chief abandoning his troops in the field. Nope. No foul play there.
If that's what happened.

Really? Well, I suppose the questionable gathering of political intelligence and then distributing it to opposition organizations by the IRS is ok?

Is the idea to take all the scandals, put them into a hat, and then pick one?
:idunno: Ask Knight. He started this thread. I was just answering his question.

Targeting the political enemy is fine with the press. Targeting one's supposed political friends in the press, isn't.


New member
Yeah...Funny thing about the "real world"...What that consists of kinda depends on where you are standing. :plain:

Yes, in the real world people are commanded when to pass wind, an who Ever is to close shall not feel their relief :)

The Barbarian

Looks like a badly battered republican party is trying to rally the troops. Whether or not it's a workable plan depends on whether or not they can get the majority in the middle to sign on.

Should be fun to watch though.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The IRS scandal was ordered from the top down. Obama is a liar and a thief. Muslims killing Americans? So what. That was just an impromptu protest that turned violent and got out of hand. Americans started it.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
It depends. Benghazi seems to be just something tossed in by the republicans now; people seem to be yawning at the feigned outrage.

You are one of the biggest liars on TOL. Who do you think you are fooling?
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New member
Hall of Fame
The IRS scandal was ordered from the top down. Obama is a liar and a thief. Muslims killing Americans? So what. That was just an impromptu protest that turned violent and got out of hand. Americans started it.

If there was any proof of that we'd have a heck of story. So far that doesn't appear to be the case.


New member
If there was any proof of that we'd have a heck of story. So far that doesn't appear to be the case.

You'd have to cite sources to defend one position against another.
1.So far we know that it was either an Embassy,or a Consulate, the revised talking points.
2.The President, Hillary, Rice, attributed the spontaneous attack on a video - public knowledge went on for 2-3 weeks.
3. There was real time video that showed the attack.
4. There were calls from the the Ambassador that the Embassy/Consulate was under attack.
5. There were orders to stand down.
6. There was an evacuation of personal, who to-date we the public have not heard their testimony.
7. Four Americans are dead.

There is again an underlying story as to the real cause of the attacks on the Embassy/Consulate - guns were being run, by the CIA. Gun Running sound too bizarre, shall we revisit this Administration's actions in Fast and Furious? The Gun Running at Benghazi was to help rebels in Syria, but the Muslim Brotherhood wanted the weapons hence an attack.
Investigations take time, getting people to testify, especially with the consequences takes time, this is the beginning of the investigation it may take years to build a case.


Well-known member
Looks like a badly battered republican party is trying to rally the troops. Whether or not it's a workable plan depends on whether or not they can get the majority in the middle to sign on.

Should be fun to watch though.
The only "troops" they will rally this way are the nut jobs and the haters who have no where else to go, anyway. So I don't see there being much of a payoff in all this phony indignation. I think they're just acting out of habit because they don't know what else to do. Attack and smear, attack and smear, attack and smear; it's all they know, anymore.

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
The only "troops" they will rally this way are the nut jobs and the haters who have no where else to go, anyway. So I don't see there being much of a payoff in all this phony indignation. I think they're just acting out of habit because they don't know what else to do. Attack and smear, attack and smear, attack and smear; it's all they know, anymore.
I know! Let's trivialize the situation to such an extent that it will make our political opponents look like they're doing what we're doing.

I believe that is the sum of your musings on the issue.

The Barbarian

Originally Posted by The Barbarian View Post
Looks like a badly battered republican party is trying to rally the troops. Whether or not it's a workable plan depends on whether or not they can get the majority in the middle to sign on.

Should be fun to watch though.

You are one of the biggest liars on TOL. Who do you think you are fooling?

Nick, you're a joke. Even people who share your beliefs laugh at you. If you'd show a hint of rationality, you'd be far more believable. For some reason, you can't do it. Whether it's stupidity or dishonesty on your part is hard to tell.


New member
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If there was any proof of that we'd have a heck of story. So far that doesn't appear to be the case.

Maybe not ordered from top down, but based on the inspector general's hearing yesterday there were some people that knew about the problem and didn't release the information. The reason possibly being that it was during an election season. This IRS thing seems to be moving from bad to worse.

The Barbarian

Maybe not ordered from top down, but based on the inspector general's hearing yesterday there were some people that knew about the problem and didn't release the information. The reason possibly being that it was during an election season. This IRS thing seems to be moving from bad to worse.

As the evidence unfolds, it appears that this has been going on for a decade or longer. One of the advantages of a democrat administration, is the republicans are better at a scandal, and democrats are better at fixing it. How many people were aware that the Bush administration had the IRS targeting liberal groups?

On the other hand, it now looks like something is going to be done, which is a good thing, I think.