Continuing to try and get the "truth of the maters" to America.
Continuing to try and get the "truth of the maters" to America.
The knowledge of these things can heal this land, and it's people...
When I write I usually say one or two sentences to the person I am writing to, and then the rest is for who ever NEEDS it so they can "bring forth fruits meet for repentance", BASED upon the Ten Commands given at Sinai. (just to nip the attacks in the bud) All of this is for who NEEDS it...Obama is in office, by Yahuweh, to punish this land! And most probably, the world.
I have found that simply stating the TRUTH causes "the evil ones to flee though no one is chasing them"...or they "turn and rend" the truth. When they rend the truth, all can SEE, but only some will understand. You will hear a lot of violins saying waa waa that guy is out to get me, or waa waa, that guy is a plant, or waa waa, that guy caused damage. But had they simply and effectively accepted the truth then ALL would be United Under YAHUWEH.
Sadly, most (not all) like their ears tickled...maybe that's why the current POTUS has some mighty big ones to be tickled and all his followers can't hear anything BUT what tickles their own ears. Take note of people who would rather have their ears tickled than to stand for righteousness sake or "for His Names sake" and "judge them by their fruit" the fruit that comes out of their mouths...Is it OF YAHUWEH who IS the "ELOHIM of the Bible"? Or is it of a “god” of their own making? “Their own words”? DOES HE HAVE A NAME? Does the “Word” they trust” i.e…their “Bible”, does it come in HIS NAME??? Or somebody else’s name? Or worse, does it come in IT’S “own name”??? And even moreso, by taking out His Name, does not that very Bible violate itself by violating the Commands contained therein???
Or did you forget that even your Bible tells you that YOU must “prove the spirits to see if they are of YAHUWEH”??? Would that not have included the so called “inspiration” of what you have “claimed” is “truth”? Think about this hard, Nations have failed because of this! Nations have been destroyed because of these offenses. “no one will go unpunished” says your Bible! The bringing of HIS Name to nothing is an abominable practice!
So “ask” your Bible WHAT IS HIS NAME? And then ask yourselves…how could a Hebrew have a Greek name? Isn’t there only “one name given among men”??? “Whereby ALL MEN MUST BE SAVED”???
Have you hear of the “Great Falling Away” before the Messiah comes back? WHEN DID THAT BEGIN? That’s right…”before” His return included EVERYTHING that has happened SINCE HE WENT UP!
That is how you can tell the ones who will be standing with HIM and also the ones who will wind up winning this "War on Evil"! They “bring forth fruits meet for repentance” and what they do, they do “for His Names sake”. Your Bibles tell you this.
Here’s one I will do as an example, right here, right now…The “title” “God” has a history. I know that history, and also know that if I continue using it, Scriptures tell me that I may be “setting a table for Gad and Meni”, and that Yahuweh says DON’T. So, I “asked” then I “seek”, and then I “found”. I find that what Hebrews called Him was “Elohim”, which is a plural word. And I find that “God” does NOT reflect that. And I find that “God” DOES go back to “Got” Gott” and“Gad” which were FALSE “Gods”. So therefore, I repent of “putting other mighty ones before” His Face, and I turn from that wicked way, and I will call Him what He wants to be called and nothing else. And that I would research in order to “worship in spirit and in TRUTH” and know that “no lie is of the truth” no matter how seemingly insignificant to me, it is ever so significant to Yahuweh my Elohim, because it is how He wants me to show Him that I care for Him and love Him, as He loved me. May Yahuweh be my help and Teacher. I “know” I have “no need for a teacher” other than HIM. He said so.
He also said that HE would create in us a “clean lip” (your Bibles say “pure language”). Right now you are seeing the ending of the dirty lip coming forward.
So, how you can tell who stands AGAINST HIM, that "ELOHIM of the Bible" whose Name is “Yah”? If they stand against Him, they stand against US who are His People also correct. If ANYONE "turns and rends" SCRIPTURES being "poured out" then THEY ARE THE ENEMY OF ELOHIM. And according to Scriptures should obviously be labeled "anti-MESSIAH” and be “called to repent”, “made taught ones”, so they can “bring forth fruits meet for repentance”, to “turn from their wicked ways” and be “forgiven”. Or they must be "cut off from their people" and not be a part of “His People”. This I see happening all by the Will of Yah as we speak. In this day which is that day, His People are getting mighty lonely on this earth.
The “Sign of His People FOREVER” is the SABBATH on the SEVENTH DAY. We were warned that man “would ATTEMPT to change the times and the seasons”…but note the word “attempt”. This says it could not be done! HIS Sabbath is STILL the “7th day” and the “7th” day is still “Saturday” is it not? Worldwide it is the SAME. It has not been changed, but only attempted to be.
I advocate killing them off with is a "double edged Sword". One has to “die to this world and it’s ways” in order to BE “born again”! "Expose them"! As you can "see", Yahuweh is doing just that for those who love HIM, "they will not be caught unawares". Right now, people all over the world are asking for oil, and there is none for them. The oil can not be given out, because they have been “sent delusion”. There's another thing, look and see who has been "caught unawares"???
Are they repenting? Or are they fighting the repentance? Or do they think, "for what, breathing"? To the latter statement I say "for WHAT??? You have GOT to be kidding? For violating the TEN COMMANDS. Especially the "First Great Command" which should have led ALL to obey the FIRST TABLE of the Ten Commands FIRST, i.e..."line upon line, precept by precept ALL things MUST be in their orders. The "First Table contains 1) YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER MIGHTY ONES BEFORE MY FACE, NOT EVEN UTTER THEIR NAMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTHS". 2) His NAME YAHUWEH... 3) The SABBATH on the SEVENTH DAY...then, and only then, can they even have the opportunity to fulfill or “keep” and “guard” the Second Great Command to “do” the Second table referring to “each other”. In other words, they can not love their neighbors as themselves if they can not love Yah as He has asked them to. It just won’t come to fruition. And that very thing has spread across this whole globe for that very reason.
This "advice" is what I have been trying to get my fellow Americans to "heed", because "I see the Sword COMING" and I have to warn them or their blood is on my hands.
And they hate me for it.
So be it.
“Line upon line" GO TO YAHUWEH and repent, for His NAME is YAHWUWEH and any "titles" "bring His Name to naught".
Then Obey the Sabbath" for the Sabbath is "the sign of HIS PEOPLE FOREVER!".
If they won't do that, then they say, we are not His People!
As for those "names of other mighty ones"...They won't even drink their milk, how can they have any meat? And if they don't eat their meat, they ain't getting any pudding. But from now on, I will no longer use any language that might be offensive to YAHUWEH, and hopefully, people will get a clue, that the words I don’t use anymore, are not a clean lip. And I can prove they are not clean too and that they are indeed the “names of other mighty ones” being put before His Face…SO HE HAS TURNED IT FROM US! “My People perish for lack of knowledge”, so here are some that you should no longer speak…”lord” (means ba ‘el), “god” (means “got, gott, or GAD), Jesus, there was ONE NAME and it IS Aramaic/Hebrew…Yahu’Shua or Yeshua. The letter “J” wasn’t even invented until the 1400’s so who do they think they were fooling? … YOU (and they got me too, but no more!). And as for your “many traditions” they “make the Word of none effect” BECAUSE as is written in Jeremiah chapter Ten, “they are worthless, and a “MOCKERY TO YAHUWEH”! What part of that can you not “see”? Jeremiah was and still is a “prophet to Nations” do you not live in a “nation”? And do you not understand the meaning of even the number ONE????? As Yah said, “NO EXCUSE”! And you folks can even ask what there is to repent of? Truly you worship Him with your lips and your hearts are FAR from Him!
This country has no chance of survival without Yahuweh, and we can't have Him if we do not "do the Father's will"...HIS WILL. HE had it written in the OLD TESTAMENT, and then made that Old Testament into FLESH in His Son Yahu'Shua.
They say they read their Bibles and then still spit out abominations against HIM because they "twisted Paul’s writings to their own destruction" and said "we are not under the Law"...never “understanding” that Paul said that you would “hear Moses preached in the synagogues on the Sabbath”…never “hearing” Paul state plainly that the grafting in they all seem to hold over others, was in to the “commonwealth of Yisrael”.
Well guess what folks...if you can't SEE all that is being thrust back in YOUR OWN FACES then you truly are blinded by the delusion sent by Yahuweh for you iniquities and the fact that "you were not ashamed when you did abominations before My eyes!"
Do you like hearing Yahuweh LAUGH at you? Do you not see Him laughing as you get back double that you gave to Him and His People who DID tell you the truth?
You made His Words to be nothing...How's that working for ya's? Now YOUR words ain't worth nothing!!!!!!! And you are being “condemned by your own words”! Or for them, however you choose to see it.
How does it feel?
Then yes, we all need to repent. And if this causes "damage" then check your own sixes. Because it is intended TO HEAL. Please Americans and “inhabitants of the land” and “inhabitants of the earth” “hear” what Yahuweh says…”taste and see that Yahuweh is GOOD”…
I will leave you with this and all the other things He has caused me to write to you, in the hopes and with prayers, for your eyes and ears to be opened to HIM. …
Lamentations 3:37-59 Who was it that spoke, And it came to be! Has יהוה not commanded it? Do not the evils and the good Come out of the mouth of the Most High? What? Should mankind complain, A living man, because of his sins? Let us search and examine our ways, And turn back to יהוה. Let us lift our hearts and hands To Ěl in the heavens and say: We, we have transgressed and rebelled. You, You have not forgiven. You have wrapped Yourself With displeasure and pursued us. You have slain, You have not shown compassion. You have wrapped Yourself With a cloud, so that prayer does not pass through. You make us as scum and refuse In the midst of the peoples. All our enemies have opened their mouth against us. Fear and a snare have come upon us, Shame and ruin. Streams of water run down my eye For the ruin of the daughter of my people. My eye flows out and does not cease, Without stopping, Until יהוה looks down and sees from the heavens. My eye pains my being Because of all the daughters of my city. My enemies hunted me down Like a bird, without cause. They have cut off my life in the pit, And they threw stones at me. Waters flowed over my head; I said, “I am cut off!” I called on Your Name, O יהוה, from the lowest pit. You have heard my voice, Do not hide Your ear from my groaning, From my outcry! You drew near on the day I called on You; You said, “Do not fear!” O יהוה, You did plead the case for my being; You have redeemed my life. O יהוה, You have seen my oppression; Judge my case.
And I say Praise be to Yahuweh, and to His Son Yahu’Shua, as for me and my house, we serve Elohim Yahuweh of Yisrael, the Rock, and the Redeemer! Alelu Yah…ONLY.
If you had know the meaning in the Son’s REAL Name, you would have known that Yahuweh is THE ROCK. It means, “Yahuweh is salvation”, He said “I and the Father are ONE”, didn’t HE.
I pray the readers of this be blessed by the Elohim of Yisrael with “ears for Him”. Blessing be upon the Seed of Abraham also, and Peace BE to Yerushalayim and to His Set Apart Mountain. Blessings to Yahuweh, and may His will be done on earth, as it IS in Heaven. Amein.